Dreams Related To boyfriend

Boyfriend for a single woman

If you find yourself dreaming about a boyfriend and you are a single woman, then this means you will eventually meet a person who is going to play a very significant role in your life as your partner or long time lover.

Another woman with your boyfriend

To dream of seeing another woman with your current boyfriend means your boyfriend is hiding something from you. Once you discover the secret that he's hiding, it may change the way your relationship is progressing.

Someone you know as your boyfriend

Dreaming about someone you already know as your boyfriend is a sign that you will either experience some communication problems with this person, or there will be room for romantic relationship with this same person.

Boyfriend for a married woman

If you find yourself dreaming about a boyfriend and you are a married woman, then this is a sign of that nagging feeling you've been having of being unsatisfied or discontent with the progress of your current relationship.

Boyfriend cheating on you

To dream of catching your boyfriend cheating on you with a stranger is a sign you will experience dealing with people you know do not like you, which may pave the way for major confrontations or losses on your part.

Talking to your boyfriend

Dreaming of talking to your boyfriend and having a long conversation with him is a good sign that your relationship is developing into something deeper, more meaningful, and lasting, such as a long engagement or marriage.

Stranger as your boyfriend

Dreaming of having a complete stranger as your boyfriend means you will become easily agitated and highly dissatisfied with everything you experience in your life, which will create a lot of conflicts and issues in the relationships with people you know.

My boyfriend cheating on me

Dreaming that your boyfriend is cheating on you with a stranger or someone you do not recognize suggests you would have to work with someone or a group of people who do not like you. Not only would this cause you significant stress leading up to the actual project, but you would likely have to deal with major confrontations or losses during this time. Until it is over, you would be stressed, tense and generally in a bad mood.

My boyfriend leaving me

Jungian sources do not consider this symbol to be prophetic in any way, at least not directly. Rather, the vivid image of your boyfriend leaving you during a dream suggests that you are holding onto some baggage or old habit that could cause issues in the future. Perhaps a past relationship damaged your trust or led you down a bad path. Now you have the presence of mind, and hopefully the support circle, to move past those things and grow.

Ex-girlfriend of your boyfriend

Dreaming about a girl or woman who was once important to your current boyfriend's life can have multiple meanings depending on the circumstances. If you had a friendly interaction with her or felt no ill feelings toward her, it indicates either giving or receiving forgiveness for something horrible that happened a long time ago. If you looked upon this girl in anger or treated her badly in the vision, however, it may indicate that you are still holding past grudges and suffering unnecessarily.

Having fun with your boyfriend

Seeing yourself having fun with your boyfriend in your dreams is a warning that you are too preoccupied with your romantic relationship right now, and this excessive focus on your relationship might cause some misunderstandings or troubles within your family. This means you will soon have to make a sound choice between your family circle and this relationship.

Boyfriend without sex

Dreaming of a boyfriend without sex being a part of the relationship means you are experiencing conflicts or troubles either within the immediate family or within the personal relationship you are currently having.

Boyfriend sleep sofa bed

Seeing your boyfriend sleeping on a sofa or bed means your relationship is going smoothly. You and your boyfriend are likely close enough to share private or intimate information to each other. This also points to comfort and a sense of fulfillment. You probably feel safe and secure whenever you are around him and you have no problem showing your vulnerable side to him. It may have taken a while for your walls to come down, but you feel your current boyfriend is someone who is in it for the long haul.

Several boyfriends

Having several boyfriends and trying to deal with them all at the same time in your dreams is a sign that you will have to devote more of your time and energy on pursuing and maintaining your personal life and lesser time on establishing your career, promoting your business, or studying in school.

Marrying your boyfriend

Marrying your boyfriend means you are becoming more in sync with each other. After spending so much time together, you are probably able to finish each other's sentences. In addition, this reveals your immense love for your boyfriend and your desire to become a better person for him. This growing bond between you may soon end in moving in together or marriage.

Mother approving of a secret boyfriend

I'm a girl. I was at home and my mother grabbed my phone to look through my pictures and she saw a picture of me and my boyfriend (background info - my parents don't know I'm dating). Then she said as if she knew him "Oh, that's a good picture of you and (my boyfriend's name here). Then my mom continued to see pictures of me and my boyfriend saying the same thing.

Dreaming that your mother knows about your secret boyfriend reveals your guilt about keeping this information from her. Your mind is getting stressed out trying to keep your mother in the dark when all you really want is to share this relationship with her. It is possible that you want so bad to seek advice from your mom about certain aspects of your relationship, but at the same time you are afraid that she would be disappointed in you once you reveal this secret. So her approval in the dream is wish fulfillment. This is your subconscious reassuring you that things will be fine if you do decide to open up to her.

Stabbing boyfriend

I stabbed my boyfriend 3 times with a blue pocket knife. In the stomach, side and leg.

Dreaming about stabbing your boyfriend in such a way could mean that there is something you are hiding from him which causes serious damages to your feelings of love towards him. It could be a dislike for the way he acted in certain situations or it could originate from a fight you had in the past and which you never really got over. You did not stab him in the face because you do not yet have the courage to really confront him with your feelings and so you attacked him in the lower body in this dream.

Boyfriend forgetting about you

I keep having dreams about my boyfriend and me breaking up, but in the dream it's like he has completely forgotten about me, is with someone else and I can't contact him at all or find him.

Breaking up in a dream can be upsetting, but this does not necessarily mean that the same thing will happen in real life. The break-up in this dream vision could be a manifestation of your anxieties about your relationship and where it is headed. The good news is, dreams like this one often allude to the opposite developments in your waking life. This may be an indication of your relationship progressing onto the next level. Instead of saying goodbye to your boyfriend, you could just be saying goodbye to your current status and moving on to greater things together.

My boyfriend coming home

Dreaming of your boyfriend coming home from a long-time absence or just after he has worked all day indicates a desire for stability and security in your relationship. Generally, the presence of close family members in dreams and and seeing them in the same house suggest that you want to build a future with your current partner. Ontologically, this dream reflects your desire to create a meaningful life both for yourself and your loved ones.

Carrying boyfriend

I am female. I was carrying my boyfriend on my back in the high school gym. A lot of kids were sitting in the my path, so I had to step over them.

Dreaming about carrying your boyfriend is somewhat synonymous with carrying a heavy burden. Such symbolism could denote that you would have to take on additional responsibilities in your relationship. It's an indication that you might have to be the one who is more dependable and ready to face any challenge. The notion of trying to avoid people by stepping over them symbolizes your desire to carry through your liaison with your boyfriend despite all sorts of problems. While it is good to be resourceful in the eyes of others, it is also important to take care of yourself, so while giving your relationship your best try not to hurt yourself in the process.

A baby crawling out while with boyfriend

Me and my new boyfriend who I want to spend my life with are lying in his bed and a baby that can crawl, crawls from in between.

A baby generally carries a positive message in dream visions. It refers to happy news or a fortuitous event, so expect something good to happen in reality. The presence of your boyfriend means this will be related to your relationship. You could become pregnant which will set off a chain of life-changing events. It also reveals a desire to settle down, so you and your boyfriend could take it to the next level and decide to get married in order to start a family together.

In a picture with your boyfriend

Looking at a picture of you and your boyfriend in a dream means that there are existing issues between the two of you that need to be addressed. You may be having doubts about the strength of your bond and his feelings towards you. In addition, the other individuals or objects depicted in the photograph may give you hints about the nature of the issues you have to contend with. Perhaps the characteristics of the individuals and your interactions with them in reality have something to do with your current concerns in relation to your boyfriend.

A medication that makes boyfriend crazy

The boyfriend takes medicine and has a reaction that makes him crazy and dangerous.

The medicine your boyfriend takes in the dream points to manipulative plots concocted by someone close to him. Perhaps he is being controlled by a friend or individual whom he respects or holds in high regard. You may be noticing his uncharacteristic behavior which is why these suspicions have formed in your subconscious mind. Maybe you want to confront him about his erratic, if not even risky, actions if you are truly concerned for his and your own well-being.

Beaten by boyfriend

Being physically attacked and abused by your boyfriend or male partner in the dream world is actually a fairly good symbol to experience. It means you have a good system of conflict resolution with this individual. For instance, perhaps you give each other an hour or so to cool down before returning to discuss things calmly. This also suggests your partner has good emotional maturity as well as yourself.

Boyfriend with no money

Dreaming of your boyfriend having no money carries two answers that might represent your current state. For one, this might be an oracle of you giving in to your desires and splurging on things that you might or might not need. This lifestyle might leave you with not enough finances for the future. On the flip side, this vision also foretells that you would be receiving good profits from your career or business because of your hard work. Yet, this doesn't always guarantee happiness, for you could still feel like you are missing something.

Getting married to my boyfriend

Getting married to your boyfriend reveals your admiration for him. You may even be envious of him, sometimes. Marriage represents union, so that includes imbibing the traits you admire from your partner. For example, you may want to channel his people skills or financial savvy. Ultimately, this shows your deepening relationship. You are getting to know more layers of your boyfriend which affirms your choice to stay in the relationship or even take it to the next level.

Boyfriend proposing

I dreamt that my boyfriend proposed to me, please what does it mean?

Dreaming about your boyfriend proposing to you is an indication of positive transformations taking place in reality. In some cases, this vision can refer to a literal proposal, but more often than not it simply refers to general luck and prosperity in your life. You may undergo changes that would work out in your favor or have lucrative benefits for you.

Boyfriend showing up unexpectedly

My dream was that I was asleep in my bed late at night (I could see myself there lying on my bed), must have been around 11pm or so and that my boyfriend (who doesn't live with me or has my keys) came into my house and put my keys on the kitchen table. As he was doing this, I asked from my bedroom "You're home babe?". He muttered "Uhuh" softly. What might this mean? Thank you in advance.

Lying on your bed means you are content about the current state of your life. This also refers to your sense of comfort and security. In particular, you are feeling secure in your relationship and even though you are not living together, the idea of settling down with your boyfriend has crossed your mind. However, this could also point to a pivotal moment in your relationship which would strengthen your bond significantly. The fact that he has the keys to your house in this dream vision indicates a crucial moment ahead that would entail letting your guards down and allowing yourself to be more vulnerable. In doing this, you would be opening the next phase in your relationship.

Showering with boyfriend

I am a female and I had a dream that I was in the shower at some random place that looked like a dorm shower where there's multiple ones. I was taking a shower naked and my boyfriend was taking a shower in one across from me. He left his to come to mine and shower with me. There was one difference though, I was naked and he wasn't. That really confused me. He carried me and we were kissing and showering together, but I noticed he had clothes on only until he put me down and left to his again.

