Dreams Related To Cars and trucks

Someone unable to drive

Dreaming about a person who you know does not or cannot drive, to be driving behind the wheel of a vehicle on the road suggests that you might approach this person at some point in time in the future for help or advice. He or she might be instrumental in helping to resolve this issue or problem thanks to some valuable insights and practical suggestions to guide you.

Handling unfamiliar automobile part

Dreaming of handling an unfamiliar automobile part serves as a cautionary sign, advising you to be well-prepared for forthcoming criticism regarding your problem-solving methods. This dream implies that you may soon face scrutiny or disapproval from others regarding the decisions you make or the strategies you employ to overcome challenges. It emphasizes the importance of being ready to defend and explain your choices, ensuring that you remain steadfast in your approach. While criticism may arise, staying confident in your problem-solving abilities will ultimately help you navigate the situation successfully and maintain your integrity.

Manipulating various automobile controls

Engaging in playful exploration of the controls in your automobile during a dream can serve as a warning of unforeseen losses. These losses may manifest as minor injuries or illnesses that catch you off guard. It is a reminder to exercise caution and take care of your well-being. Pay attention to your physical and mental health, and take preventive measures to avoid potential risks. While this dream raises awareness of potential challenges, it also serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and make choices that promote your overall well-being.

Selling your automobile

Dreaming of selling your precious automobile can be seen as a forewarning of unexpected and undesirable changes that may disrupt your life. This dream suggests that you may encounter unforeseen challenges or setbacks that could catch you off-guard. The act of selling your automobile symbolizes a relinquishment of control or a need to let go of something valuable to you. While this dream may bring feelings of apprehension or unease, it serves as a reminder to be prepared for change and to adapt to new circumstances with resilience and flexibility.

Selling your car

Dreaming about selling your car can be a symbol of unexpected and undesirable changes that may disrupt your life. It serves as a cautionary sign to prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances and challenges that may catch you off-guard. This dream suggests that you may need to adapt quickly and make difficult decisions to navigate through these changes effectively. It is a reminder to stay vigilant and proactive in managing your circumstances, as these changes may impact various aspects of your life. By being prepared and open to new possibilities, you can minimize the negative effects and find opportunities for growth and transformation.

Manipulating various car controls

Engaging in playful experimentation with the controls of your vehicle can serve as a clear indicator of potential unexpected setbacks, such as mild physical ailments or illness. This concept can be metaphorically related to the realm of dreams, where tinkering with the elements can likewise symbolize unforeseen losses. These losses, while minor in nature, can manifest in various forms, emphasizing the significance of remaining cautious and aware within the dream realm. By drawing parallels between this behavior and dream scenarios, one can better understand the importance of navigating dreamscape experiences with mindfulness, ultimately ensuring positive outcomes.

Picking a car at a car rental

Dreaming of selecting a car at a car rental can be a symbol of a significant reward that awaits you. This reward is the culmination of your dedication and relentless effort, finally resulting in the fruits of your hard work. The dream signifies that your persistence and commitment are paying off, leading to substantial recognition or success in your endeavors. It encourages you to stay focused and maintain your work ethic, as your efforts are likely to lead to a rewarding outcome.

Your own car at a car rental

Dreaming of finding your own car at a car rental is a cautionary sign that you may encounter deception or manipulation from someone in the near future. The dream serves as a reminder to stay vigilant and be cautious when dealing with others, as there might be individuals trying to take advantage of your trust or goodwill. It is essential to be discerning and protect yourself from potential dishonesty to avoid any negative repercussions on your personal or professional life.

Handling unfamiliar car part

Dreaming of interacting with an unfamiliar car part acts as a clear signal to brace yourself for a potential wave of critique concerning your problem-solving approach. This dream reminds you to be ready to address any challenges to your methods with confidence and resilience.

Purchasing car parts

Investing in car parts signifies a willingness to embrace more from life than the world readily provides. However, it's essential to tread carefully. This dream may be a cautionary signal urging you to decelerate, as maintaining your current pace could jeopardize the achievements you've worked hard to attain. Take heed of this symbolic advice, considering the balance between ambition and preservation. By slowing down and reassessing, you can safeguard your accomplishments and ensure sustained success in your endeavors.

Very fast automobile ride

Experiencing an exhilaratingly fast automobile ride in a dream can be an indication that the desired outcomes of your efforts and hard work may face unnecessary delays. This dream may serve as a reminder to exercise patience and perseverance as you navigate through challenges and obstacles on your path to success. While the speed of progress may not be as swift as anticipated, it is essential to remain focused and determined in pursuing your goals. Remember that setbacks and delays are temporary, and with resilience and dedication, you will ultimately reach your destination. Keep pushing forward and trust that your efforts will yield the desired results in due time.

Hitchhiking an automobile on the road

Encountering a dream where you are in search of a ride on a road unveils an intriguing symbol, hinting at the potential revelation of a latent ability within you, which could manifest as newfound talents or skills. This vivid imagery serves as a mirror to your untapped potential. Just as you navigate the road in your dream, you're poised to embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering hitherto hidden capacities. By decoding this symbol, you're encouraged to embrace the forthcoming opportunities, acknowledging the unexplored facets of your capabilities. Much like the road in your dream leads to new destinations, your path is poised to lead you to uncharted territories of personal growth and proficiency.

Foreign manufacturer automobile

Dreams of seeing a foreign-made automobile may symbolize your potential for moments of exceptional inspiration. These insights could lead you to discover positive solutions for challenging questions or issues in your life. This dream encourages you to trust in your creativity and problem-solving abilities, as they may provide the answers you seek.

Disappearance or theft of automobile

When an automobile disappears or is stolen in a dream, it serves as a forewarning of significant disruptions that may impact your carefully laid plans, particularly those of great importance for your future endeavors. This dream symbolizes unexpected obstacles or challenges that may arise, potentially derailing your progress or causing delays in reaching your goals. It is a reminder to stay vigilant and adaptable in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Be prepared to reassess your strategies and make necessary adjustments to navigate through the disruptions successfully.

Getting out of an automobile

When you dream about stepping out of your car, it symbolizes the fulfillment of your goals and the gratifying realization of your carefully crafted aspirations. This powerful imagery represents the successful conclusion of your envisioned plans, as well as the tangible rewards that come from your diligent efforts and perseverance. As you embark on this transformative journey, your dedication and hard work pave the way for remarkable achievements and prosperous outcomes. By exiting your automobile in this dream, you are reminded that your relentless pursuit of excellence is yielding fruitful results and that the seeds of your ambitions are blossoming into extraordinary triumphs.

Broken down automobile

Having a malfunctioning vehicle can be an ominous sign of impending misfortune at your doorstep in the near future. When your automobile breaks down, it often serves as a harbinger of unwelcome news heading your way. Prepare yourself for the likelihood of encountering unfortunate circumstances in the coming days or weeks. Stay vigilant and brace yourself for potential challenges that might lie ahead.

Driving an automobile

When you dream about maneuvering a car on the road, it signifies a surge in productivity and prosperous financial gains for your business or endeavor. This dream symbolizes an abundance of activity and a thriving venture. The act of driving an automobile in your dream holds positive implications, indicating that your business is poised for success and flourishing profits.

Getting out of a car

Stepping out of your vehicle in your dream signifies the successful culmination of your envisioned goals and the tangible rewards of your diligent efforts. This captivating vision serves as a confirmation that your hard work and determination are paying off. It indicates a significant achievement or milestone that you have reached in your journey. Embrace this moment as a testament to your perseverance and celebrate the fruits of your labor. As you step away from your car, you are stepping into a new chapter of success and accomplishment. Continue to embrace your ambitions and maintain the same level of dedication and commitment, knowing that you have the ability to turn your dreams into reality.

Foreign manufacturer car

Encountering a foreign-made car in your dream suggests that you will experience moments of exceptional inspiration, enabling you to uncover constructive solutions to challenging questions or issues. This dream symbolizes your creative problem-solving abilities and hints at a period of innovative thinking and success in overcoming obstacles. Stay open to new ideas and approaches, as they may lead to favorable outcomes in your waking life.

