Dreams Related To Relationships

Cheating with your spouse's best friend

Dreaming of cheating on your spouse with your spouse's best friend can be a sign of underlying issues in your relationship. It may symbolize feelings of neglect, indifference, or dissatisfaction with your partner in your waking life. This dream could reflect a desire for emotional or physical fulfillment that you feel is lacking in your current relationship. It's essential to approach such dreams with sensitivity and consider them as potential indicators of unmet needs or concerns in your personal life. Open and honest communication with your spouse about your feelings and the state of your relationship can be a constructive step toward addressing any issues that may be affecting your well-being.

Kissing your ex-boyfriend

Dreams of kissing your ex-boyfriend can be a sign of unexpected developments or surprises in your life. These dreams may suggest that you'll encounter unforeseen events or circumstances that could catch you off guard. The emotional context and details of the dream can provide additional insights into its meaning.

Your ex-boyfriend marrying you

Seeing your ex-boyfriend rekindling the love and marrying you in your dreams is a negative sign. It portends unfavorable or negative events coming into your life very soon. Rather than assuming negative events, it may be more beneficial to use this dream as an opportunity for self-reflection. It could be a reflection of your past relationship or unresolved feelings, and understanding these emotions may help you navigate your current and future relationships more effectively.

Sick husband

Dreaming of a seriously sick husband can trigger concerns about the fidelity of a partner, potentially indicating suspicions of infidelity or a secret affair. It's essential not to jump to conclusions about your spouse's behavior based solely on a dream. Dreams are highly symbolic and can reflect various emotions, fears, or personal issues. If you have concerns about your relationship, it's best to have an open and honest conversation with your partner rather than making assumptions based on a dream. Communication is key in resolving relationship issues.

Boyfriend's ex girlfriend, boyfriend's sister, people, outdoors, keys, open door

Seeing your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in a dream can have various connotations based on your relationship with her. In case you have a trusting connection with her or you do not treat her with dislike, it symbolizes mercy that you may give or receive for something dreadful that occurred in the past. In case you maltreated her in this dream, it may mean that you still feel animosities resulting from your past misdeeds or transgressions.

Ex girlfriend

To dream that you are talking to your ex-girlfriend is a reminder of your mediocrity, lack of enthusiasm and drive to push yourself a bit further and do a little more. You have all the potential to be way better than your current situation, whether it relates to your career, business, project or relationships. But you seem to be content only with the ordinary and the mundane, despite showing extraordinary abilities and signs of greatness in the past. This dream tells you not to let your talents and skills go to waste.

Seeing your ex-girlfriend in a dream vision is often interpreted as a negative symbol. It suggests your current relationship may face some roadblocks or challenges similar to what caused the end of your last relationship. These circumstances could cause you to break up with your new lover either due to the same problem or because it reminds you too much of the last time for you to move on.

Your ex with someone else

Dreaming that your ex has moved on with someone else is a positive message. Whether it is an ex spouse or an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, this vision of seeing them already in a relationship with another individual means you are starting to accept the fact that you have decided to go your separate ways. Whatever lingering love you may still have for your ex, you may have already started the process of moving forward and opening a new chapter in your personal journey. However, if there is some resentment, anger or jealousy that you felt in this dream scenario, then perhaps you are feeling lonely and you miss the intimacy of having a romantic partner in reality.

An ex and their new partner

Seeing your ex-boyfriend with someone new may be a sign that problems are creeping into your current relationship or interpersonal relations. If you currently dating or seeing someone, the presence of your previous lover means you are probably about to go down the same road again unless you do something to change it. If you are single at present, it is possible you would have troubles with a friend or that your current crush would not develop into a healthy relationship.

Your ex boyfriend wanting you back

Dreaming that your ex boyfriend wants you back does not infer the possibility that the two of you would get back together in reality. It does, however, imply that somewhere in your subconscious lies the dormant desire to reunite with him. In that context, this desire is likely validated by subconscious visions as a kind of wish fulfillment. The fact that he wants you back in the dream scenario not only feeds your ego, but also allows you to admit to yourself the lingering romantic feelings you may be suppressing in the real world. In doing so, it could actually give you the release you need to finally begin the process of moving on to the next chapter of your existence.

Dreams about your ex boyfriend every night

While many aspects of this vision depend on the symbols that surround it, consistent visions containing the image of your ex-boyfriend or lover could be an indication that he or his actions are weighing heavily on your mind. This may be due to a recent interaction you had with him or simply because something reminded you of him. For example, you may have passed by an old hangout or heard a song you listened to together. You may need to keep yourself preoccupied by starting a new hobby or avoiding situations that would cause memories to reemerge.

Having a gay relationship with someone

Dreaming that you are in a gay relationship despite being straight in reality is an indication of regrettable deeds or actions done recently or sometime in your past. While you are remorseful and repentant about the seriousness of what you have done, you are also keenly aware that the damage has been done and it is irrevocable. You can only do so much to rectify the adverse effects of your actions, the final step would be to be accountable for your mistakes and take the lessons to heart so you would not make the same mistake again.