Taking a shower can mean meeting someone new, though it can also symbolize cleansing. If you are unhappy with your current relationship, the former dream interpretation may be appropriate. You could engage in a brief affair to add some excitement in your life. This ultimately would not work out because either you break it off or the other person decides to walk away. However, if you are content with your significant other, then showering reveals your desire to be more honest or come clean to your partner. In this context, being the only one naked is an indication of shame on your part. You are hiding something from him and you are afraid that he would find out. He could make it harder for you to open up and be vulnerable because he constantly has his guard up.

Boyfriend fighting for me

Dreaming that your current boyfriend or partner is fighting on your behalf actually predicts some gloomy, unfortunate circumstances taking place in wake life. You may even be experiencing some emotional burnout, tired of the monotony and little annoyances that have bothered you for so long. It could also result in a temporary or permanent separation if both parties do not show efforts to rekindle the romance and communicate effectively.

Meeting boyfriend while with someone else

I dreamed that I was standing outside with my fitness trainer and that a guy I was recently seeing, but we are not speaking at the moment and he was with another woman. And I saw them walking together dressed fancy and he kept looking back at me because I was with the trainer and they then walked into my old apartment building where I was headed as well, (strange).

A fitness trainer in a dream, especially if you have one in real life, symbolizes your desire for personal and professional development. Maybe your current mindset is focused on working harder, being more disciplined and leading a healthier lifestyle. On the contrary, the appearance of your old apartment signifies your former attitudes, behaviors and outlook. While the trainer represents your prospects and plans, your old apartment corresponds to past patterns and possibly negative habits that you want to leave behind. The dream communicates your reservations about your romantic prospect on whether he fits into the future you envision for yourself, or if he will lead you back into your old undesirable ways. This revelation requires reflection on your current priorities to help you make the right decisions and choices.

Finding boyfriend naked with another man

I walked into a room an found my boyfriend on the floor naked next to the bed with another man that was also naked performing oral sex on my boyfriend.

Dream visions about significant others turning gay rarely mean the same situation in real life. Rather, you may be excessively worrying about a growing emotional distance or a lack of communication causing problems between the two of you. You could also be skeptical or excessively critical about some of your boyfriend's physical features or aspects of his personality which, in your opinion, he needs to work on or improve, thus projecting the imagery of another male during an episode involving intimacy.

Boyfriend confessing about another girlfriend

My love telling me he has a girlfriend and he described her to me.

Dreaming that your boyfriend or loved one is seeing someone else is often seen as an indication that he may be hiding something from you in real life. It may be that he is purposely trying to keep you in the dark about something important, or it is also possible that he simply did not think you needed or wanted to know about it. However, given that he takes the time to describe the woman to you in your dream vision, whatever issue he brings up is likely to change the course of your relationship, probably for the worse. Disagreements may lead to arguments or bad feelings developing if the two of you cannot communicate openly and find common ground.

Having an abusive boyfriend

I dreamed last night that I had a baby girl (I can no longer have babies). I was with an abusive boyfriend, who was muscular and not much taller than myself (not the boyfriend I have now, who is not abusive). In the dream, the boyfriend's house was on a remote island. With family and friends. Constantly being emotionally and verbally abused all day. Went into the room where he was where he had me up against the wall strangling me, so I kicked him in the crotch and hit him in the throat, he punched me across the face, and my friend came and took me, and we escaped with my baby on a seadoo.

Dreaming of having a complete stranger as your boyfriend means you could have a tendency to become easily agitated and highly dissatisfied with everything you experience in your life, which may create a lot of conflicts and issues in the relationships with people you know. Having someone as an abusive and controlling boyfriend or having a boyfriend who treats you badly in the dream is a bad sign. It means someone could soon be entering your life and who will turn out to have a negative influence on you, causing serious issues and problems to arise. The details of the physical abuse you are providing further indicate that you may be concerned and worried about your physical well-being or possible threats to your health at the moment, not necessarily caused by a person or people, but as a result of poor living conditions or hardships, existing or feared to emerge soon.

Getting contacted by boyfriend

I haven't seen my boyfriend in about three weeks. I call and I text and I get no reply, we have not been in an argument, we were happy together. I do not know what's happened or if he's okay. I recently texted him "I miss you and hope to hear from you." Then I had a dream I saw someone who looked like him, but then I saw my boyfriend and I was so happy. He also called me in the dream explaining everything and why we lost contact and he got my text and he loves me. What does the dream mean?

Having a problem with your boyfriend in real life that is resolved in a dream is most likely a reflection of your hopes and desires. Specifically, you want him to reach out to you instead of you having to contact him. While this vision does not give any indication of what might happen to this relationship, it does suggest that you should consider your own happiness and well-being and not rely entirely on your boyfriend to make you happy.

Having a baby boy with your boyfriend

Having a baby boy with your boyfriend means a profound life experience will toughen you up. This dream symbol points to a prophecy about rebirth, specifically shedding your past persona and assuming a new identity. In folklore, this vision represents renewal. After being abused and manipulated because of your gentle and trusting nature, you will vow to never again fall for dirty tricks and schemes. On the other hand, if you subscribe to Hinduism, then perhaps you will decide to brush off the betrayal and let karma do the work for you.

Boyfriend with a woman in a room

I dreamed that I was looking for my boyfriend and someone pointed me to the door to a room, when I opened it I saw my boyfriend in an empty room with a woman. What is the meaning of this?

Finding your boyfriend with another woman means he has a secret with the potential of changing the course of your relationship. You may already be speculating about the mysterious behavior of your boyfriend lately, and your feeling that something is not right would be correct. However, this thing he is hiding from you may not be destructive. Perhaps he is not forthcoming with this information to protect you. It is also possible that he is just planning something special. If it is a damaging secret, then you would probably sense it based on his demeanor or overall aura.

Being mad at boyfriend

Getting angry at your partner or spouse in a dream symbolizes different emotions that you currently experience. Firstly, it could mean that you are in a situation where you need guidance and support, yet no one seems to be around during this moment. Hence, this manifested in your dream as seeking attention. Moreover, this vision is a harbinger of any rising issues in your relationship. You struggle to express what you feel, which leads you to bottle them all up until you explode.

Spending time with boyfriend

In my dream he came and picked me up I went back to his place we spent the night together. And the next morning he dropped me off and was going to pick me up again after work but the conversation we had in my dream was messed up. And when he left for work both of us were really sad. I woke up sad in the morning.

Seeing yourself having fun with your boyfriend in your dreams is a warning that you are too preoccupied with your romantic relationship right now, possibly with the same person you had this dream about. Such excessive focus on your relationship might cause some misunderstandings or troubles within your own family. This means you will soon have to make a sound choice between your family circle and this relationship. Having arguments with your boyfriend in the same dream could also mean that someone will be entering your life who may negatively affect your life, causing issues and problems to arise.

Socializing with the boyfriend and others

In reality, my boyfriend is a soccer player and works in a different country, so in a dream, I went to see him where he works and found him laying on a pregnant woman's lap. I was kinda puzzled and asked him if it was his pregnancy and he told me the woman is his friend's girlfriend. He stood up and we started chatting about how that country gives out a lot of money and that if you show some skills they give you money. His friends also came and we were chatting when I saw a long hair in my knee-pit.

Dreaming about visiting your boyfriend in a foreign country could be a positive or negative sign depending on the rest of the vision. In this case, the presence of a pregnant woman other than yourself represents a period of difficulty and hardship in your life, as some of the inconveniences associated with pregnancy suggest. The source of this negative energy seems to be related to interpersonal communication, most likely the conversations you have with your boyfriend. This lengthy discussion about skill and money in the dream could be a projection of your real-life feeling like your conversations go nowhere, making you feel as if they are pointless and boring. Unless you find a way to spice things up, you may become extremely dissatisfied with the way your relationship is progressing.

Boyfriend in bed with two women

Hello. I dreamt the person I am involved with was in bed with two women, just chilling, fully dressed, but in the dream I was upset with him as well. What could it mean?

A dream wherein you see your boyfriend in bed with other girls is a manifestation of your own feelings of uncertainty about your relationship. This by no means is an indication that he is cheating on you. Rather, it points towards the fact that you lack confidence in your boyfriend and feel jealous even when he does not give you a reason to be. It is reinforced by the notion that you saw him simply chilling and not doing anything else, yet you still felt envious. It is better to have some faith in your relationship to ensure its longevity.

Fighting your boyfriend ex girlfriend

A hostile encounter with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in the dream world alludes to an unhealthy relationship with your past or your partner's background. You could be suspicious of your boyfriend's past activities because he is very secretive, so you want him to be more open to you. Alternatively, dream workers associate what does it mean when you dream about fighting your boyfriend ex girlfriend with feelings of anger or resentment about things that happened in the past. Your own inability to confront past issues or resolve ongoing conflict is only fueling your self-sabotaging ways.

Boyfriend cheating with another man

My dream was that I caught my boyfriend having sex with another man, he was calling the man sexy and wanted him to have breakfast. I ended up screaming and attacking my boyfriend, I didn't know the other guy.

Dreaming about catching your boyfriend with another man could mean that your boyfriend is hiding something from you. Arguing or fighting with your boyfriend about this man, whom you perceive to be interfering with your relationship, could reflect your possible suspicions that your boyfriend is actually trying to keep secrets or hide important issues from you. It can also mean he is preoccupied by something you are unaware about. His concern or secret, once revealed, may cause future disagreements in your relationship or hinder your relationship development. You might also be feeling that you are unable to develop an intimate and deep bond with your boyfriend or that your boyfriend is not paying enough attention to you and your relationship. You could be concerned about the future of your relationship. In this case, your subconsciousness is projecting these feelings through the images of a male who is lavished with your boyfriend's attention and desire. In the long run, these circumstances could culminate in a breakup. The reasons for such separation could originate from mutual misunderstandings or disrespect. You could benefit from discussing your worries with your boyfriend before it is too late.

Boyfriend furious about his appearance

I had a dream that my boyfriend and I of five months went to a party. He was balding, had missing teeth and had put on some weight, but I didn't care. While we were inside, he seemed very uncomfortable and I told him that I'd be back in ten minutes because I wanted to mingle upstairs. I went and he vanished. He was in the car. I met him there and he ripped off his hood, started yelling at me about how he let himself go and that I'm too good for him. I am female. It was terrifying!

Dreaming that your boyfriend turns violent means you are probably refusing to acknowledge an existing problem. Perhaps in reality you sense something is not quite right, yet you choose to ignore the signs because you are not ready or afraid to deal with these issues. In addition, his insecurity and sloppy appearance in the dream vision likely means that you are spending way too much time together. Perhaps you need to spend some time apart and hang out with your own groups of friends. Or better yet, a little "me time" could be good for the both of you.

Boyfriend in jail and flirting

Incarcerated boyfriend was with my old high school friend (whom he does not know) while I was in the visiting room at the prison to see him and they were flirting with each other and he was ignoring me. In the dream my old friend has her own boyfriend.