Very fast car ride

Dreams about high-speed car rides may hold significant meanings for your future endeavors. If you find yourself hurtling through the dream world in an incredibly fast car, it could be a symbolic indication that the anticipated outcomes of your hard work and efforts might encounter unexpected delays. These dreams serve as insightful messages, urging you to remain patient and persistent in the pursuit of your goals, as success may take a bit longer to materialize. Embrace the symbolism of the fast car ride as a reminder to stay focused on your aspirations, trusting that perseverance and determination will eventually lead you to triumph.

A truck in general

A truck in dreams generally refers to big goals. You could be driving the truck, seeing one pass by or envisioning an image of a truck, all those dream scenarios reveal your ambitious nature. You are focused and determined to make your dreams come true. The enormity of the task is huge, as indicated by the size and weight of the truck, but you are ready to take on any challenge that may come your way. The truck could also represent your firm resolve. You do not easily get discouraged nor do you lose sleep over little annoyances. You have your sight set on bigger and more important things. Trucks as dream symbols can also represent burden. You could be carrying a lot of responsibilities or having problems that are weighing you down. The burden may also be in the form of negative thoughts or overpowering pressure coming from someone you know. For instance, your boss may have tremendous expectations when it comes to your output. Anything that stresses you out or is taking a lot out of you, physically and mentally, could be the thing that you want to let go of or completely get rid of.

A dump truck

A dump truck in dreams symbolizes a problematic situation that would be hard to resolve if not handled well. For example, if you saw the truck dumping garbage in your dream vision, then you could become the victim of malicious and false rumors circulating at work or in your social circle. If you let your emotions get the best of you, you could end up looking defensive and guilty. Try to calm down before reacting because even one wrong move could permanently damage your reputation and credibility.

Being a truck driver

Dreaming that you are a truck driver means you work well under pressure. The truck you are driving in your dream vision represents serious challenges and difficult problems that could make most people quit, but not you. Instead of getting discouraged whenever you are given a tough task, you get even more motivated to succeed handling seemingly insurmountable problems. It is also possible that you have a high tolerance for pain. Your steely focus and tough personality are the traits that would allow you to achieve current and future goals, both professionally and personally.

Driving a giant truck

Envisioning yourself driving an enormous truck means you are about to take on a huge responsibility. The size of the truck symbolizes the significant role which could be given to you in reality. Perhaps a promotion is in your future or you could be thinking of starting your own business. Either way, if the giant truck is carrying a lot of load, then it means you have to put in a lot of energy and effort to implement your plans. Fortunately, being the driver of this huge truck shows your strong leadership skills. You are not afraid to take charge. While you may have concerns about the efficacy of your strategies, this vision tells you that you need not worry too much. As long as you follow protocol, your plans would go smoothly.

In a truck as a passenger

To dream of being a passenger in a truck is an allusion to eventual success. Your path to achieving success and satisfaction would be smooth and steady. You may not be the risk-taking type or possess an assertive personality, but your cool and calculated approach would take you a long way. Since you are the passenger in this vision, it can also mean that you prefer supporting others rather than leading them, but this does not mean that you are mediocre. On the contrary, you know your strengths and you have a knack for surrounding yourself with personalities who would bring out your best qualities.

A heavily loaded truck

The image of a heavily loaded truck in dreams conveys a very positive message. For instance, you could be driving and a loaded truck passes by or you are walking on the street looking at a parked truck carrying various goods to capacity. The presence of this symbol in visions points to the possibility of a drastic improvement in your financial status. A generous relative may have named you heir to his or her estate or you would acquire an heirloom which turns out to be worth a fortune. The surprise blessing may also manifest as generosity from others or overall good luck, perhaps via a hefty bonus from your boss or opportunities falling to your lap with ease.


Dreaming that your car has been taken by someone else, whether you were still inside it or not, suggests you feel controlled or manipulated by someone in reality. This could be a parent who has ambition for your future or a teacher who seeks to mold your behavior. Not feeling in control of your own life or choices is the cause of this vision. If you were unable to recover the vehicle before the end of the vision, it may be some time before your overcome the influence of whatever outside force is holding you back.

A fancy car

Driving a fancy car.

A fancy car in your dream could be symbolic of potential exposures to sudden losses or extravagant purchases. It could also reveal your desire to have a higher status quo and social influence. You subconsciously want others to admire and perceive you as a wealthy and powerful person. This dream vision could also symbolize that you feel ambiguous, uncertain or vague about certain aspects of your life, lack self-esteem and self-confidence. You could be confused about the meaning and possible impact of recent life events on your future. Such line of questioning, indecisiveness or confusion related to other people's opinions or recent events could hamper your ability to make prompt and sound decisions.

Getting a new car

My friend dreamt about me and my husband having a new car each.

The dream of getting a new car by each of you, but when the dream vision was experienced by someone else other than you, could be a reflection of some visible and obvious competition or difference in views and opinions between you and your husband. This could involve demonstrating rivalry in front of other people (including your friend who had this dream) intentionally or unknowingly. Perhaps it has left such a big imprint on your friend that it manifested itself subconsciously. You could be taking this spousal competition for granted and consider it to be a normal part of your life, but to others it might seem somewhat strange or inappropriate. It could be as subtle as verbal remarks or gestures exchanged between you and your husband, or it could be the way you offer distinctly different opinions on things in front of others.

Being worried about where the car is parked

I saw my car outside of the garage! But in real life my car is never park outside! What does it mean? Thank u!

Dreams about being worried about your car are actually very common. These visions reflect your real-life concerns about the possibility that your current plans or projects may become disrupted by someone or someone's actions and never come to fruition. You could be in a stage when you are trying to complete or finalize an important project or activity and sensing that you might be unable to pull it off. Some reassurance in self-confidence and determination (including by other people) would help you in overcoming these temporary uncertainties.

Parked trucks which needed to be moved

I had a dream that there was three 18-wheelers parked and needed moved. Everyone wanted me to move them. I knew where the keys where. Two fit in parking spot together. Third was parked out in front of them.

This dream vision about needing to move big trucks out of your way and knowing how to do this could be a reflection of your worries and concerns about something important you need to accomplish at the moment. It could be related to your work responsibilities, household projects or an issue or problem only you are capable of solving. This situation could be at a point where you are overwhelmed with the "load" of work to be done and even though there are no strict deadlines or pressure, you could be slowly sinking deeper and deeper into stress and despair related to this activity with its seemingly unmanageable volume.

Speed chase in an ambulance

I dreamed that I had a boyfriend and we were playing with his ambulance because his lights don't work, then ambulances and police cars passed us with their lights and sirens on and my boyfriend followed a few minutes later he started speeding in a police motorcycle and told me to run. I ran with him and lots of bombs started going off.

Dreaming about vehicles equipped with sirens points to unfounded states of anxiety or feeling possible (or imagined) threats to the dreamer's well-being or to his or her intimate relationships. Based on the context of your dream, it can be inferred that you tend to cause emotional tremors or make unfair accusations of infidelity, if in a relationship with someone in waking life. Police going after you is a reminder that you should exhibit humility, tactfulness, tolerance and soundness of mind when you get yourself involved in or start having an argument or misunderstanding with another person or a group or people. Acting otherwise would get you in more trouble, which could turn unpleasant, upsetting or even tragic. Sometimes, dreams which involve sirens and explosions serve as subconscious signals of being or becoming isolated, lonely, depressed or even desperate.

Unable to control the car

I keep having this recurring dream that I am driving a car (not any specific car) and every time I press the brakes they don't work. I keep blowing red lights and stop signs even if I press the break very early. I wake up sweating almost every night from this dream.

Dreams about being unable to slow or stop a car with the brakes indicate a recent situation or a tendency to do things without thinking them through. Perhaps your quick thinking solved an immediate problem, but not considering the after-effects of your actions may have dire consequences. This dream of being unable to follow traffic rules and drive safely may, therefore, be a subconscious warning that the consequences of your short-sightedness are about to be or have already begun to be realized.

Son sitting in the car

My son of 10 was sitting in a car by himself as I was driving past with my daughter in another car. He told me that the mother left him and was to return later. When we reached home I asked my daughter to call and ask if he was still in the car. He was, He explained that the barber machines were not able to take in his name so that his hair could be cut. In the dream I had a in knowledge that the mother was with another man.