Being in a relationship with someone

Dreaming of starting a relationship with someone new, either a complete stranger or someone you know in reality, could be an indication of your sociable personality. You like to meet new people and forge new connections, either for professional or personal reasons. Alternatively, this could also reveal your insecurities about your attractiveness. Maybe this insecurity makes you overcompensate by getting involved in numerous love affairs or pursuing partners you deem more attractive than you are.

Forcing someone into a relationship

A dream wherein you are forcing someone to be in a relationship with you means you may be losing control of your life. This act of coercion represents your own struggle to make your plans materialize or make things go your way, whether at work or in your social life. You represent yourself and your will, while the other person represents fate or life in general. Maybe this is happening because you have relinquished control for a long time and you are now starting to feel the lasting impact of your passivity.

A relationship with a deceased person

Dreaming that you are in a relationship with someone who is already deceased in reality portends the possibility of an identity crisis. You may reach a point where you take a long, hard look at yourself only to realize that you do not recognize yourself anymore. Maybe certain aspects of your personality have been lost or are slowly disappearing due to peer pressure or as part of growing up. Alternatively, it could be a conscious decision on your part to transform and let go of habits that are not helping you achieve your aspirations.

A new relationship

To dream that you are in a relationship with someone other than your real-life significant other is actually an auspicious dream symbol. If you are currently working on projects or ventures, then this vision means you would achieve success in your undertakings. Alternatively, this new relationship could also symbolize opening doors or fresh opportunities. You may be given a chance to pursue your passions just when you thought you have no other choice but to follow a well-trodden path.

New relationships in dream visions could also point to a new chapter in your journey with your existing partner or significant other. It is possible that you are both ready to take your relationship to another level, either by settling down and getting married or starting a family of your own by welcoming a new life. You may have been thinking about having a baby, but this time your conversations may be more clear as you are both finally on the same page.

A relationship with a lover

Dreaming about having a relationship with your lover or someone you had a fling with actually bears the opposite meaning in reality. This scenario of getting serious with the affair instead of the usual trysts may be a wish fulfillment of some sort. You may be playing it out in your head in order to satisfy your curiosity. In reality, however, this is not going to happen. You are well-aware of the pitfalls of a possible relationship and you have probably weighed the pros and cons already. As such, you would likely cut this affair short or a conflict could arise which would lead to a parting of ways.

Betraying a relationship

Dreaming that you betray your significant other, likely through cheating or keeping secrets, is actually an indication that your relationship is on the right path. Instead of eroding trust and acts of infidelity, you may be working consciously on strengthening your partnership by being more open to each other about important issues. You could learn a lot about your partner that would make you fall even more in love. Maybe this evolution in your relationship is merely a preparation for the next step in your journey.

Getting out of a relationship

To dream that you get out of a relationship or end your real-life relationship means the opposite in reality. Maybe an argument leads to a break up or your dissatisfaction makes you decide to end things in the dream vision. These kinds of dream scenarios actually reflect the positive improvements in your existing relationship. It means both of you are making significant strides in trying to understand each other better and envisioning a more long-term plan for your life as a couple.

Arguing while in a relationship

A dream wherein you are arguing with your significant other can be interpreted both in a positive or negative way. On the one hand, it can actually mean that your existing relationship is stable and going along smoothly. On the other hand, this may also be an indication of a stale relationship bordering on boredom. If that is the case, then the argument and conflict you envisioned reveals your desire for some excitement or something that would shake up your relationship in order for you to reignite the passion you once had for each other.

A relationship going sour

Dreaming that your relationship is losing its spark or going sour could be an indication of lingering feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. This does not automatically refer to commitment issues or relationship-related problems. Rather, there may be some stuff that is nagging at the back of your mind and making you feel like something is missing. Maybe you are feeling unfulfilled in your work and personal activities so you are searching for meaning and a deeper purpose in life.

A relationship with God

Dreaming that you have a relationship with God, be it platonic or a more teacher-student dynamic, probably points to the possibility of a patriotic move on your part. You may be galvanized to travel overseas or even within the country in order to serve your nation. This may happen through activism or enlisting into the army to fight alongside the troops. Whatever it is, the entire journey would lead to your transformation as you gain experience and insights you would not normally be exposed to if you continue your current state of existence.

In a relationship with your enemy

If you dream that you are in a relationship with your real-life enemy, then there may be changes afoot regarding your rivalry. In a way, your relationship in the dream is your mind's way of presenting an alternative situation to you. Perhaps in the waking world, you would have an encounter which would show you a different side to your enemy. This previously unknown side to you could make you change the way you treat this person, for better or worse. Other feelings instead of just anger and hostility may surface.