The prison setting of this vision suggests a feeling of being trapped or uncomfortable in reality. While you may not be able to put your finger on the problem, your subconscious likely can feel the tension in the air around you. This is coupled with the image of your boyfriend flirting with someone else. Despite the obvious appearance, this is not actually related to your boyfriend but rather your experience in reality instead. This symbol suggests that the tension you are picking up on in reality is due to dealing with someone who puts you on edge. It is possible that your friend has recently acted in a way that made you uncomfortable, but it is more likely that she is simply a stand-in for a person you truly dislike. Until you finish whatever has brought you two together, you would have to deal with the negative atmosphere surrounding you.

Hanging out with an ex and current boyfriend

My ex has been appearing in my dreams regularly even though I have moved on and am engaged. In the most recent dream, I wasn't dating either of them but I was just living my life and they were both there. They were hanging out without me and I was just kinda there.

Consistently seeing the image of your ex-lover could be a sign that you are preoccupied with the thoughts about him or your previous relationship, although it could also be an effect of something that constantly reminds you of him. The combined presence of your ex-boyfriend and your new partner also suggests you are hesitating about your choices. It does not mean you do not love your current boyfriend, but it can imply that you may still have some concerns about him which you still have not justified for yourself. As an alternative interpretation, you may make comparisons between your current lover and your ex-boyfriend in terms of attitude and character. If your past relationship ended poorly, it might also show that you are feeling proud of yourself because of your right decision.

Boyfriend becoming a ghost after suicide

In the dream, my boyfriend left a note saying he was sorry and he loved me. And that he was committing suicide. And all of a sudden he was just gone and I remember being in agony and feeling like I'd lost everything. I couldn't process that he was gone I just kept feeling devastated. After a while he came back as a ghost and he said he had no clue why he was back but he never said why he committed suicide. There were times where he wasn't there and there were times when he was there and times not.

A dream where your boyfriend commits suicide is ominous and foreboding. While it does not suggest he is in a poor mental state, this vision should encourage the dreamer to pay more attention to his behavior, actions or comings and goings. In essence, your dream is urging you to check up on him and your relationship because not everything is as it seems. He may be hiding something important from you, which could leave you as lost and in agony as you felt in the vision. Even if you trust him completely and his secret is completely innocuous, it would be wise to get everything in the open so you can feel more secure in the partnership you share.

A surprise appearance by the boyfriend

One night I had a dream about meeting my boyfriend (we are long distance and never met btw), but in the dream I was at my grandma's house and my mom, my aunt, my grandma and my dad were surrounding me. I went to my dad and he said "Turn around", so I turned around and my boyfriend was standing there. I hesitated to hug him but we hugged and I laid my head on his chest and we walked around the room just hugging. The weirdest thing was, when I woke up it felt like I actually hugged him.

Hugging your boyfriend may actually be a sign that things are a bit rocky in your relationship at the moment. Perhaps the long distance nature of your relationship is wearing you both a bit thin, especially if one of you wants to meet in person more than the other. The location of your grandmother's house reveals that you need comfort, which is why your dream self has surrounded you with family members. You crave the comfort and peace that these connections bring. You may need to have an extended talk with your boyfriend about the future of your relationship, making sure that you are both clear in what you want.

Boyfriend becoming a zombie

I had a boyfriend who was nice, and he loved to spend time with me. He wore green a lot. He was willing to go and die for me. We were in a zombie apocalypse, and he raced out ahead of me to fight even though I was going to help him. He ended up becoming a zombie himself, and wanted to try and kill me, but a part of him couldn't. I went inside a house for nine years hiding from him, but I missed him so much. I thought about him every day. He was still a zombie trying to come inside.

In this vision, your boyfriend seems to represent all that is happy and good in your life. For example, the presence of a lover or significant other by itself usually represents love in a general sense, while the green clothing he wore could be symbolic of other sources of happiness in your life, such as a fulfilling job, a supportive family or an interesting hobby. When your boyfriend turns into a zombie while fighting to save you, however, it suggests you have a tendency to overindulge. For example, perhaps you spend too much time playing rather than working, or maybe you spend more time hanging out with your friends than working on your familial relationships. Whatever the case, this lack of discipline may haunt you in the future. You could lose out on important opportunities or destroy a relationship because you did not recognize its importance. This vision is warning you to think carefully about what truly matters to you and not to over do it, especially when it comes to things that are not important for your future.

Boyfriend talking with family members

My dream was about my boyfriend. I saw him coming to my home with his friend. He talked to my mom, my sister and my grandmother. He sat there for 1 hour and by the time I was in the bathroom he went to his home.

Being visited by your boyfriend in a dream vision means you are entering a new phase in your relationship. Since he is interacting with your family, he would also learn more things about your personal life in reality. He wants to take things to the next level, but your personal issues could get in the way or cause potential conflict just when you two are getting more serious with each other.

Boyfriend and ex-boyfriend fighting

My ex boyfriend and I going on a trip with our kids and my current boyfriend was going with us as well but when I walked away they got into a fight.

Dreaming of your ex means you are thinking about your past mistakes and transgressions. You are going through an issue involving your children, perhaps they are misbehaving or you are questioning your parenting skills, and you are blaming your past relationships for this dysfunctional dynamic. On the other hand, your mind could be helping you figure out a solution to a current predicament by advising you to use lessons you learned from your ex boyfriend. The fight means you are analyzing the pros and cons of being in your current situation, so you can fill in the gaps in parenting to make it more beneficial for the kids.

Being left by a boyfriend

I have had repeated dreams recently where my long-term boyfriend has left me. I never know the reason, but I wake up with a huge emotional feeling of being alone. The dreams are always set just after a separation when I am trying to sort things out and get back on my feet.

To dream that your boyfriend has left you does not necessarily mean that the same scenario would happen in reality. In fact, breakups in dreams usually convey a positive message. It means that you are about to enter a new phase in your relationship with him. Perhaps something that would strengthen the bond between the two of you. The recurring aspect of this dream could be due to some changes you have been sensing from your boyfriend in the waking world. Is he perhaps extra attentive? Try to be a bit more observant in order to get more clues about what is causing the changes in his behavior.

Boyfriend losing an eye

My bf lost his eye and nerve. I had to find it and take care of it until medical put it back in and it was fine.

Losing an eye means confusion or a lack of understanding. Your boyfriend or someone close to you may experience a challenging period during which their knowledge and understanding of the world may be turned upside down. It is also possible they would lose sight of their priorities in life or personal goals. It may be up to you to help them get back on track during this time of self-doubt when they would be overwhelmed by feelings of ineptitude and uncertainty of their future. It may be as simple as listening to them and reassuring them whenever they start doubting their capabilities.

Sex with boyfriend

Having sex in a dream is a common vision that hints that you are having more connection and deeper feelings for your partner in real life. The merging of your bodies symbolizes that you are becoming more honest with your emotions, and it is possible that you are now showing your vulnerable side in your relationship. This situation comes as a result of having more trust in your boyfriend. Similarly, this vision denotes that you are in your best health, so you should not worry too much and focus more on important matters.

Boyfriend smiling back

I have a dream and I wore my boyfriend traditional women dress called lungi, I look at him and he looked at me and smiled, what does it mean?

Seeing yourself having fun with your boyfriend in your dreams is a warning that you are too preoccupied with your romantic relationship right now, and this excessive focus on your relationship might cause some misunderstandings or troubles within your family. This means you will soon have to make a sound choice between your family circle and this relationship.

Boyfriend having a different family in the future

I met my boyfriend in the future when we were 43 years old, he had 3 kids and a wife he had been married to for 12 years. He also wanted to get a divorce and get back together with me. I'm a female.

This dream about meeting your current boyfriend some time in the future is a reflection of his outgoing personality and other people whom he has been surrounded by as you perceive it. You might feel that you do not get enough attention or affection because he tends to spend a lot of time with the members of his family, his buddies or coworkers. As a result, you could sometimes feel ignored or forgotten. This dream vision is most likely not related to romantic or love affairs with other women.

Boyfriend with his deceased parents

My high school boyfriend was carrying my miscarried baby at a party, his dead parents were by him. There was a large window, he was knocking on it trying to get his families attention. They couldn't see or hear him.

This dream vision showing your boyfriend carrying your miscarried baby could serve as a warning that your plans and intentions regarding the future relationship with him could soon be jeopardized, if not crushed completely. If his parents are actually deceased in reality, the image of them in your dream means that something from your boyfriend's past could be preventing him from establishing a serious and meaningful relationship with you. Otherwise, it could be a subconscious reflection of your inability to accept them or existing tensions and misunderstandings which involve you, your boyfriend and his parents.

Boyfriend emerging through a birth canal

Boyfriend emerging through the birth canal.

Dreaming that your boyfriend emerges from a birth canal may be an indication of new beginnings or new perspectives. Perhaps your boyfriend is undergoing a personal transformation or would soon have the opportunity to start anew, maybe by getting a new job or place of residence. Birth also represents new ideas. In your case, maybe you are starting to see your boyfriend in a completely different light. This could trigger a positive change in your relationship, giving it a much-needed jolt of passion.

Boyfriend telling truth to the judge

I dream that my boyfriend snitched on me to a judge and they let him go.

To dream that your boyfriend snitched on you reveals your guilty conscience. You could be scared that someone would discover your regrettable mistakes or shameful secrets. Your mind conjured up this scenario probably because your guilt is starting to become a burden. Also, you may be close to being found out in reality, so the fears and apprehensions are setting in. You may need to address these issues or come clean before you start imploding.

Boyfriend befriending a strange girl

My boyfriend had a dream and about a girl, but she wasn't human so therefore nobody liked her. They became best friends and he said people started accepting her cause she told them about who she was and she started hanging out with her other guy friend more and he was jealous cause they we hanging out as much. But then I came along in the dream and we became best friends in the dream and we did everything together. He calls her the silver girl cause her skin tone was silver.

The nonhuman entity in your boyfriend's dream may be a projection of an undiscovered or perhaps a misunderstood aspect of himself. Silver denotes femininity and mystical qualities. In that sense, the silver-skinned being may be the embodiment of his own characteristics that he could be suppressing for fear of being judged. Fortunately, as his dream implies, he may be starting to accept this part of himself and become more honest with his interactions. Therefore, your arrival in the vision could be associated with his personal transformation of becoming whole and loving himself for who he is as well as embracing the freedom to express himself.

Boyfriend having an affair with a male manager

I (a girl) caught my guy manager laying with cloth on snuggling on top of my boyfriend (the father of my unborn child). When my boyfriend saw me, he said "Babe, she's here". I slapped my boyfriend, said "Babe, really?", kicked him out, told president Michele (as she sits on the couch) and others. The guy manager said it wasn't supposed to happen, they were at the movies one day and it just happened. I told him "I'm having his baby. What do you mean it just happened?". Then my boyfriend said he didn't want to be with just one person, 6 slaps later I woke up.