Car space in dream interpretation means comfort and peace of mind. Based on this symbolism, this dream vision of your son sitting alone in the car could serve as an indication of him trying to find his own comfort zone, if not a desperate need for personal space at the moment. Not being able to cut his hair in this same dream could reveal that lately he may have wanted to share some things, either emotional or material, with others (peers or adults), but these attempts were either disallowed or ignored. Lastly, the notion of his mother being with someone else once again reflects your existing feelings or suspicions that he is not receiving adequate attention or care from you personally or other family members.

Owning red cars

I dreamt I was trying to cross a railway line and then all of a sudden I own two red cars.

To be understood, we actually should look at this dream in reverse. Dreaming of cars is a relatively common symbol which is usually interpreted as a sign that you are worried about the success of your plans or fear that others may ruin your chances for getting a great opportunity. The fact that the cars were red further supports this idea, showing that your emotions may run a bit high when you are concerned about how things are going to turn out. However, being near train tracks suggests that your goals are to be met with great success, so you should not worry so much about the actions of others.

Problems while driving

I and my sister-in-law were driving to the hospital, she was driving my car very smoothly when she got out of the car she was very happy and looked like she was still in her teens. I on the other hand was driving home with my granddaughter and found it very difficult to drive back home had little control over the car.

In general, this dream speaks of your envy in regards to this person's latest achievements, position in life in comparison to your own, or how you are viewed by other family members when juxtaposed to her. You may have some issues to deal with in your own life, but you are constantly comparing her lifestyle and life position against yours. Even though you may have warm feelings and reciprocity going on at the moment, you may want to consider re-evaluating certain aspects of this relationship.

Leaving a bar with a stranger

I was sitting in a bar with someone, but he was three or four seats down, I was with a younger boy blonde hair with freckles very boisterous, I was drinking soda that I was dipping through a straw... The young boy got a phone call and stepped outside to talk about it and I wanted to leave. I somehow got into a woman's SUV and was suddenly drunk, she was looking at me smiling in a mischievous way, driving very fast on a curvy, narrow road, with hills going up and down up and down. She was driving about 100 mph, everything was blurry going by, we were going so fast. It was dark outside, and I was drunk.

Dreaming about being in a bar and relaxing with someone, whether they are an acquaintance or a close friend, represents needing to get a burden off your shoulders. Going to a bar with someone is a social activity, and experiencing such a vision in a dream is a subconscious representation of being concerned about some matter of great importance, but possibly having trouble finding the right person to talk to. By sharing your thoughts with someone else, you may lighten your load as well as gain a new point of view from your companion. At the same time, being taken on a drive on a winding and hilly road is a sign that your frame of mind is very focused on doing negative things or resorting to bad behavior. If you don't change your current ways of thinking and acting, you may find yourself in dangerous situations threatening your well-being and even freedom. The notion that it was another person's car also points to your tendency to easily succumb to other people's bad influence or be controlled by the power they try to exert over you.

Driving a sports car

Someone dreamed about me driving a sports car.

A fancy or sports car you were driving as envisioned by others could be a reflection of your tendency to be involved in some extravagant purchases and gestures, or your desire to have a higher status quo and social influence. You could act or present yourself to others in a way so that they have to admire and perceive you as a wealthy, capable and powerful person. This dream vision could also symbolize that you feel ambiguous, uncertain, or vague about certain aspects of your life, and could actually lack confidence and feel insecure, contrary to what you try to convey.

Being a driver of a big truck

Sitting at the driver position with the key on a very big truck.

Dreaming about being in the driver seat of a truck means that presently you are concerned or worried about possible outcomes of an activity or life situation which has a great deal of importance to you personally. You may have invested a lot of time or other resources into making it happen, but some recent developments could have caused you these uneasy feelings and anxiety. However, this dream vision is suggestive that you are just overreacting and have enough leverage for things to go the way you had planned or expected.

A red car in the pool

It was a red car that had just driven down the street, it didn't crash into anything, but ended up in a swimming pool full of water.

The color red tends to represent strong emotions, usually indicating getting worked up or upset easily. This is understandable, given that driving down the street in a fast-moving car represents being concerned or troubled about a situation you are currently in. You are likely stressed out either because the outcome is uncertain or because you have little control over the final decision. In both cases, the ending depends on your actions from here on out. Driving into a pool of water predicts a negative outcome for you if you act in a rushed or thoughtless manner. If you react quickly based on your feelings, as you have a tendency to do, you may find things going badly. However, if you take time to respond logically, you may find the situation shifting to favor your desires.

A tractor on the road

I saw a tractor packing stones and working in the middle of a road.

Watching a tractor pack stones on a road, possibly in an attempt to repair or improve it, predicts that you have the ability to change your life for the better. You probably have unique skills and experiences which give you an advantage over others who could be in a similar position. This vision suggests, however, that you have yet to utilize these abilities, so it may be time to buckle down and figure out how best to improve your life and circumstances.

In a car amid a frozen landscape

I was in a car when flocks of flying penguins went by and after that I got out and the car was frozen to the ground with ice everywhere and a frozen dog in the distance that I freed and kept.

Dreaming about a cold, snowy landscape with frozen objects and animals is a metaphor for your life. This means that while you are generally doing well in life, others may be suffering or facing hardships (freezing) with little hope of turning this situation around. Your future actions may have serious consequences. If you choose not to get involved, your situation is unlikely to change either for better or worse. However, should you choose to risk your position and comfortable lifestyle for the sake of others, you may lose some of what you have. It depends on whether you think the emotional rewards for such efforts are worth the material risks.

Getting inside an uncontrollable truck

My friend had really bad depression and she wanted to kill herself then I got into my dad's truck and it swerved around a lot and I almost crashed but never did.

Seeing your friend suffering from depression and wanting to turn to self-destructive behavior is a warning from your subconscious that your friend may need your help. While their situation in wake life may not be related to depression, your subconscious is concerned that without the help of supportive, caring friends, your friend's life may eventually take a turn for the worse. Driving in a car comes into the picture as a symbol of your friend's life and represents your inability to control this person's actions. You are not responsible for forcing your friend to do anything, but instead, you might want to try to believe in her and help her out when she needs it.

A vandalized car

I saw my car in flames and all my car windows are shattered.

Your dream symbolizes a fateful meeting shortly. The fire in your car points to the possibility of this meeting being romantic. While this might be a favorable event in your life, it will not be one without issues, some awkwardness might follow on the heels of this romantic encounter.

Someone stopping the car while driving

I was driving rapidly and someone stood in front of my car and held up their hand as to say stop. I stopped so quickly, that the back end of my car came off the ground. When it slammed down 2 of the tires came off.

Driving rapidly in a dream indicates that you are in a fast lane to achieving your goals. The person who blocked your path could be suggesting that you might get entangled in a nasty confrontation with someone trying to put a stop to your thriving professional or personal life. This hindrance could then prevent you from going forward with your plans, as symbolized by the tires that came off.

Cars being washed away with a flood

My husband was mad that I won my daughter back. And, at first, he was trying to take my car, so I was crying. And then a big flood came by and took my car and my friend's VW van she had always wanted.

Cars in dreams represent plans or social mobility. Your husband's threat of taking away your car as well as the big flood that swept you and your friend's car may have something to do with your fear of retribution. Perhaps getting your daughter back gave you a sense of satisfaction, yet there remains a nagging fear that something else could be taken away from you in exchange for your good fortune. This dream is a manifestation of your fears and anxiety. This may not necessarily happen in real life and your husband might not be out to get you, however, it is still better to remain on the side of caution.

Neighbors forcing to sell the car

I dreamt that I came back from somewhere and found my first car booth opened and also saw a white Benz which I didn't have in real life and that the engine was stolen and tried to ask my neighbors who were around if they knew anything. But I was told they didn't know, after which one of them came and pushed the car away, that I should call some people to buy it. But I refused, I said I will fix the car, that I'm not going to sell it.

Cars represent mobility, ambition and drive. The type of the car plays a significant part in the interpretation of the dream. In your case, the luxury brand reveals your ambitious nature and the kind of lifestyle you wish to lead. This also suggests a tendency to splurge and spend beyond your means. The advice in the dream reflects the admonitions your get in real life. Perhaps people are telling you to cut back on extravagant purchases. Nevertheless, you seem to be determined to realize your dreams, as validated by focusing on getting the car up and running, regardless of the cost.