Although this dream vision may seem strange or even shocking to you, it only represents your present worries and concerns about your boyfriend not being around as much as you would like, especially with your current state of pregnancy. Dream visions about significant others turning gay rarely mean the same situation in real life. Rather, you may be excessively worrying about a growing emotional distance or a lack of communication causing problems between the two of you. Instead of taking on this burden on your own, you should talk to friends and family, especially your boyfriend, so you can be assured their love and support are available and reaching you when needed.

Walking with boyfriend and shopping

I was dreaming that I am with my boyfriend roaming around in a hilly area and it's a very beautiful place. After that I did lots of shopping with my sister for green veggies and woolen clothes. I'm female.

Dreaming about traveling in a hilly area shows you are having some trouble communicating with someone important to you. The fact that you were with your boyfriend in your vision indicates that you could be experiencing this with him. However, an effort to solve this misunderstanding can fix your problems. The imagery of shopping means you are about to make substantial progress in your everyday life and you will be able to resolve things which have been bothering you for a while. Seeing green vegetables and woolen clothes in your dream predicts that a period is coming up in your life filled with health and well-being.

Boyfriend agreeing to fix the relationship

I dreamt of my boyfriend telling me he wants to fix our relationship, in that dream I responded by telling him he is the driver of our relationship, I'm just waiting for him and then he wrapped me with his arms.

Talking to your boyfriend in the dream signifies a deepening relationship. Your partnership is becoming more meaningful and will likely progress into something more serious. In addition, the topic of your conversation means he will become more proactive and caring when it comes to your relationship. He could even surprise you with a romantic proposal. Whatever happens, you and your boyfriend are going on a path for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Boyfriend with a fake profile

My boyfriend having a picture of my brother as his profile picture on WhatsApp.

Seeing your boyfriend's social media profile with the image of your brother as the profile picture could reveal that your unconscious mind is finding some parallels between the two males. For instance, they may have similar mannerisms or hobbies, like watching sports or playing video games. This may also be a sign of your affection for both of these important men in your life.

Boyfriend not helping when being stabbed

In my dream I was being attacked. I had a boyfriend in my dream too. When I got stabbed in my lower back he didn't do anything and just got up and walked away.

Dreaming about being a victim of a murder is a sign that you should be very careful in order not to fall into the traps set up for you by your enemies or people who dislike you. This dream is also telling you to be watchful of actions or behavior that can ruin your image or reputation. The vision of your boyfriend not being able or not willing to offer help in this situation can be a projection of distrust or insincerity present in your current relationship with this person.

Boyfriend leaving to go shopping

I seem to be bothered with my boyfriend leaving me at his house as he goes shopping with his friends! I wanted leave his house and go to mine! Then I clean up a handbag! Ants crawled up my arms and legs! Was fighting them in despair as his friends watched.... Should I be worried?

The scenes of being left behind while your boyfriend goes shopping with his friends could be an indication of your concerns and worries related to the lack of attention or affection coming from him. Cleaning a handbag is a reflection of the current state of your mind when you try to analyze and reassess the relationship with your boyfriend, possibly the impact his friends could have on it. Ants in a dream usually signify possible relocation to a larger (more industrialized) city in search of a better job or for some other reasons, especially this is true if you happened to see these ants in large numbers in your dream. Fighting with the ants is a subconscious reflection of your unwillingness or aversion to such a move or relocation.

Helping boyfriend climb up the window

This is actually my boyfriend's dream. He is very confused about it and so am I. It was very odd. In his dream, I was trying to sneak him in through my bedroom window. But he said I was in some sort of inter-dimensional apartment complex and he was seeing different flashbacks and people from his life in all kinds of different windows as he climbed up to me. And then he woke up from sleeping as he climbed into my window. Please help. Thank you!!

Traditional dream interpretation sources offer the following possible meanings of this dream. Your boyfriend dreaming about trying to get to you through a bedroom window reveals his desire to either become sexually intimate with you, if this has not happened already, or to try new things to bring more pleasurable experiences and excitement into the sex life between him and you. Another interpretation of this dream could be also indicating that he needs to improve the relationship with you by constantly comparing it to other couples' lives and experiences, as depicted by flashbacks and situations he observed before finally climbing into your window in this dream.

Boyfriend leaving on a train

My boyfriend got on a train and left me. I was gutted. The train went to the right.

Getting left behind as your boyfriend boards a train alludes to being abandoned. Perhaps your boyfriend is being distant, hence the dream vision of being separated. The train is also symbolic of personal journeys, so maybe you are both headed in different directions. It is possible that your subconscious and real-life aspirations are not in sync. Alternatively, it could just be your fear of abandonment manifesting in this scenario.

Catching boyfriend cheating

I had a dream I had caught my boyfriend behind the washer having sex with a girl and there was blood on white panties.

This vision, despite containing the image of your boyfriend cheating, probably has little to do with him at all. Rather, being cheated on in a dream vision represents an upcoming situation in which you would interact closely with an enemy or rival who you know despises you. This person, as seen in the image of the blood on the white underwear, is likely to go to extreme lengths to sabotage whatever you are working on or aspire to, suggesting you should be extra careful in documenting your meetings in case they try to throw you under the bus at some point.

Role-playing with an imaginary boyfriend

Role-playing and imaginary boyfriend caressing me and having sweat on his body.

To dream of role playing in intimate scenarios likely reveals your desire to express yourself more in reality. Perhaps there are a lot of rules and social standards that inhibit you from fully exploring your sexuality or desires. Alternatively, you could be feeling trapped in your current circumstance and you wish to break free from it. Other people's expectations may have led you to a path you do not necessarily like, hence the yearning for escape or release.

Boyfriend pointing at his doppelganger

I woke up to see my boyfriend standing by the sofa we had fallen asleep on, he appeared upset and was holding his hand out to something next to me, I looked over and it was him asleep next to me.

The sofa or couch in your dream vision could serve as an indication that you need to relax and take a break from whatever may be giving you stress in reality. Maybe you are worn out from your work or some personal matters. It is also possible that you are bored or losing your enthusiasm and motivation for things you were normally excited about. It can also have intimacy-related connotations which may be associated with your current relationship. In that context, your boyfriend's doppelganger or having two of them in this dream scenario means you see two sides to your boyfriend, so the notion that he was angry at his likeness could be an allusion to a growing misunderstanding between the two of you. Maybe you think he has changed and his recent personal transformation does not excite you as much as it had been before.

Boyfriend you don't like

Dreaming about having someone as a boyfriend that you know you don't like or having the boyfriend treat you badly in the dream is a bad sign. It means someone will be entering your life who will turn out to negatively influence and affect you, causing much trouble or problems to arise.

Being someone's boyfriend

Dreaming of being someone's boyfriend is a sign that you are nurturing some type of dream or ambition which still remains unfulfilled, and you are expressing uncertainties about whether or not you should pursue it.

Having a baby with your boyfriend

Dreaming of conceiving a baby with your boyfriend means you will experience a life-changing moment which will make you more self-aware and stronger than ever. If it is a baby boy, then it refers to shedding your past persona and assuming a brighter, conscientious identity. For a female baby, this imagery suggests domestication as well as motherhood. Gone are the party days and spontaneous trips. You are ready to settle down and raise your own family.

Having a boyfriend when you're single

Dreaming about having a boyfriend or a lover when you are currently single can often be considered a prophecy of soon finding a special someone in reality. This individual may be a fling that leaves you with a happy memory or someone who plays a significant role in your romantic life for a long time to come. This would bring you great happiness and satisfaction.

Boyfriend going to jail

The image of your boyfriend or friend with benefits in the custody of police is an ominous image to perceive while dreaming. It is an involuntary reflection of your subconscious lack of faith in the longevity of the relationship. In many cases, this symbol is seen preceding a rough patch in a relationship, usually when multiple minor tensions are brought to a head in the form of a loud, ugly argument.

Your boyfriend still loves his ex

Exes in the dreamscape are typically metaphors of the general past. In this context, dreaming your boyfriend still loves his ex indicates your partner's fondness for his family, childhood, or even the community he grew up in. It can also indicate immaturity that could cause tension and conflict in your relationship. On the other hand, this dream symbol could also be a projection of trust issues and your hesitation to embrace his past. Perhaps knowing whether you have the same goals in life will help you find the security or assurance you need.

Abusive relationship with a controlling boyfriend

A dream where I am involved in an abusive relationships. The controlling and drunk boyfriend. And the boyfriend is unknown.

This dream about envisioning yourself being in an abusive relationship with someone you do not actually know could represent subconscious fears. You may be afraid of starting, pursuing, or committing yourself to a more serious relationship with someone who has recently offered you such an opportunity. This could refer to the establishment of a new friendship or a romantic affair. Also, being confronted or having to deal with a drunk person in a dream could represent a warning to be cautious, maintain focus and be prepared to face some serious unfavorable circumstance that may be coming into your life and would be difficult to deal with and overcome. Finally, dreaming of controlling and abusive relations may also stand for a subconscious reflection of being so extremely desired or wanted by someone that it hurts.

Dead boyfriend in a boat with bloody eyes

My boyfriend was dead in a row boat half full with water in canal lock, his eyes were bleeding.

Seeing your dead boyfriend in a dream could be an indication of being disrespected or cheated by him, and his actions or behavior might leave a negative imprint on your self-esteem and cause you to re-evaluate this relationship. A boat half-filled with water could mean a possibility of him having a secret romantic affair or interest in another person. The vision of his eyes bleeding can be interpreted as an indication of something unexpected and unpleasant revealed or communicated to you by this person at some point.

Being friends with boyfriend's ex-girlfriend

Hey, I am a girl and I am currently crushing on a guy who is also crushing on me. I had a dream about his ex girlfriend, who I know and dislike because she is what you would call a "psychotic person", really obsessed with him and in my dream I was at a friend's party and me and his ex actually became friends! And then after a while she went back to ignoring me but in my mind we were still friends. What does this dream mean?

Your dream about having conversation with and befriending the ex-girlfriend of someone you are presently romantically involved with is an indication that there is rivalry and bad blood between you and someone in real life who is not necessarily the girl you were talking to in your dream. This person may be jealous or mad at you for showing interest in or having an affair with her romantic partner or friend in the past or presently. It is also possible that you are the one who is jealous, obsessed or upset with the person you are interested in dating. You may think that this person is making inappropriate advances towards other girls, whether this is true or just a suspicion. Overall, the dream speaks of existing feelings of rivalry, hostility and misunderstandings. These are poisonous to any relationship and to you personally for they are capable of undermining your confidence and self-esteem. It would be advisable to examine and make an effort to overcome these feelings.

Running away with boyfriend and fighting later

I asked my dad if my boyfriend could come over and he said no, that he's not good for me and I don't know what I'm doing. So I got mad and ran away with my boyfriend. We took my baby brother with us. My parents followed us and we gave my brother back and my parents started to talk to the people we were going to live with and he got mad and told me I don't even want to see you again, you better stay gone you don't know what your doing with him and then I woke up.

Dreaming about your parents scolding you or talking to you in a preaching tone means that you are too sensitive to the opinions expressed toward you by others and fall prey to people criticizing you, without any grounds for them to do so. Having your parents expressing their concerns about your actions or behavior in your dream signifies getting on the right track or being invited to be a part of some great event or celebration. At the same time, this dream could be warning you to change your ways from recklessness and indifference, if you want to see some major positive changes in your life and become a better person.

Waiting for boyfriend's return

I had a dream that my boyfriend who is away told me he will be back in the summertime, but in reality he is supposed to be back now.

If you were expecting your boyfriend to be back with you by now, and he is still away, contrary to what he may have promised to you, this dream vision serves as a reflection of your anxiety and worries about his whereabouts, devotion and sincerity. You could be subconsciously suspecting that he is intentionally delaying coming back for reasons of infidelity or because he may be seeing someone else, but at the same time, you could be just overreacting and being impatient while he has some other equally important obligations and commitments to follow through.

Boyfriend trying to kill

Kicking a boyfriend out for putting someone up to try to kill me.

Dreaming that your boyfriend hired someone to kill you is an ill omen indicating the rise of negative energy in the form of a person or people in your waking life. This person, likely a newcomer, may coerce you into doing things you would not normally do or sabotage your efforts to improve yourself while working behind your back. In both cases, their interference could spell disaster in your life if they are not removed or taken care of quickly.

Boyfriend's pregnant ex-girlfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend came to our house with her family and said that she was 4 months pregnant with my boyfriend's child. In the dream, I felt a bit sad, but not as sad or hurt as I should have been and I supported the pregnancy.

Envisioning a situation in which your boyfriend could be cheating on you, but without any indication of the actual presence of such an affair, actually points toward your feelings of being vulnerable or more trusting than you think you should be. Your boyfriend is someone whom you can and should be able to trust with everything, but leaving yourself completely vulnerable to someone else is still concerning and can cause apprehension, even after a long time together. Being aware of this situation may inspire you to try and change this aspect of yourself though it is possible that someone is actually taking advantage of you now and should be stopped as soon as possible. There is some contradiction in this dream. Curly hair often signifies that you may be tempted into a relationship that is not good, perhaps with someone who is not available or interested. However, the fact that your hair was getting wet in the rain is a prediction of having a lot of fun with friends. Your friends may invite you to a party that does not immediately appeal to you, but you should seriously consider going. If your hair was blonde in the dream, this means that you are a kind and generous person to other people, you help them without asking much in return.

Boyfriend trying to reach a surreal landscape

My boyfriend dreamed of me in a white dress and holding a white flower across the river of honey. My boyfriend swims across the honey river to reach me and the trees are covered with snow.

Both white dresses and white flowers are symbolic of marriage and commitment. While this could be related to his feeling for you, it can also be the result of recent events, such as a friend getting married or visiting a church. Swimming across a river of honey can represent internal tranquillity, meaning that things are not so difficult or hectic in his life at the moment. His subconscious is probably picking up on the happiness and wholeness that marriage brings and manifesting these in the images he saw in his vision.

Boyfriend deciding to be just friends

I dreamed that I went to Disneyland with some of my friends. We couldn't get into the park, so we tried to sneak in but it didn't work. We went to a hotel and went swimming. My crush was there, and he told me "my goal is to figure out my feelings for you". One of the girls took my iPod and started taking underwater reciprocate pictures of all of us. After a while, my crush came back with a note that essentially said "Let's just be friends" and then started cuddling with the girl who was taking pictures.

The hotel and the accompanying swimming pool are symbolic of having an opportunity to be in a romantic relationship which could result in marriage. This seems especially relevant given the presence of your crush in this vision, meaning your subconscious could be testing him as a potential life mate. A vision such as this is likely the manifestation of feelings of loneliness and being ignored which are seen in the sign of being rejected at the end of the vision. You may feel on a deeper level that having a relationship with him or others is impossible. However, this vision does not indicate as to whether or not he does reciprocate your feelings.

Babysitting boyfriend's daughter

I had a dream where I was taking care of my boyfriend's daughter. By the way, I haven't met her. Anyways, all I remember is she was beautiful but a little hyperactive. I took her to the store and she couldn't decide what to get. When we were out of the store we were heading to see my boyfriend (we never got to see him). But on the way, there was a bridge being fixed and when we got to the other side, I saw my niece playing in dirt. I asked her to come with us, but she refused. My boyfriend's daughter started running all over the place, straight down the street and I think I saw her in white pants. All I remember.

Looking after mischievous children points to the fact that you are getting older and some things that used to worry you before do not really concern you anymore. It can also represent a positive sign that with age comes wisdom and that you are now able to accomplish a lot more than when you were younger. The white pants symbolize changes in your life, but since they were not particularly clear nor prevalent in your dream, these could simply be minor changes that come naturally with growing up.

Boyfriend's legs and breaking up with him

I dreamt of my boyfriend's legs. He had dark blue activity pants. And he was sitting down. A few days later I found out he has been lying to me. So I broke up with him a week ago. Was this a warning dream?

Indeed, it seems this dream vision was a warning. Seeing your boyfriend in a sitting position portends being the recipient of some highly disappointing news which breaks your heart or makes you very angry. You may have also learned more than you wanted to. In either case, however, you are probably better off knowing the truth than living a lie.

Boyfriend not reacting to indecent acts

I'm sucking a female friend's nipples and kissing her while my boyfriend watches, but shows no emotion.

If you consider yourself to be heterosexual, dreaming of being intimate with a person of the same sex could be indicative of latent feelings of being attracted to them or perhaps curiosity on your part. This imagery also suggests personal appreciation of feminine qualities or physical attributes of women. The lack of emotion from your audience, in this case, your boyfriend, could also imply your existing feelings of being neglected. Maybe you sense some distance from him recently, and, as a result, your yearning for his love and attention is manifested in your dream in these scenes.

Boyfriend turning into cardboard

I snuck to where my man was living and found that he was in a small boat attached to his parents' house, laying in it on the dark floor surrounded by mess. When I went to lay with him, I found that he was made of cardboard, not his head or hands, but all of his body. I was very upset, so I ran to his parents asking why he has changed so much. His dad said he knew it all along and he was crying and sorry. A bus full of people in my past took me away. My man has been in prison for 3 years, he's out soon.

This vision in which your love is made out of cardboard is a highly ominous sign in regards to his impending release from prison. It firstly reflects a subconscious fear that his time away from you has changed him in some unknown, frightening way. This is supported by the physical distance between him and his parents at the beginning of the vision. His change in appearance also suggests your subconscious mind is preparing for the worst, meaning you may have already received some indications (physical or supernatural) that something bad is about to happen. You should prepare yourself as best you can and be on the lookout for any more signs of trouble.

Boyfriend cheating with mother

I dreamt that I walked in on my mom kissing my boyfriend.

This vision of your mother and your boyfriend being together could indicate that there is something your boyfriend is hiding from you, although it is unlikely to be some kind of a relationship with your mother. Rather, seeing your mother acting this way may be your subconscious grasping his family relations, meaning your boyfriend has not shared something critically important to you about his family. It could be an embarrassing secret or something more serious. In either case, it is better to wait until he tells you himself, rather than backing him into a corner to have your questions answered.

Boyfriend appearing to be dead

I see someone in the image of my boyfriend and when I go to him and kiss him, he looks like someone that is dead. I felt the kiss was cold and I see him as he died and came to me, so I run and cry because I know my boyfriend ain't dead, so what can this mean?

Kissing the undead in a dream reveals an absence or a deficiency of warmth and affection from your loved ones. Furthermore, someone close to you may be showing signs of indifference or a lack of compassion. Sometimes, however, dreams about the undead can mean the opposite in real life. It could be an indication of longevity in relationships or life in general, depending on your mindset in the waking world.

Being with boyfriend and ex-husband at the same time

I am home doing laundry, my boyfriend is keeping me company and we chat while I work. My ex-husband, who I have a great relationship with, and he played for my bf's pharmacy-sponsored soccer team (i.e. we all get along) is in the living room with my 3 kids. My bf starts acting silly, dancing, etc. won't stop. I try to leave and I can't because bf's grabbing my ankles, I'm getting frustrated, my ex says "It's ok, he's just being silly, but I'm here and I'll pull you away if you need me to..."???

Dreaming about the ex-husband while currently being in a relationship can often bring up feelings of guilt or uncertainty, especially when the ex is painted in a good light in your vision. However, this does not automatically mean that you want to get back together with him or that you are harboring residual romantic feelings for him. In your case, doing the laundry symbolizes the process of cleansing or purification. There could be aspects of your life or relationships that need to be sorted out or cleaned up in one way or another. Perhaps your ex-husband manifested in your dream to remind you of a period of time when you were still together and the lessons that relationship has taught you. Your past experiences may be called upon to help you with a current predicament. Also, while you may or may not have feelings for your ex, it is possible that you are fixating on certain desirable characteristics your ex possesses that are lacking in your current boyfriend. The hold on your ankle implies your desire to pursue something important to you and perhaps you are not getting enough support that you need and you are looking elsewhere for some assurance. This could likely be one of the sources of internal conflicts that is driving this dream.

Boyfriend with a sandal on his back

I dreamt that my boyfriend had one sandal fixed on his back... What does it mean?

The sandal affixed to your boyfriend's back represents a falling out between him and one of his close friends. They could get into an argument or disagree with something they may consider important. It is possible that you could get dragged into this conflict which may prove stressful and irritating for you in the long run.

Boyfriend getting a haircut

I dreamt my boyfriend was sitting in a barber's chair and was getting his haircut with scissors, and the hairdresser is my friend of the salon I go to and my boyfriend does not know her and has never been to that salon. Thank you!

Dreaming that your boyfriend is getting a haircut by someone you personally know portends unfortunate circumstances in your future. Someone you know may betray your trust or try to deceive you. You should exercise caution when confiding in people, be sure that they really are your friends before disclosing any personal or sensitive information to them.

Boyfriend's pants with burn marks

My dream was about a pair of sweatpants that my boyfriend owns, I wear them all of the time, they are practically mine! Anyway, In my dream, I found this pair of sweatpants in the bathroom, when I went to put them on, they were covered in burn marks, they weren't wearable anymore.

Dreaming about a beloved article of clothing being damaged or destroyed by fire is an ominous sign which warns you to be careful of trusting people you have just met recently or who "sparked" your interest. This vision suggests that you should be more scrupulous in your evaluation of newer acquaintances as one of them may not be all they seem. Just as "getting burned" in wake life can have both negative effects literally and figuratively, so does this vision seek to prepare you for the worst case scenario.