A tree branch instead of windshield wiper

I dreamed of the windshield wiper of the car being replaced by a tree branch.

Cars tend to represent our journey through life, so seeing a car having its windshield wipers replaced could indicate a shift or change in some important aspect of your life. In fact, you can probably see this change occurring right before your eyes considering the windshield is the portal through which you see the world when driving. The image of branches is often connected with relationships turning sour, particularly romantic ones. In this case, your vision may foretell the end of a romantic partnership or the rejection of a relationship not yet started.

Car being taken away and trying to locate it

I dreamed that I slept on a couch in my mother's house. I kept hearing a car door open and close, I continued to sleep. I woke up, my mother returned, my car was gone, all my stuff for my baby was all over the yard. There were vendors selling goods in everyone's driveways, no one knew what happened. Then I asked a vendor, she wanted to see my ID. So we asked my neighbor and his sons had usually large heads and tried to remember what happened.

Dreams containing scenes and images of your car being vandalized or stolen usually symbolize a fateful meeting in the near future. Based on the remaining imagery experienced in this dream, this encounter is more likely to be a work-related, rather than a personal or romantic one, in its nature. At the same time, it seems that you are the kind of a person who is reluctant and unwilling to open yourself up to new opportunities or engage in face-to-face networking. You dream vision could therefore be advising you to be more open-minded and accepting should this event actually take place in your waking life.

Driving with someone who becomes ill

My friend and I were driving in a car. She was the driver. She asked me to hold her head because it hurt so I did.

To dream of riding a car reflects your journey in life. Being the passenger and not the driver means that you may be going through life passively instead of actively pursuing your goals. Perhaps you are letting your friend lead the way and you are merely following suit. Or maybe you naturally prefer assuming a more passive role and entrusting your friend with the important decisions. This kind of interpersonal dynamics could be taking its toll on your friend, which is why her head hurts in the dream. Your subconscious behavior may be telling you to take a more active role in real life to avoid becoming a burden to other people.

Unable to drive a car

I always remember driving a car, and even though I've never crashed or dented the car, I always feel not in control of my driving. I go in reverse a lot, and the brakes don't always seem to work when I want them to.

The act of driving in a dream refers to how you navigate your existence, making decisions and solving problems. Based on the scenario in your dream, you seem to be prone to second-guessing yourself and maybe lack confidence in your abilities. Not feeling in control of your driving alludes to uncertainties about the path you are taking. Going on reverse points to your hesitations and a likelihood of not following through on promises and personal goals. Faulty brakes, meanwhile, is a reflection of your worries when it comes to taking responsibility for the consequences of your actions. This dream is a wake-up call for you to take control and be more self-assured.

Husband's car vandalized

My husband had a dream that his 2001 Transam was vandalized. It was stripped down. He said it felt so real. He sat right up in bed. What does it mean??

Your husband's vision is highly symbolic, pointing toward a major disaster or uprising taking place near him (and by extension, you too). Because he did not witness the act of vandalism, he probably would not be directly affected by this event. Rather, the event may shift the way people interact with each other, causing friction among individuals of different backgrounds.

A car stuck in mud

I dreamed that my car was in the mud.

The mud in which your car gets stuck represents the possibility that you may get entangled in a nasty confrontation. Somebody you know may soon try to put a stop to a particular project or plan you may have at the moment. This person could be driven by jealousy and dread at the prospect that achieving your goal would prove that you are better than him or her.

Car wheels missing

I dreamed I woke up and the wheels were gone on my car. The dream was in color and very vivid. I can't seem to find an interpretation for my dream. Can it mean something or nothing? Thank you.

Dream imagery about discovering that parts of your car are missing could be a reflection of your anxiety and worries related to some important meeting or encounter you were hoping to soon have not taken place. This could be a date, a networking event, or a social gathering which is soon going to be canceled or postponed to a later date. It is also possible that the reason for this event not taking place would be your own change of mind or realization you are not quite ready for it yet.

Unable to stop a moving car

Ever since I was little I've had several dreams about me being in a car that won't stop moving and I can't make it stop, I can only turn the wheel.

You may be living your life in the fast lane. Usually, dreams about a continuously moving car show your ambitious side. You may be the type of person who is driven and focused on achieving your goals. As such, this recurring scenario may manifest whenever you are exhausted from working too hard or anxious about losing control. When everything is going great, you may have a tendency to worry or think about all the things that could go wrong. Perhaps you need to pace yourself or have some time to relax so you can regain your bearings.

Circling around trees in a fast car

My mom had a dream about me doing donuts in a fast car around two large oaks. I kept going and the more I did it the closer I got to the oaks. She was screaming and my dad and some other guy were just watching silently.

Doing the donut maneuver in your dream could be indicative of your reckless behavior. Your family may be worried that your risk-taking is going too far and this contributes to your lack of direction and inability to be in full control of your actions. On a positive note, the oak tree you were circling signifies your desire to be a strong and independent person, capable of relying on yourself only. This personal character trait could help you achieve great success because of your efforts and tenacity.

Driving with a box of antiques

My boyfriend had a dream about driving my daughter in a car talking to her and on phone with me. Then forgot he had her and turned around to bring her back to me but there was a blockage on the road, so he stopped and had a box of antiques beside him. And there was a man across the street with the same box of antiques. Then I came and picked up my daughter.

This vision seems to suggest that your boyfriend's subconscious mind is detecting an upcoming event concerning your daughter which may have a profound impact on his relationship with her and, by extension, you. The traffic jam he experienced on the road while getting back to you could predict that this event is concerning the death of someone close to one of you, such as a grandparent or a family friend of your daughter. The antiques which stand out in this vision can be interpreted as a sign that this situation would be a good learning and bonding experience for your relationship despite the sadness that it may bring.

Driving and ending up on railway tracks

In my dream I was driving my car down a street with a boy that is in love with me but I'm not so sure how I feel about him. Out of nowhere the road suddenly ended and we fell into the darkness landing on a train track.

A dream in which you find yourself driving a vehicle accompanied by someone usually suggests that there would be some upcoming events involving this companion which could arise out of or influenced by your actions and behavior. Hence, your paths in the waking world would likely cross or become inevitably entangled due to a series of choices you make. Consequently, reaching the end of the road to eventually emerge on train tracks probably points to the adjustments or changes to your path or personal journey as a result of your shared experiences with this boy.

Driving fast and backwards in a car

Female. I've had this dream numerous times. I'm backing up my vehicle and it speeds up and it takes a long time for me to be able to stop it, so I'm basically flying backwards at a high rate of speed.

Operating a vehicle in a dream is often thought to represent our journey through life, so this vision has two possible interpretations. Driving backwards may represent taking an unconventional route to reach your future goals. On the other hand, driving backwards out of control could indicate a tendency to focus on the past without preparing for what the future brings. In either case, this vision may represent your need to focus and move toward your goals in the future.

Water inside the car

My dream was about water inside my car.

Your car symbolizes social mobility and ambition. In the dream world, it is a representation of your drive and motivation to go after your goals. As such, finding water inside your car may allude to your uncertainties and insecurities about your capabilities. Perhaps certain disappointments and criticisms have affected your self-confidence in a negative way. Alternatively, you could be questioning your choices and wondering whether you are on the right track.

Being in a car about to explode

We were in a car that the guy knew it was gonna explode, but to save the people he ordered me to get in the car and go with him, so he can move it. I didn't know that the car will explode and we went to a place with no houses or anything and got out of the car quickly he hugged me, so he can protect me from the flames. I pushed him and was so mad at him and started hitting him and crying but he was just smiling at me and removed my tears.

Dreaming of a car explosion or a car blowing up usually represents pent up anger and frustration. Because cars symbolize social mobility, your dream vision could mean that the grudges you hold and resentment towards others are preventing you from focusing on the things that matter. Instead of motivating yourself to pursue your passions, you could be dwelling too much on negative thoughts and emotions. The guy who saves you from the explosion may be the partner you have been looking for to balance out your personality. There is a possibility that you would meet this individual during a significant event in your reality. He could either be a romantic prospect or someone who would become a trusted friend.

A car on fire

I dreamt I was passing through a place and I saw a car burning, then me and my uncle were trying to put the fire out only to find the car was not there anymore and what was left was just a small fire.