Boyfriend turning into a tiger

I had a dream that I went to visit my boyfriend in some kind of rehab or adult daycare. I needed to bring him a jacket. When I went to give it to him, he was sitting on the end of a picnic table full of people outside in the snow. I then sat down, he stood up walked away towards a bus and turned into a tiger. He then ran back to the table I was at, jumped on top and made me scratch his back.

Dreaming about visiting a rehab centre is often associated with the idea of someone in your life needing your help or expertise regularly. This idea is reinforced by the recollection of bringing a jacket to your boyfriend, meaning others tend to rely on you for aid. Together with the image of the tiger, these symbols suggest you give of yourself freely to others to the point that those around you go to you first before trying to do things on their own. Others may be using you and taking advantage of your kind heart. This brings us back to the sign of the coat, which predicts the need for an overhaul shortly. Before you get frustrated and refuse to help anyone again, try asserting yourself and asking those who rely on you to take a few problem-solving steps on their own before pulling you into the fray.

Walking different paths with boyfriend

My boyfriend said he had a dream that we were walking together down a street and then we both separated and walked different paths. Please tell me what this means, even though it's kind of self-explanatory... I think.

As you mentioned, going separate ways in the dream reveals differing dreams and desires. The street in your dream represents your journey in life. As your journey moves forward, you may find yourselves wanting different things and these diverging paths may cause a parting of ways later on in your life. This is your subconscious letting you know about the possibility of this outcome. Alternatively, it could be a reminder that following different paths may be necessary so that both of you can grow as individuals.

Meeting with boyfriend who wears red

I had a dream about my boyfriend and his best friend who is a girl. In my dream for some reason I was going to school and my bf was outside my classroom. I was nervous because this was the first time seeing him since we are in long-distance relations. I was walking with his best friend and I noticed both of them were wearing red. I wanted to talk to my boyfriend, but he wasn't coming into the classroom where I was, his best friend had to go, but she kept telling me that he will come but he never did.

Being at school in a dream vision suggests this situation with your boyfriend is causing you some stress in wake life. It may be the distance between you or related to the fact that you cannot see everything that goes on in your daily activities. Red is often symbolically linked with the ideas of love and passion, so perhaps subconsciously you suspect there is more to their relationship than meets the eye. The fact that he does not enter the classroom could also indicate emotional space between you like you are in different places. You may need to open the communication channels more to learn the truth and make an informed decision about your future.

Visiting a boyfriend from far away

Well. Where do I start? I'm currently in a long-distance relationship, one of my friends told me in a Skype call "You have to go see (my bf), he's obsessed with porn and loves you!" or something along the lines of that, so I traveled to Colorado and when I got there, I kissed him and wrapped my arms around him, in public. And then he said "I'll never let you go" and kissed me again, and then the dream ended.

This dream of traveling to visit your boyfriend in Colorado reflects the physical and metaphorical distance you may be feeling from your boyfriend in reality. You may be sensing some detachment on his part and you are yearning for some affection and validation to quell your fears. Kissing him in public is a way of validating your feelings towards him. Perhaps you declare your love for him openly in the presence of others in order to convince yourself that you are secure in your relationship. Maybe you need some assurance and the way to do this is to keep communication honest and transparent between the two of you.

Boyfriend switching places with someone else

Wake up and find out your boyfriend has been replaced by a stranger who is claiming to be your boyfriend (same name, etc). You don't believe him. There is a man fixing your TV and you find out it is your boyfriend, but no matter what you try, even playing songs that mean a lot to both of you, he doesn't remember you at all.

The interpretation of this vision depends highly on the circumstances and the relationship status of the dreamer. In general, however, dreaming that a stranger is acting as a boyfriend could indicate that the dreamer tends to become dissatisfied quickly. For example, they may get bored easily with a new gadget or change boyfriends (or girlfriends) at a speed that would leave others reeling. The opposite situation, recognizing a boyfriend but not being able to connect with him, could represent the dreamer's difficulty in communicating their feelings, which is a possible cause for their frustration when dealing with romantic partners or establishing new friendships.

Trying to save a disabled boyfriend

I had a dream that my disabled ex-boyfriend who is in a wheelchair was stuck in a building that was collapsing and I was trying to save him before the building collapsed completely. I also had another dream that my disabled boyfriend was sitting in a dark room waiting for me and I could see the frame of his shadow looking at me from the dark room and I was trying to run away from him.

Dreams of an ex usually refer to unfinished business with him. Perhaps you did not have proper closure when you broke up. The first dream of trying to save him from a collapsing building possibly points to you holding on to lingering feelings and affection for your ex-boyfriend. He may have certain qualities that you have been missing lately and you are trying to remember you're happy moments together. In the second dream, you are trying to run away from him. This may reveal your suppressed feelings which you are trying to deny. Perhaps a proper closure is necessary before you can move forward.

Boyfriend forced into submission

My boyfriend was forced to perform oral sex on another man without a fight.

Seeing your boyfriend being forced to perform oral sex on another man without putting up a fight in a dream portends some future issues with your relationship. The symbols in your dream point to the possibility that he is lying to you or withholding some important information. Your dream is also representative of the fact that your boyfriend may not always have your best interest at heart. This could eventually cause a rift between you two and may even lead to a breakup.

Boyfriend falling and breaking up a fight

My boyfriend fell out of a tree breaking up a fight between two friends.

Seeing your boyfriend fall down from a tree has certain implications for what may soon happen to him. It is possible that he could soon gain new insight into an issue or problem which has been bothering him for a while now. Furthermore, it is quite likely that he may end up needing your help when dealing with this situation.

Boyfriend doing drugs with a friend

My dream started with me waking up in a hotel room by the beach without my boyfriend there. I was searching all day for him but could not find him. Finally, I found him in a car with a mutual friend of ours doing cocaine. When I yelled and got mad about the drug use they left me on the side of the road at night, alone in an unfamiliar place.

Waking up in a hotel by the beach speaks of your subconscious concerns about the future and what it holds. Likely, you are considering, through this vision, the potential for a future with your current partner. With this in mind, spending the whole day in search of him and then finding him doing drugs, an activity you do not like, suggests things are about to fall apart around you despite your best efforts. It could even end the partnership you have formed thus far. However, being left alone at the side of the road predicts being able to make the best of this situation and opening yourself up to new and wonderful opportunities in the future.

Deceased boyfriend living in the woods

I found out from my dead boyfriend's mother that he wasn't really dead. He had left to live in the woods. So I went and found him and he said he was so sorry for leaving and if I would let him, he wanted to come home.

Unexpected deaths of loved ones can often cause them to manifest in our dreams as a way of reliving their memories. It is a part of coping with their absence and mourning the loss of life. This dream of seeing your dead boyfriend alive and well reveals your effort to make sense of his passing as a way to accept his death. There are probably unresolved issues between the two of you and your subconscious conjured him in your dream in order for you to get some closure.

Trying to find boyfriend

I was chasing frantically to find my boyfriend and he would tell me where he was, but be gone by the time I got there. I never reached him before I woke up.

Chasing after your boyfriend but unable to locate him in this dream actually has a very positive meaning. It could mean that recently you have witnessed something outstanding and remarkable done by him, which made you extremely proud and happy. However, there is some bittersweet connotation that goes along with these feelings, because you may feel that he has outperformed you in some way or made you feel less confident in your own abilities and success.

Watching boyfriend urinating

My bf had a dream where he woke up and we were both laying in bed naked. He got up to go to the bathroom and in the dream I asked him if I could watch him pee.

This vision your boyfriend had of you wanting to watch him urinate could predict someone close to him, most likely you, becoming unwell in the near future. It is possibly because your boyfriend is subconsciously noticing some changes in your behavior or physical appearance, which could be the precursor to some illness or medical troubles. His dream shows that he is tuned into the rhythm of your body and mannerisms, a sign of closeness and affection.

On the shore of a holly river with boyfriend

I am 26, I dreamed that I was at a shore of a holly river as I was upset as my boyfriend is with me and a little time before he said me to go out of my life and soon after he came up to me holding me from my back placing his arms around me like a very lovely couple and came to me to that shore of the river. I was crying and told him I want to go to that holly river and wash my face. He walked down with me to the shore, when I used to wash my face, the current becomes so fast, it took me.

Dreaming that your boyfriend wants you out of his life alludes to the changing dynamics between the two of you. Perhaps there is a need to give each other space in the waking world so you can sort out personal issues without projecting negative emotions onto the other party. It may not necessarily mean that the two of you are separating, only that challenges are part of your journey to help strengthen your bond. It is possible that you tend to get emotional during confrontations, as symbolized by the strong current of the river, such that you end up making irrational decisions. As such, the holy river represents your desire to manage your emotions and gain clarity when you and your boyfriend are faced with trials in order to arrive at an optimal resolution.

Boyfriend cheating with own sister

I caught my boyfriend and sister having an affair in two consecutive dreams. But in real life, they don't even know each other. However, twice in my dreams, I caught them having an affair.

Dreaming about your sister and your boyfriend caught in a compromising position actually portends a great deal of negativity. Despite the fact that they may not know each other at the moment, such a thing could become a possibility. Seeing your sister as a rival for your love in a dream means that it could happen in your waking life as well. Make sure you stay aware and reassess your relationship with both your boyfriend and your sister.

Boyfriend with someone pregnant at church

In a congregation with people in some room. I am sitting a few rows down and my boyfriend is sitting in front row next to a girl with her pregnant belly exposed. He started poking and kissing the girl's pregnant belly with his tongue.

Seeing your boyfriend sitting with another woman suggests he is hiding something from you in wake life, although not necessarily cheating or a double life. His l and innocuous to harmful or hurtful. The detail of the secret could be anything exposed pregnant belly that may represent some unhappiness due to this secret. It would be wise to encourage your boyfriend to share for his sake, though you may want to be gentle and avoid pushing him lest what he is keeping from you is done so with a good reason.

Boyfriend telling he has to leave

In my dream my boyfriend and I were sitting on the end of a bed. I could tell by his face that he was upset or had been crying. He looked at me and said "I can't do this anymore, I must leave". I said "I don't understand... What are you talking about?" He said "I can't do this financially any longer". "I got a job offer last year and I have decided to take the job. I am going to Paris, France". I looked at him in my dream and I was upset and I said "You knew this last year and never said a word to me? I moved here to be closer to you and now you are leaving???" He never said another word. He just looked at me with a sad face and then I woke up. I was upset in the dream and this dream happened to be in black and white. I don't know if this makes a difference, but most of my dreams (when I remember them) are in color. I was curious as to what this could mean.

Black and white generally allude to clear lines and demarcation. As such, dreaming in black and white could mean that your subconscious is reminding you to be more objective in dealing with issues instead of jumping to conclusions. You may be prone to being stubborn and inflexible when you put your mind on something even when others tell you that your logic may be flawed. While this unshakable resolve is good for certain undertakings, it can often cause rifts with your loved ones when you fail to consider their perspectives and opinions on the matter. The dialogue in the dream likely reflects your fears and apprehensions. Certain circumstances in the waking world may be dredging up deep-seated issues of rejection and abandonment. Maybe the key to assuaging your fears is to be open and honest with your partner about your trepidation, so that he would offer his side of the story. In addition, black and white dreams also suggest emotional distress. Perhaps you think your connection with your boyfriend has gotten stale and lost its color. You could be looking for some sort of validation and assurance from him in order to know whether he is fully committed.

Being devoted to boyfriend

My boyfriend dreamt he was on a hotel balcony looking down at me talking to my ex husband holding his hand and then pushing him away and turning and running to my boyfriend smiling and jumping into his arms. The other part of his dream we were looking at wedding dresses just him and I.

A dream wherein your boyfriend can see you choosing him over your ex-husband is the manifestation of his desire for the same thing to happen in wake life. Perhaps your boyfriend is insecure about your relationship, or he may be slightly jealous of the bond you once shared with your ex. This sense of insecurity is further reinforced by the two of you looking at wedding dresses. This denotes that your boyfriend is not very confident about your love for him. Make sure you provide him with the kind of secure love that he craves so that the two of you can maintain a happy and healthy relationship.

Deep connection with boyfriend underwater

Holding hands with my boyfriend in a large pool or aquarium-type pool, didn't have a need to breathe or talk. We just looked into each other's eyes and we knew what each other was thinking.

The large pool or aquarium in your dream alludes to your emotions. Hence, being submerged in this pool with your boyfriend without any need to breathe likely reveals the overwhelming feelings you have for each other. The overflowing affection could be creating this bubble around you, so much so that everything else seems to fade away or appears unimportant. As such, holding hands with your boyfriend suggests upcoming trials. The results could show how much the relationship might grow with time or be an indication of future happiness.

Boyfriend trying to fix the shower

I was having a shower and have washed off the soap on my body. My boyfriend was asked to fix the shower. Suddenly the shower stopped. He was fiddling with the main control and the shower started again, but it quickly stopped but not completely. Water was trickling and I stood waiting for him to fix it. He had not fixed it before I woke up. I am worried, please help explain. Thanks.

Taking a shower in the dream world usually represents meeting someone new in the near future. However, even though you would enjoy this individual's company, like washing the soap from your body, their impact on your life may be fleeting and insubstantial, so there really is no point in cultivating a bond. Alternatively, showering can be a metaphor for cleansing negativity from your existence. You could be carrying emotional and psychological baggage which you want to get rid of. If this is the case, then the broken shower could be a metaphor for your inability to completely rid yourself of your burdens. There could be duties thrust upon you that you do not want to take on, yet nobody else is willing to step up to the plate and help you out with your problems.

Boyfriend guilty of not keeping promises

I dreamed that my boyfriend is feeling guilty and sad. In real life he is very busy and he is making dates with me that he can't make it because every time something comes up.

This vision is symbolic of your own suffering and sorrow. The notion that in real life your boyfriend is busy and unable to have dates with you because something else comes up, shows that your relationship is not satisfactory. You are being deprived of good time that you would otherwise spend together. This poses a risk to any positive developments between the two of you as far as your relationship is concerned. It is important for you to handle this concern and find if there is a way you can strengthen your bond before it is affected in a negative way.

Happy around murderous boyfriend

After a rough breakup, my ex shot me and killed my best friend in front of me. Now I'm having dreams every night of him being in my house and I'm excited to have him there. Like, I am pregnant and aware of everything, but I've missed him and I'm happy to have him home. But he's actually in jail on a murder sentence.

Your ex-boyfriend's presence in your house in these dreams means that he is constantly on your mind, whether subconsciously or deliberately. The violent ending to your tumultuous relationship may have irrevocably altered your worldview. His massive impact on your existence is being processed by your subconscious mind, hence his recurring appearance in your dreams. Your positive reaction to his presence in the dreams does not necessarily mean that you want him back. Instead, it could be pointing to your yearning for a proper resolution and closure before you can begin the process of healing and moving on.

Losing boyfriend during a shooting

At an event with the boyfriend when shot is fired and people are screaming and running to Hut shop place, I'm almost at Hut and turn round to see where boyfriend is. Then I'm grabbed by a horse-masked person and can't get to boyfriend. Then I'm running around in panic looking for the boyfriend and come to an area made into a hospital and ask if he's come there and get told he's hurt, that's were I wake up, I'm a girl.

Hearing gunshots in the dream world could symbolize death. There is a possibility that a distant relative or someone close to you would pass away. Alternatively, this dream could serve as a forewarning. Someone may be striving to win the affection of your boyfriend and damage the relationship you have with him. You and your boyfriend may be evading a problem because you do not want to have a confrontation. Perhaps this issue between the two of you could end up creating a gap or significant tension if not addressed immediately.

Boyfriend having sex with a minor

I had a dream that my boyfriend had sex with my underage daughter.

Dreaming of statutory rape or sex with a minor can be a disturbing experience, especially if there is no hint of inappropriate conduct from the parties involved in reality. However, if you have been noticing strange behavior or interactions, then perhaps your mind has been primed in order to warn you about unbecoming behavior or actions from your boyfriend. On the other hand, if everything seems normal and harmonious among the three of you, then perhaps the dream is a projection of your insecurities. You may be misinterpreting fondness for your daughter as a sign of rejection. Maybe some part of you is afraid of losing him because of your shortcomings. Alternatively, in rare instances it can also be a positive sign of reconciliation. If your daughter disapproves of your boyfriend, then they may soon get along.

Boyfriend turning into a boar

I dreamed that I was making love to my boyfriend and he turned into a big furry boar.

Dreaming of having intercourse usually points to disappointing outcomes in your current preoccupations. Such disappointments could be due to delays and hindrances to your plans, including cancelled trips and partnerships falling through. It can also be a metaphor for union or coming together. Perhaps you and your boyfriend would uncover more intimate and personal information about each other which would bring your closer. However, a boar is associated with laziness and decline. Thus, his transformation into a boar could be a reference to the saying that "familiarity breeds contempt". As you grow more comfortable and familiar with each other, the feelings may start to wane while little annoyances become more salient.

Boyfriend being told to watch sex with ex-husband

My boyfriend had a dream where I wanted him to watch me be intimate with my ex-husband. He said at first he thought he would be OK with it, but it really bothered him to the point where he woke up from the dream. What does this mean?

Your boyfriend's dream of you wanting to watch you having sex with your ex partner likely reveals his insecurities. Perhaps he still feels threatened by your ex because of the memories and experiences you shared with someone else in the past. On the other hand, dreams of being cheated on actually carry a positive message. They mean the emotional investment is growing and he may be starting to think more long-term about your bond. As long as he does not let uncertainties get the better of him, you can both enjoy a satisfying existence together.

Skin peeling off after boyfriend's death

A guy I am in love with and trying to get over had died in my dream at 3:27am, and my skin slowly starts peeling off to the flesh. Patch by patch.

Your struggle to get over this guy could become a reality sooner than you thought possible. Dreaming of him and witnessing him die at such a specific time indicates you are ready to open a new chapter in your waking life and emerge freed from this relationship. Right now you may not feel it is possible yet, but you would pull through and get over him feeling refreshed and confident about yourself in the end.

Trying to find a deceased boyfriend

I dreamt about my boyfriend who passed away many years ago. He was in a room and I was trying to get to him but couldn't. Felt like I was on a loop where no matter what I tried I couldn't make it to him and the longer it took, the more anxious I became about finding him with someone else.

Trying, and seemingly failing, to get to your boyfriend in the dream alludes to unresolved issues. Dreams about a deceased loved one usually mean that the dreamer is harboring regrets, especially in relation to the deceased person who manifested in the vision. In your case, the endless space you had to navigate in order to get to your boyfriend means you could be wallowing in your own misery and sense of powerlessness. Maybe a part of you feels you could have done something to prevent his death. The loop could also represent your inability to find answers or rationalize his passing, hence you have a hard time moving forward. Perhaps this dream is meant to show you how dwelling in the past could put your life on hold or at a standstill. Until you learn to accept or even forgive yourself for past mistakes, you would not be able to find peace of mind.

Meeting a younger version of boyfriend

I am female and my boyfriend is male. I had a dream that I was at an airport and seen a little kid running around. It was my boyfriend when he was little. He was crying and told me that he wanted to give up and that he wasn't happy. I, of course, started crying and hugged him and reassured him that in a few years he would meet me. Once he met me we would be happy and that he wouldn't have to worry about being sad. I assumed I traveled back in time or something because he was much younger.

The younger version of your boyfriend in the dream likely represents his past or some immature aspects of himself. Perhaps you feel like he is latching onto his childhood or unable to let go of his past. Maybe his tendency to dwell on previous failures and mistakes is keeping him from moving forward and exploring new opportunities. On the other hand, it is also possible that the crying kid reveals his anxiety about embracing more adult responsibilities and entering a new chapter in your lives together. The airport symbolizes new opportunities and journeys. As such, you may have sensed his reservations about his capability to handle the transition. He may feel ill-equipped as an adult and looking to you for some kind of assurance before he can fully take off and succeed in new ventures.

Boyfriend's strange wedding

I am a girl. My best friend is a guy and he called me to come at his wedding, when I reached there I saw many goats, cows and in the center of them was my best friend's house. He was looking like an old man in a white dress he was wearing. He said to me "You are late", then I started looking for the bride, but couldn't found any girl except me, there was an old couple standing with him and then I saw a kid and asked her for a kiss and she made my cheek red with her kiss. I asked him who she was, he didn't say anything.

Envisioning being invited to your best friend's wedding is often a sign that this individual requires your help or advice in some way. Seeing him in white could have two possible meanings in this situation. On one hand, he may need some support in a serious relationship he is currently pursuing. On the other hand, it is possible that he needs help finding a partner and your mind is suggesting you would be a potential candidate for a good long-term relationship. This is seen in conjunction with the images of the cows and goats, with cows symbolizing your kind, generous nature and goats representing your tendency to be flirtatious and a little obnoxious. These qualities may be warring for balance within you, making it difficult to be a good, impartial friend or a strong candidate for a romantic partnership with your friend. You may need to carefully consider your actions if you are hoping to influence his actions in one way or another.

Being separated from boyfriend

Female 23, I am deeply in love with my boyfriend and my heart hurts feeling like he has become distant in the last couple days and then I had this dream. I got separated from him and had to watch him from afar laugh and enjoy his time with another beautiful woman. Right after waking up from that, the following dream was, I was cleaning out my school locker reminiscing with old crushes from grade school. I am extremely sad and feel I had this dream following his distance in the last day or so.