The burning car you saw in your vision represents a conflict you are witnessing from the outside. You may have a friend or family member who is fighting with someone in reality. You may be wanting to help but are unsure what to do or say in this situation. Trying to extinguish the fire suggests you would be faced with difficulties if you interfere with something that is not your business. You may earn the ire of both sides by trying to calm them down at the height of their anger. The last symbol, seeing that there was no trace of the car in the small fire predicts that everything would boil over on its own and without your meddling.

Parking in the wrong spot

I parked wrong and they tolled my car.

Dreaming that you were illegally parked, or parked in a "no parking" zone, means you may be getting yourself involved in something that does not concern you. Perhaps you have a tendency to butt in or meddle in other people's problems. This could get you in hot water or give you more headache than you can handle. Maybe you think you are helping out, but in reality you are just giving yourself and those involved unnecessary grief.

Father's truck on fire

I had a dream that my dad was showing me his truck (which is fairly new in real life). He turned his head to look at me with tears in his eyes, he said "They were trying to put blank in my truck with the crane but it fell and smashed into the side". The truck had then caught fire. Not said, but I could see that flames had engulfed the truck prior to me seeing it.

Trucks in dreams generally symbolize problems and extra burdens, but they can also represent hard work and industry. In the context of your dream, your father may be going through a rough patch because of work piling up. This is related to the symbol of the truck catching fire. It can refer to burnout or an emotional breakdown. Perhaps he is taking on more than he can handle and this dream is your mind's way of making you aware of his struggle so you can extend a helping hand.

Pulling a truck with dark horses

I am hooking up an old farm tractor to pull a truck. Then I hook up the large farm truck to a team of horses, so that the horses can pull the truck over a 90-mile trip. Horses are dark in color, but with very nice-looking leather harnesses, etc. on them. All works well. But it is a reoccurring dream.

Trucks in dreams generally refer to problems and responsibilities. Their large and unwieldy qualities represent the difficulty of the challenges you may be dealing with. Meanwhile, horses symbolize strength and endurance. Perhaps you are entering a difficult time at work or even at home. Fortunately, you are motivated and focused enough to see this problem through to the end. Your will and perseverance would allow you to overcome this rough patch. This dream may manifest every time you are going through difficulties. Maybe it is your mind's way of mentally preparing you for the challenges ahead.

In a car with no driver and a scary woman

I was sitting in the back of a moving car and it's so scary cause it won't stop and no one's driving it? And sometimes when I look around in the car there's a woman with me and her hair is dark and covers her face and sometimes she's young and sometimes she's old.

When you dream about being frightened during a car ride, it could mean that you have real-life concerns about your plans or projects being disrupted by a particular person's actions. If you piece this together with the faceless woman, there could be someone in your social circle who has feelings of envy towards you and is pretending in order to gain your trust and undermine your efforts to succeed. The faceless woman with dark hair whom you notice in the dream could be the person or people you suspect of being treacherous towards you.

A bus with broken tail lights

A charter bus with broken and missing tail lights. I refuse to board and will not let church members get on board for a church trip.

Broken tail lights in dreams could be an allusion to a muddled past. Perhaps the charter bus in your dream vision represents a belief, a movement or a project which is being promoted as something that would be beneficial for you and your peers. However, the broken tail lights mean that there could be something fishy about the proposition. It could be that the individuals behind it have questionable motives. As such, your instinct is likely telling you to be more careful when dealing with shady personalities to protect those you care about from being scammed or taken advantage of.

Driving a favorite car

I had a dream I was getting into a Mazda RX-7 FX which is one of my favorite cars and has my favorite engine, the rotary engine a tiny 1.3 liter. I got in, the sound felt so real and the car was vibrating as it idled. I started revving that baby and there was smoke everywhere when I backed down from the exhaust. Then I took it for a drive and again what the hell it felt to real I had such a great time. What does this mean?

Dreaming about your favorite car is a very auspicious vision. Cars are symbols of social mobility and progress, so driving your dream car means that your goals and aspirations are within reach. The vivid quality of the dream further validates the fact that success is almost at hand. In addition, driving this new vehicle also alludes to the likelihood of meeting interesting personalities. This can happen as a result of rising through the ranks at your work or traveling to distant and fascinating places. Those individuals could further open up a host of opportunities for you, so make sure you make the most of this favorable period.

Changing a tire on a truck

I was putting air in a truck tire and blew a hole in the tire. The truck was a big white truck. And the tire was on the rim but not on the truck. I was standing in a dark parking lot.

Cars and trucks are often symbolic of the dreamer and their journey through life. As such, being in a parking lot may represent a stopping point or pause on the path you are following. Perhaps you have plateaued and do not know what to do next, or you have traveled as far as you can and are not sure where to go from this point. In either case, trying to fill the tire and popping it may refer to unintended self-sabotage. You may say or do something in the future in an effort to improve your standing that ultimately backfires, causing others to dislike or despise you. It would be wise to carefully consider all your future actions and interactions if you hope to remedy this situation.

Being killed in traffic

I am a girl. Yesterday night I dreamt of surrounded by a lot of vehicles which included trucks, big cars. They all were heading towards me and trying to kill me. Before that dream i dreamt the same thing but at that time I was on a wider road and I was saved. All the vehicles were behind me trying to kill me but I escaped and saved myself. But the next dream was not good as I was not saved in that.

Big and heavy-duty vehicles like trucks are metaphors for being overworked. This may be a recurring theme in your dream visions because you have a tendency to take on a lot of tasks and responsibilities even when you can no longer handle more workload. Furthermore, the road refers to your life path and how you navigate your way around problems that arise. As such, the wider road in the previous dream could mean that you had more control over your problems, possibly because you still had enough mental and physical energy to tackle them. Unfortunately, you cannot keep carrying such heavy burdens all on your own because as your second dream suggests, it would eventually wear you down. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, especially if you know that forcing yourself to perform when you are not in tip-top shape could cause irreversible damage to your overall well-being.

Falling out of a car

I was driving in a car with someone, I'm not sure who. I turned a corner really fast and fell out of the car. It kept going and I was chasing after it. Could not catch up to it.

Driving a car in the dream world is often considered synonymous with our personal journey through life. As such, driving a car at the beginning of the vision suggests you feel in control of your current path or course of action. However, the corner you turned represents a sudden shift in some aspect of your life that can throw you out of control. Furthermore, chasing the car after the fact suggests you may have trouble regaining your previous secure position. The stranger in the car with you could be the manifestation of a particular person or group who are influencing this particular situation. If you can find any similarities between the person you were driving with and individuals, groups or companies from reality, you may want to be wary of their interactions and motives when dealing with them.

Driving off a cliff with a coworker

My cousin who is my main employee in my company was driving me in a work van and we drove off a snowy cliff. We looked at each other and knew there was nothing we could do.

The cliff in your dream represents a significant turning point in your business. The steep drop means that this defining moment is critical for the survival of your company. Perhaps you are apprehensive about the obstacles that are ahead for your company and you feel like you are losing control of the situation. Furthermore, you may have put a lot of trust and faith in your cousin since he or she is the one driving in your dream vision. As the main employee, it is possible that major decisions were made by your cousin which can have both positive and negative repercussions. Maybe this vision is meant to encourage you to be a little more hands on when it comes to big decisions, otherwise you may just be giving others the power to run your company to the ground.

Riding with an ex fiance

Me and my ex fiance were riding a four-wheeler going very fast.

Dreaming of an ex usually reveals lingering romantic feelings for this individual or an unfinished business between the two of you. Perhaps a lack of closure is making you cling to the possibility that the two of you would get back together. Meanwhile, the four wheeler in your vision reveals your longing for the adventures you shared when you were still a couple. You could be missing the feeling of excitement and invincibility whenever you talked about your plans for the future. Maybe you feel you were much more driven and motivated with your ex fiance.

Losing car

I am a female who has had a recurring dream for 3 years about not being able to find my car. In the dream when I have gone somewhere and I come out to leave, my car is not where I left it. This is only one of three recurring dreams I have on a regular basis. Grateful for your assistance in advance.