Seeing your boyfriend with another woman or watching him having fun with someone else usually means that he may be hiding something from you. This secret that he is hiding may be the key to explaining the changes in his behavior that you have observed recently. You may have to coax this out of him without scaring him off or make him feel safe enough so he can confide in you. Alternatively, this could also reveal your own insecurities. Maybe you think you are not good enough, so the painful scenario is a projection of your fears of losing your boyfriend to someone else. Meanwhile, cleaning out your locker means you want to get rid of negative emotions or issues that may be holding you back from being truly happy. You may need to confront your own demons, past and present, to avoid creating complications for yourself and the people you love.

Boyfriend trying to get inside the house

My boyfriend shows up in a car and screams my name outside of a new house. He tries to get in but I am shutting the door and he is using a knife to try and stop me from shutting the door... I feel the presence of an unknown woman outside the house, she doesn't like me. My brother finally comes behind me and slams the door shut and my bf goes away.

The idea that you were in a new house at the beginning of this vision suggests there are multiple paths open to you that could lead to wealth, prosperity and happiness. However, the unfriendly female presence outside the house may reveal your hesitation to take the opportunities available to you, perhaps because you fear they would upset others or cause rifts in some relationships. This may be particularly true of your relationship with your boyfriend. Envisioning him brandishing a knife and trying to force his way into your new home suggests major changes taking place in your future. It is possible that he is resistant to these changes because they would affect either his access to or influence over you. It is your responsibility to determine if his intentions are good and if you are ready to move on to this new phase in your life with or without his presence.

Being jealous of boyfriend's friends

So apparently this day I couldn't go to my boyfriend's house because I was stuck at home. I called him with no answer when he called me back and I asked what he was doing he said he was with two girl friends at his house. I got really mad even though I trust him, so I asked my mom to take me to his house because I just wanted to go over there and beat someone up but she couldn't, so I decided to walk but I could never get over there and I got REALLY frustrated and then I woke up. Nobody woke me up.

Your inability to visit your boyfriend in this dream likely points to issues that are driving a wedge between the two of you. The initial phone call which he does not answer may be a reference to communication problems. Perhaps one or both of you are keeping secrets and not very forthcoming with each other, so resentment may grow. In addition, walking but never arriving at your boyfriend's house suggests a metaphorical distance. It is possible that no matter how much you try to reach out to him, he may constantly shut you down or put up a wall. In this sense, the girl friends may symbolize your paranoia or anxiety because of his tendency to be closed off. You may sometimes tend to think the worst even though there may be nothing going on that is worth stressing over.

Wanting to run away with an abusive boyfriend

Female. My boyfriend was abusing me. Had a knife tracing around my body and poked my eye in and I went blind and he was laughing with friends. I was upset and he tried to have sex. I was naked and my parents walked in. He ran out the door and I was told to clean my mess. I looked out the window and he was leaving in his car, I knocked on the window and he saw me and I ran down to get in the car with him, we were arguing and the dream ended.

Dreaming that your boyfriend is being abusive and torturing you means you are feeling powerless in your relationship. The attempted rape also indicates a power imbalance between the two of you. You feel like he is taking advantage of you in reality and perhaps your love for him is blinding you from all his shortcomings or making you overlook his negative traits. The injury to your eye also means being blinded by your emotions. In addition, the image of your parents witnessing the abuse implies that your loved ones are aware of your unhappiness. Overall, your subconscious could be urging you to be more rational and look at your relationship from a more practical perspective so you can judge whether it is destructive or whether it is worth keeping.

Boyfriend sick and unhappy about meeting his family

My dream was about my boyfriend being sick with dextrose attached to him while lying on the couch asleep and his family came in and I met them with handshakes. But when my boyfriend woke up and saw us, it seems that his was not happy that I had met his family. Then, as I asked permission to go out, he followed me and seems like we talked about something that made us emotional in the dream.

Dreaming of your boyfriend being sick means a part of you needs to be healed or fixed. You could be depending too much on your boyfriend and this is starting to push him away. In addition, meeting his family in the vision probably reveals your desire to have a more loving and supportive family of you own. You wish you could have experienced happier moments with your parents and siblings, unfortunately your family may not be as affectionate or as close. So ultimately, this dream vision is your subconscious telling you to confront your personal issues because they could start to negatively affect your relationship with your boyfriend.

Something trying to get boyfriend

My boyfriend keeps having a dream that gets so bad I have to shake him hard to wake him up. He yells "Help me" until I can get him awake. When I finally get him awake and ask what's wrong, he says something was trying to get him. One time he said it was a dog but any other time he doesn't remember. This dream happens almost every night in the middle of the night. When we get up in the morning to start our day, he doesn't even remember me waking him up, but he remembers that he had a bad dream.

Being chased by someone or something in the dream world is very common and can take on multiple interpretations depending on who or what is chasing the dreamer. In this case, being chased by a dog could mean your boyfriend is engaging in some activity that could be bad for his health. Oftentimes this refers to certain bad habits, such as drinking too much or smoking. On occasion, however, it may point toward a high stress lifestyle, working too many hours or neglecting yearly check-ups with the doctor. Perhaps you should advise your boyfriend to take stock of his current health and lifestyle so that he can make adjustments for the future.

Boyfriend leaving unexpectedly

It is about me and my boyfriend finally being able to have a family and be together in the same house and stuff, but I for some reason always end up messing something up and he gets mad and then one day I come home and he is just gone like poof, he's gone and I never see him again.

Dreaming about living together with your boyfriend may refer to the happiness and contentment you feel in your current relationship. You may be very happy and in love right now, and you are possibly contemplating the next step of your journey together as a couple. Being left alone by your angry boyfriend in the dream world does not mean this future is not possible. It does, however, point toward a need to address some aspects of your past and current situation before embarking on a new path. For example, perhaps you have some emotional baggage you need to deal with or do not actually have a strong enough financial situation to realistically afford a marriage and house together. You may need to address these issues and consult someone older and wiser before taking the next step together.

Boyfriend having sex in class

I am young, and I went to bed last night happy because I finally was dating my crush. In my dream, my boyfriend and his (horny) ex were having sex inches away from me underneath the same blanket I was under in my history class!!!! Please tell me what this means?

Dreaming that your boyfriend is cheating on you, such as seeing him having sex with an ex, suggests you will make enemies in the waking world. In addition, witnessing this encounter in class means you will end up learning a lot from a confrontation or a rivalry. Perhaps this conflict would occur as a result of your relationship with your crush. There could be some jealousy involved which would lead to irrational or emotional behavior from you and the other person involved.

Boyfriend and his ex's pictures

Dreamed of my boyfriend putting his ex girlfriend as his WhatsApp profile photo.

This vision seems to contain some mnemonic symbols as the details of the application and profile picture appeared quite vividly to you. While you may at first be concerned about this vision, you can rest assured that this is not a prophetic dream. Rather, the images that appeared in your mind's eye suggest that you may soon have to deal with someone who you find less than appealing. You may even get into a major conflict with this man or woman if the two of you cannot keep your tempers in check.

Boyfriend checking out other girls online

What does it mean if I keep having dreams my boyfriend is stalking girls online or looking at pictures of girls with barely any clothes on? I keep having dreams like that and I always catch him looking at girls and get mad and break up with him. He is always hiding it in the dream and gets mad at me when I find out, but in real life he tells me he doesn't look at girls and he tells me he only looks at me, but I keep having these dreams and it's always with girls online not girls in real life.

While you may have some suspicions about your boyfriend after seeing this vision, it actually has very little if nothing at all to do with him. Dreaming that your current partner is cheating, unfaithful or has wandering eyes is not a reflection of his behavior but rather your subconscious mind's recognition of your own naivety and vulnerability. In essence, you see something you fear because you unconsciously recognize that you are perhaps too trusting. Now, you may be seeing this because of something that recently happened with your boyfriend, but it is more likely that this has to do with another area of your life, such as trusting unreliable news sources or accepting certain friends' opinions as facts rather than subjective commentary.

Boyfriend following another girl to her home

I had a dream my boyfriend and I were out in public. He wanted to show this girl his computer because he needed something for it but he is very smart with computers. Anyways, I told him no and we need to leave. Somehow he went with her to her home. I walked in with our daughter and found him lying in bed with her. Looked like they were making out, but still dressed.

The presence of your boyfriend in a dream with you is often linked to seeing him in reality. That is, you have likely spoken to him or hung out with him recently. The computer he was trying to show the other girl in your vision represents your desire to know more about him and possibly control what he knows about you. The image of him making out with the girl at the end of the dream, then, suggests that resentment could build up if this situation is not addressed. You may need to be more trusting, or he may need to be more forthcoming. In either case, you have to find some middle ground and compromise.

Meeting boyfriend's wife

I am a female. I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were sleeping in his bed and then his wife walked in. They argued and she told him things that only we should know. I left the house and he later appeared at my house and told me that he was single and we were free to be together.

Dreaming about being caught in the act of adultery is often synonymous with guilt in wake life. While your boyfriend may say that he is single and free to be with you in the vision, this is actually your unconscious mind trying to protect you from your feelings of remorse. It is possible that this dream is directly related to your personal relationships, but it could be about something else as well. The only way to truly alleviate your darker emotions is to make amends for the pain you have caused and avoid making the same mistake again.

Mentioning boyfriend's name

Having a vivid dream of mentioning or saying your boyfriend's name may have a different meaning depending on your situation in real life. For one, this signifies that you might experience some sort of conflict with your partner, which could be due to differences in beliefs or lifestyle. Conversely, this may carry a good connotation about your current relationship. You might have some doubts about the relationship, and this vision answers those, so you should learn to trust more.

Boyfriend's clothes

Wearing or borrowing your boyfriend's clothes in a dream vision, like a hoodie or an oversized shirt, reflects the comfort and protection you feel in the relationship. In particular, clothes that appear to be white or green in the dream represent inner peace and contentment, even if he does not own clothes of those colors in reality.

Boyfriend being distant

Dreaming about boyfriend who is getting away from your sight or attention can reflect your experiences in the relationship. His attitude and behavior in real life could represent the true answers to your subconscious thoughts and feelings about the relationship. The dream is therefore urging you to reflect on the dynamics of your relationship and to consider if his behavior is a reflection of some outstanding important issues that need to be addressed.

Lying on top of your boyfriend

Dreams about lying on top of your boyfriend do not necessarily reflect a literal situation, but rather your subconscious processing emotional and sensory experiences. Even though the figure in the dream represents your perception of your boyfriend, it is not a direct representation of him. Dreams often involve your feelings, perceptions, and experiences. If you were not physically connected in the dream, it could be a manifestation of curiosity, desire, or unexpressed emotions, including sexual ones. Dreams often serve as a platform for exploring suppressed feelings and desires, even those related to intimacy.