A reoccurring dream over this length of time is certainly trying to tell you something important about your reality. We can look at the interpretation, then, from two different perspectives. The first is related to your overall lifestyle or personality. Not being able to find your car where you think you parked it in the dream world could reflect being too busy or distracted to make good decisions. In this case, losing the car can be literally interpreted as a need to slow down and think carefully about past actions so that you can get going again. Another possible meaning for this vision could be more situational, depending on when the dream appears most vividly. If you seen this symbol before a major undertaking or event, it is possible your subconscious does not want to participate for one reason or another. For example, you may not really like the people you are interacting with or you may worry about your car breaking down on the way. Whether this is related to your personality or the situations you find yourself in during wake life, you could spend more time thinking about what you really want and need to do after experiencing these visions.

Being bitten by someone while driving

I was turning towards traffic lights onto a street with a traffic island down the middle when the female on the passenger side leaned over and went to bite me on the left side of my rib cage. I instinctively went to slam my elbow into the side of her head. But I swear I felt her teeth sink into my ribs.

The passenger in your dream represents a person you are trying to please in reality. This could be a significant other or someone you care about, hence you do not mind catering to their needs and wants. Unfortunately, this person could start abusing your generosity and taking advantage of your goodness. This person happily rides on your coattails and benefits from your achievements or excellent reputation. Since the rib cage protects your heart, the bite represents heartbreak and betrayal. Your subconscious is trying to warn you about a ruthless individual with no qualms about playing with your feelings to advance their selfish motives. As such, the traffic island ultimately points to a major shift or change about to occur which would expose the ill intentions of a crooked friend or loved one.

A car with masked people inside

I am standing on the side of a road in the country. A large Cadillac pulls over, the driver has a complete face mask, the passengers all have burlap sacks over their heads. The car is pulling an open trailer with three rows of humans, 9 total. All have burlap masks on. I decline the ride, the masked driver leaves after another car comes in view.

The people you saw in your dream with burlap sack covering their heads are the people who are drowning in responsibilities and just trying to make ends meet. You found yourself by the side of the road because you want to avoid being trapped by the rat race. You could find yourself in between jobs soon or actively looking for a new opportunity that would suit the lifestyle you want. So, declining to ride in the van reveals your decision to go the alternative or non-traditional career path without the set hours, demanding bosses and the cubicles that would slowly suck the life out of you.

Driving at night

I am a male and I was driving at night and whenever I came up to one of my turns I tried to slow down but I would pass up the street and I have had this dream multiple times.

Driving at night means you are uncertain about what is ahead. There is also an indication of fear as well as reluctance to face the consequences of your actions. You are anticipating an entirely new situation next year, meaning you have a lot of adjustments to do in your life. Missing your turn means you need to be more flexible with your plans because they would not always go your way. In fact, you could find yourself following a totally different track, a career change perhaps.

Trying to get the van back

My van had been sold to someone through someone else, and I was snatching my van back as I had not been paid any money, the person that had bought the van had not paid and was letting me take my van.

The van in your dream represents how you handle your duties and responsibilities. So, when you sold the van, it means you are passing on your responsibilities to other parties. The reasons may vary. Perhaps you have other priorities or you need extra time to take care of yourself because you are close to experiencing burnout. Unfortunately, the person who is supposed to handle your work will end up neglecting it as represented by the lack of payment. In the end, you will end up volunteering your services once again just to get the job done well.

Being chased by red cars

We had to avoid red cars, if the people saw us then we were hunted. We were being chased around the area I went to secondary school and a separate area where an old boyfriend used to live.

Envisioning being chased in a dream vision and trying hopelessly to hide from others or avoid things symbolizes that you are afraid of someone or something in reality. You may perceive someone as a dangerous individual or you may feel uneasy in their company. However, this vision does not imply that the person is harmful in reality but simply tells you how you feel about them. The other main symbol is the school in your dream. Seeing or being around your old school building where you have spent time studying suggests an upcoming negative event in your life filled with stress and anxiety.

People suffering in a vehicle accident

I am a male. I dreamt I was standing with few people waiting for a vehicle to be conveyed to another destination, suddenly a vehicle approached me with the driver wearing an army uniform and one other person sitting inside also with the same uniform offered to give me a lift, but there were some other people that were very urgent to reach their destination, so I offered for them to be carried first and then I will be conveyed later. Not very far from where I stood the car got a very serious accident that left the passengers and the two men in uniform bleeding profusely.

The vehicle in your dream represents your ambitions. You, along with all the people waiting, are trying to exercise patience while setting goals for yourself in the hope of finding success and fulfillment. The vehicle with the people in army uniform is an opportunity that will fall on your lap. This promises big earnings and a position of power. However, it will also require you to be more disciplined and deliberate with your decision-making. So, when you allowed other people to get in ahead of you, it means you feel unprepared to take on this enormous responsibility. You need more life experiences and life lessons to fulfill this role effectively. The accident refers to failure when people want too much and too fast because they are too ambitious. You are ambitious, too, yet it is not in your nature to take shortcuts. You are willing to put in the time and effort to eventually gain a well-deserved place of respect in your community.

With daughter in a car that is dying

I am with my daughter and the car is dying.

Dreaming that your car is dying suggests your luck is running out. You are going to deal with problems, one after another, which will put a stop to your plans for an indefinite period. You might get laid off at work or you will have a ton of overdue bills to pay. Let this serve as a warning against overspending or a failure to prioritize. If you want to give your daughter a good life, then your subconscious is encouraging you to focus on financial literacy and planning for the future instead of being fatalistic about your situation.

Balls on a street vehicle

Balls on a hawker vehicle.

This dream vision reflects your remarkable ability to sustain and rely on yourself during challenging times. It serves as a testament to your resilience, strength, and self-reliance, especially when faced with adversity. Embrace this dream as a powerful reminder of your inner capabilities and the resourcefulness that resides within you. Draw upon your inner resources, seek support when needed, and trust in your ability to navigate through any difficulties that come your way.

A sinking truck

Husband driving our truck. Myself next to him and our adult grandson sleeping in the back seat. Driving on one way road that ends with the road ahead gone. We swerved and started to sink, both men are out, I am trying desperately to pull them both from the sinking truck and wake them. It wakes me from the dream.

This vision is highly ominous and should be considered a warning of potential disaster in your personal life. Seeing your husband driving your truck means that he has been in charge of something for some time in your life. The presence of your grandson in the car may mean that he is connected in some way, such as the two of them sharing a common interest or working in a similar field. The accident and your sinking vehicle represent a possible failure in your life that would lead to a period of emotional turmoil. For instance, the loss of a particular income or breaking of a special memento could lead to tensions in the family. The road that only goes in one direction predicts that you would be unable to avoid this hardship, but knowing that it is coming could give you some time to prepare yourself.

A woman in the back of a truck

A female standing in the back of a dump truck dropping bricks onto the bed of the truck watching them fall out.

Dump trucks, according to modern dream interpretations, represent problematic situations or challenges that you are facing in reality. The bricks, on the other hand, represent pieces of sage wisdom or advice. It seems that you may be facing some difficulties in wake life, but rather than relying on past experience or suggestions from others, you simply let things fall to chance. If you do not stop to collect the knowledge at your fingertips and act on it accordingly, your circumstances could dramatically alter in a negative sense very soon.

Worrying about the car being overheated

While with various acquaintances all who were musicians and some of their older women followers on a road trip the car overheated. We somehow repaired it but I was worried when we were trying to leave and the motor was running that it would overheat again because it was taking too long for one of the group to get back in the car and drive as the motor would cool better while driving. Then I remembered that I made sure the repair was done correctly and stopped worrying.

The road trip in your dream is an allusion to the current flow of your life. It is also a metaphor for a sense of adventure. It is possible that with the current circumstances, you are eager to jumpstart your career and focus all your energies on achieving your goals. The car overheating means your subconscious is reminding you to pace yourself. Perhaps your eagerness to dive back into work could result in burnout and fatigue. However, the end of your dream is a very auspicious sign that you are both mentally and physically prepared to tackle all the challenges ahead.

Driving a car for non-drivers

I am a female and this is my dream: I dreamt of driving my dad's car which I am not allowed to, moreover I don't even know how to drive. The car only moved forward. I tried to turn so as to not crash into something and after a bit of struggle I managed to find a spot where I sort of crashed the car. Though nothing was damaged. I was helped by a policeman and a doctor. I did not know who those men were. In the end I reached home and was worried about how I would explain this incident to my family.

Driving a car in the dream realm often alludes to our journey through life. Even though you may not be able to drive in reality, your time on the road in the dream could give some insight into what is going on in your life right now. For instance, only moving forward may be a sign that you feel things are happening too fast with little time to reflect before everything changes again. This is supported by your difficulty controlling the vehicle. Crashing the car could mean you would finally be forced to stop and take stock, possibly by telling those around you that you need more time to think things through or take care of what is already on your plate. Worrying about how you would explain things to your family directly reflects how you feel about talking to your family about this in reality. While it may cause you some discomfort now, being honest about what you can handle is likely better for your overall physical and mental health.

A car running on track road

Having a vivid vision of a car on the track road, whether you are the driver or an onlooker, symbolizes your tendency to make some sacrifices to achieve your goals. You are very determined and committed to doing so that you struggle to have a work-life balance in the real world, which would result in disconnection from some people in your life. Thus, learning to find stability between these two is highly recommended.

Being trapped in a moving car

Finding yourself trapped inside a moving vehicle means you are feeling stuck in a situation. This is especially true if you are not the one driving the car. You could be surrounded by people with strong personalities and strong opinions, hence you often find yourself unable to express certain things or you tend to lose control of the direction of conversations. This feeling of powerlessness could be the source of your frustrations.

Fixing a car

Fixing a broken down car or truck during the course of a dream can be either a reflection of good behavior or a harbinger of misfortune following bad behavior. In the most general of interpretations, repairing a motor vehicle means spending time on yourself to become better, either physically, mentally, intellectually or spiritually. However, the purpose and attitude you take towards achieving this higher level is what determines whether the outcome would be positive or negative. Those who improve themselves with a sincere desire to get better and be a better member of their family or community would be rewarded. Those who seek to better themselves to show off, gain fame or put down others would be shunned and ridiculed.

Someone driving backwards

Envisioning someone driving a car in reverse refers to the dreamer's own decisions and actions being overridden by someone else in reality. You may desire to take one path and have made steps to follow through with it, but another person, like a parent, teacher or boss, may be preventing you from moving forward with your plans. In some cases they may be causing you to move backwards.

Cement truck

A cement truck is indicative of ideas that are solidifying. You are probably going to gain momentum at work and your plans will start taking shape with concrete action plans. To help you achieve your goals, you need assistance in creating a proposal. Someone you trust will likely steer you in the right direction and give you advice, but you will ultimately make the decision. Fortunately, circumstances will be in your favor, so you will be focused enough to do the necessary research and due diligence to provide a solid foundation for your plans.

Garbage truck

The image of a garbage truck alludes to control over negative habits. It suggests you are subconsciously transporting bad habits from one situation to another or replacing one bad habit with another. For instance, you might try to quit smoking by treating yourself to fast food whenever you successfully avoid a cigarette. This likely stems from the fear of loneliness or loss that accompanies giving up a part of yourself.

Delivery truck

The arrival of a delivery truck at some point in your dream vision alludes to being in a hypnotic state in reality. While no one has actually performed magic upon you, you may have been given a special object or received a great deal from someone that has lured you into a false sense of security. This unscrupulous individual is now just waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of your lowered defenses.

Red truck

Driving a red truck specifically means getting ahead in life by unleashing your emotions on others. In some cases, your success is because of your expression of true gratitude for the good fortune you have received. At other times you may have gotten you way due to passionate outbursts and not repressing your manners. One of the mysteries of this dream revolves around whether or not amending your ways would be enough to change the opinions of those around you.

White truck

Driving a white pickup truck represents both good fortune and vulnerability. This symbol alludes to fortunate circumstances in your life that bring great opportunities for growth and advancement. On the other hand, you may have read each situation carefully and not necessarily act on the feelings you truly have. It would be a bit of a balancing act for the time being.

Monster truck

Seeing a monster truck in the dream realm signifies influential forces in your waking world. Depending on your reaction to this image, it may convey a positive or negative interpretation. Driving a monster truck could reveal your need for control. You could easily lose your cool whenever a plan does not follow the direction you intended. Perhaps your subconscious is making you aware of your controlling tendencies in order for you to be more wary of the way you express your displeasure. If you look too far ahead, you might not be mindful of your actions in the present.

Moving truck

Moving trucks, according to modern dream workers, are symbols of change and renewal. Seeing this image is usually a sign that your past experiences and feelings have brought you to a new, deeper understanding of yourself and others. Furthermore, you are ready for your living environment to reflect your ideal future life. Now is time to take advantage of these emotions and motivations.

Pickup truck

A basic model of pickup truck means you would need to do some hard work to get out of a sticky situation in reality. The problem you are facing may even require you to call in reinforcements, so you may want to have some food or object of importance to offer whoever would be assisting you.

Tow truck

A tow truck, it the dream realm, alludes to needing somebody to save you or help you make an important, life-changing decision. While you may not be fully in control of the situation, you probably desire to affect some outcome in this situation. However, the risk or danger of making a mistake is too high to try and navigate this problem alone. You might feel childish or needy, but asking for assistance when you need it is the best course of action in this situation.

Police car

Police or patrol cars represent authority figures in your life, particularly disciplinarian ones like parents and teachers. You may be searching for control or looking for ways to express your growing individualism. Your decision to exert your own presence may lead to some problems, but in the long run it may be what is best for you.

Flat tire

Seeing the tire of your vehicle go flat while driving in a dream realm is perceived as feelings of obstruction and emotional insecurities about the future. In essence, the dream has a negative interpretation so as you may experience emotional distress of a hurdle in attaining progress ahead in your life, but this is also reflection of the fact that you are being alerted and guided by your subconscious intuition to make necessary amends beforehand.

Riding in a car with someone

Riding in a car with someone during the course of your dream is a common situation, although the interpretation of it depends on whether you were driving the vehicle or if you were the passenger. In the case that you were a passenger in the car, you may feel like someone is controlling a specific aspect of your life. You may not have the power to advocate for yourself or take care of your own well-being. Being the driver of this vehicle, however, reveals that you feel positive that you have the best interests of others at heart, even when it goes against their express wishes. You may want to consider how you would feel in their shoes.

Reversing car

Dreaming of reversing a car symbolizes a desire for change, an effort to regain control, reflections of past experiences or actions, longing to change life's current direction, which are all deeply connected to the dreamer's woke thoughts and feelings. It also represents the dreamer's need to undo something, go back to a certain point in the past, or change a decision. In a nutshell, dreamers should keep faith in themselves and do better at something they are trying to accomplish. In the end, your credibility, your open-mindedness, and your consistency will help you in dealing with the obstacles.

Driving a semi truck

The act of driving a semi truck in the dream realm carries the interpretation of strength in the face of adversity. Similar to the phrase "when the going gets tough, the tough get going," this symbol means that at least one aspect of your personality has a lot of grit and determination. When something happens, you have the ability to generally pass over distractions and worries to get to a place where you can see the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel. This fortitude would serve you well in all your endeavors.

Tractor trailer

A tractor trailer, like a big 18 wheeler or a semi truck, symbolizes power and abundance in the dream world. The interpretation of this symbol is very positive, so you should feel quite fortunate if you see one featuring prominently in your vision. Modern dream interpreters add that this symbol suggests you have the ability and the drive to make big, pleasing things happen in your life. You are sure to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams in the future.

18 wheeler

The image of a large semi truck or 18 wheeler in the dream realm carries a fairly positive interpretation. In terms of a portent or sign for things to come in the future, this symbol often means large opportunities may suddenly appear in your life. While you are likely to feel very fortunate, you may also be a little overwhelmed by the various possibilities. This symbol is also thought to represent aspects of the dreamer's personality, as the symbolic meaning of a tractor trailer has often been associated with ability to communicate well with people as well as being reliable and trustworthy.

Car tires popping

Envisioning car tires popping in the dream realm symbolizes a feeling of being overwhelmed or overburdened by emotional or life pressures. It also represents a feeling of being out of control or losing traction in some aspect of your waking life. Moreover, the overinflated tires in the dream are a sign of a feeling of being overworked, overstressed, or taking on too much responsibility. It also represents feeling like you are on the brink of a breakdown or that you are being stretched too thin. The dream is telling you to take a break and take care of yourself before you reach a breaking point. Overall, the dream is a reminder to take a step back and assess pressures you are currently facing and make yourself stronger and more consistent to achieve your desired goals.

Being crushed by truck

Dreaming of being crushed by a truck is a symbol of feeling overwhelmed or powerless in the face of a large, looming predicament or negative force in your waking life. The truck represents something that is causing change or taking away your ability to move forward. It is a hint that you are not using your strength and power to the fullest, and need to take control of the situation you are facing in the real world. Alternatively, it could be a result of feeling crushed or defeated by something or someone around you. Overall, the dream is a reminder for the dreamer to focus on their responsibilities and avoid getting in any trouble.

Escaping truck accident

The experience of escaping a car accident involving a large truck can have a different interpretation depending on the circumstances, although in most cases a smaller, personal vehicle would represent your life and the larger truck would represent someone with power over you, like a boss or teacher. For example, if your car was overturned it implies you have a personality that does not allow you to speak up. As a result, you may get pushed around by people with authority. On the other hand, seeing the big truck crash without any injury or damage to you or your car is related to miracles and finally finding that narrow path that allows you to get something you really wanted but were not allowed to before.

Semi truck

Envisioning a semi-truck in the dream realm represents feelings of being fortunate or strong, as well as the ability to handle large problems or tasks. However, if the semi-truck is overburdened or broken down in the dream, it suggests that the dreamer feels overwhelmed or unable to handle the responsibilities and pressures in their waking life. In general, the dream is a reflection of the dreamer's feelings of being weighed down by their workload or personal issues. In essence, the dream is a warning to reassess their situation and seek help if needed before they become overwhelmed.

Driving when you can't drive

Driving a car during the course of a dream vision is a common symbol to perceive in sleep even for those who either do not know how to drive or do not have a license. Driving a car is a metaphor for the path we choose to follow in reality. Therefore, if you felt like you were in control of the vehicle, you likely have all the knowledge and tools you need to succeed at your disposal. However, if you felt the car was out of control or that you really did not know what to do, it implies that you do not have all the answers you need to make an informed decision about your future. As such, you should metaphorically put on the brakes and redirect your attention towards matters that would help you get your life on track.

Driving a new car

According to modern dream workers, driving a new car in the dream realm represents a sense of control over one's life and journey. It is a sign that the dreamer is making progress in important matters and taking charge of their betterment. Moreover, such dreams bring positivity and indicate that something big is coming your way, such as a new job, a new relationship, or a new project. However, the dreamer also needs to reflect on their personal emotions and fears to ensure they are heading in the right direction for their overall well-being.

Driving someone else's car

Driving someone else's car during the course of a dream vision may often reflect a situation in which you have been influenced, forced or manipulated into accepting an alternative or living out someone else's dream life. For instance, you may see videos on YouTube or pictures on Instagram putting the idea into your head that you need to dress a certain way, have your house look a certain way, do certain things in your morning routine and so on. However, the interpretation of this symbol reveals that all these things meant to "increase your wellbeing" are actually giving you anxiety. Instead of living your life according to someone else's standards, find the things that make you happy.

Sitting in the back seat of a car

Sitting in the back seat of a car in the dream realm is interpreted as a highly personal dream. According to modern dream workers, these visions represent a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. However, you may feel comfortable and fortunate sitting in the back but the fact that the car is moving suggests that the dreamer's life is in a state of flux and change. You may feel like a passenger in your own life, with someone else in charge. Moreover, the dream is suggesting you always stand up for yourself whether you're at work or you're running away from something unfortunate. The only person that can be your role model is only you, there will be times in your life when you have to make hard decisions.

Driving car from back seat

The dream that involves driving a car from the back seat is a symbolically rich dream that holds the potential for great meaning and insight. This dream is a reflection of your subconscious mind. In this dream, you are in the back seat of the car and have control over the driver's seat which suggests that you have a great opportunity to take charge of your life and take the lead in making important decisions. Moreover, you are in a position of power and have the potential to achieve great results if you are willing to take the opportunity and seize it. Your relationship with someone may also be an important factor in this dream. The presence of another person in the car, whether it is the driver or a passenger, could represent a significant relationship in your life as you may be seeking answers to questions about this relationship, or you may be striving to take charge of the situation and lead the way towards a more positive outcome.

Being a passenger in a speeding car

Being in the passenger seat of a car that is speeding down a road or highway carries a very particular meaning in the dream realm. This portent is often thought to symbolize moving or going faster than you would normally want due to outside pressure. For example, a romantic partner may try to goad you into doing something you are not sexually ready for yet. Alternatively, members of a group project may want to rush through to the end while you would rather do careful research first. No matter the situation, it is important that you remember you are in control of your own actions. The true meaning of this symbol is a warning to listen to the answers your own brain and heart tell you rather than being influenced by others.

Driving up a steep road

In the dream realm, driving up a steep road whether on a mountain or somewhere else symbolizes a journey or a path in life that is challenging and requires perseverance. In general, the dreamer can communicate and connect with others as this dream is a metaphor for the way they communicate their thoughts and feelings to others. However, the dreamer may be facing significant challenges in their waking life, and overcoming those obstacles will be a big deal for them. Furthermore, these visions are very common and mostly refer to the fact that the dreamer is on a path of spiritual growth and development. In essence, the dream is a reminder that the dreamer needs to pay attention to their unconscious mind and need to be more introspective and reflective, allowing themselves time to process their thoughts and feelings.

Car dealership

Seeing a car dealership in the dream realm represents a craving for a significant decision or change in your life, related to your desires or ambitions. Moreover, the vehicles on display can be seen as symbols that hold personal meaning to the dreamer. According to modern dream interpretations, such visions portray a place or moment of life choice, where one can weigh their options and make an important judgment.

Parking garage

Envisioning a parking garage in the dream realm has special significance according to Jungian philosophy. This particular site, especially when recurring, indicates an unwillingness ever be in a situation where you feel lost or easily distracted. You need answers that are clear. You need the protection and security of knowledge based in symbolism from the bible or other religious texts. This would bring you comfort and allow your weary soul to relax.

Parked car

Seeing a parked car in a dream symbolizes a difficult decision in your waking life that has left you feeling stuck or stagnant. The car being parked in a lot suggests that you may search for a way forward or a new direction. Moreover, this symbolism of the car holds a deeper spiritual meaning, maybe suggesting you should get rid of the negative influences around you to gain a better insight into what your true goals are.

Fire truck

Dreaming of a fire truck full of firefighters on duty or driving it can be interpreted as a symbol of action and a call to address or confront an evil or challenging situation in your life. It suggests that you have the necessary support and resources to overcome these difficulties. Try to explore the mysteries that lie within your circumstances and take responsibility for resolving them, as doing so can bring you a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Car driving itself

When a car drives by itself in the dream realm or appears to be a self-driving vehicle, it means that you do not feel in control of certain aspects of how your life is developing. Cars tend to be analogies for our lives. In a sense, a vehicle that moves by itself could be a sign from the unconscious mind that events are unfolding in a way you are not prepared for. It may also indicate progress in various directions that may or not be related to where you actually want to go.

Auto repair shop

Finding yourself in, near or around an auto repair shop, such as talking with a mechanic or observing the restoration of an old car, often refers to achieving advancement through careful study and problem solving. Taking a break to find balance would be key in your search for the knowledge and skills you need to make great gains in various areas of your life. Good fortune is sure to follow, as it is well known that God helps those who help themselves.

Running out of gas

A dream where you find your car running out of gas indicates that you will have a hard time achieving your goals. This may be due to a lack of support or because of a lack of willpower. In a spiritual sense, the symbolism of this vision has something to do with some sort of anxiety you experience in life, which leaves your energy drained. Because of this, your inclination to keep your feeling to yourself is highly likely.

Driving on highways

In a dream, driving on highways indicates that you are navigating through life's challenges and seeking answers. To avoid conflict or crashing, it is important to maintain focus, move forward on your chosen path, and be mindful of the rapidly changing situations around you.

Driving backwards with no brakes

Dreaming of driving backwards with no brakes indicates a loss of control in your life. This symbolic dream may point towards a need to reverse or reevaluate your current direction. It often carries a spiritual message, suggesting that you may be looking for answers or guidance in the wrong places. Interpreting this dream encourages you to reflect on your self-confidence and decision-making abilities. It is a sign to regain control, seek the right path, and find the brakes that will allow you to navigate your life with confidence and purpose.