In a relationship with an animal

Being in a relationship with an animal, such as a dog or a lion, is a dream symbol referring to an influential personality in your current existence. This individual may not necessarily be influential to others, but because of your close relationship, you could be more prone to this person's controlling or manipulative ways. Allowing this person to control your life could have dire consequences, not just to your well-being but even your loved ones who care deeply about you. You may have to be more assertive to avoid falling into this person's traps.

Ex husband

Seeing your ex-husband in a dream is a fairly negative omen. It means your current relationship is in some sort of peril, which could lead to a brief separation or breakup with your lover. The cause is likely similar to whatever forced you to separate from your ex in the first place, such as cheating, addiction or irreconcilable differences.

Husband cheating

Dreaming that your husband or spouse is cheating on you, especially when you catch them in the act, is usually your subconscious criticizing you for being too trusting and even gullible in reality. This infidelity also shows your tendency to ignore warning signs or someone's suspicious behavior which may actually place you on the losing end in a situation. These flaws and omissions could make you an easy target for people who are comfortable in conning innocent individuals for their own gain.

Boyfriend sleep sofa bed

Seeing your boyfriend sleeping on a sofa or bed means your relationship is going smoothly. You and your boyfriend are likely close enough to share private or intimate information to each other. This also points to comfort and a sense of fulfillment. You probably feel safe and secure whenever you are around him and you have no problem showing your vulnerable side to him. It may have taken a while for your walls to come down, but you feel your current boyfriend is someone who is in it for the long haul.

Ex boyfriend and now boyfriend

Seeing your ex boyfriend and your current boyfriend in the same dream likely means you are torn between the two. Even if you love your boyfriend now, your ex may still hold a special place in your heart which probably muddles your feelings in the current relationship. Alternatively, you may tend to compare your current boyfriend with your old one because they have marked differences in habits and personalities. If your previous relationship ended badly, then this may be a good thing.

My girlfriend's ex

Seeing your girlfriend's ex in a dream vision, perhaps when you are arguing or fighting each other, means that you may be feeling threatened by her ex. At the back of your mind, you may think that she is not over her ex yet, so this fear which could be unfounded is manifesting in your subconscious. Although the ex can also represent her past. Maybe you are having trouble accepting or making peace with her upbringing or mistakes she committed before.


A break up with your significant other over the course of a dream vision is not necessarily indicative of such an event in reality, although it does touch on some feelings related to that kind of situation. In a sense, breaking up is connected with your feelings of insecurity or concern over aspects of your relationship. You may feel that your weak points and shortcomings would eventually cause your partner to see you in a negative light or make them desire someone else. While this is only a reflection of your subconscious, you should be wary that how you feel does not affect your interactions with them.

Breaking up with your current partner is often not a predictor of such an event in reality, rather, it is the manifestation of insecurity and possibly low self-esteem. You subconscious is probably worried about some aspect of your relationship, likely if you two are meant to be together or if you are good enough to be with this person. Instead of focusing on the negatives, however, this symbol should be taken as a sign to focus on the positive points, the parts of your relationship that make you and your significant other happiest. Building on the good is the best way to move your relationship forward when you feel doubt.

Ex boyfriend meets boyfriend

Envisioning your ex-boyfriend meeting your current boyfriend in the dream world suggests your subconscious is making note of the similarities and differences between the two. Perhaps your current lover said or did something that made you think of the man you used to go out with, or maybe the two of you visited a place you had been before with your ex. In either case, you can use this opportunity of picturing the two together to see how you want your current relationship to progress.

My ex boyfriend ditched me

Being ditched by your ex boyfriend in a dream reveals a need to reconcile your past with your present. Your ex in this dream scenario likely represents your general past, including previous failures or traumatic incidents. As such, being ditched refers to rejection or your fear of being rejected. You may have to overcome this fear as well as your personal issues related to your insecurities in order to form healthy relationships moving forward.

Dead relative

The presence of family members who have already left this world is often thought to be a reminder to pay attention to what is going on around you and think carefully before coming to any decision or course of action. Reflecting and using the wisdom you have gathered over the years from the deceased loved ones is sure to bring about a better result than acting rashly and shooting from the hip. It may also reveal new opportunities that you did not see before in the process and grow spiritually.

My ex husband

Dreaming of your ex husband is usually a sign that you are still holding on to memories from your previous marriage or your general past. It is possible that the unresolved issues between you and your former husband are haunting you and making you wonder whether you did the best thing in dissolving your marriage. Perhaps this is keeping you from moving on and finding happiness with someone else. On the other hand, he could just be a symbol of past mistakes or transgressions that are keeping you from making real and lasting connections with others.

Ex husband with girlfriend

This vision of your ex with his girlfriend suggests you are experiencing some anxiety at the moment because some traumatic moments in your past keep coming back to haunt you. This dream symbol means you are getting yourself too caught up in the past, and it serves as a reminder that your former lover is now gone and constantly thinking about him could only lead you to experience great pain, as if you were reliving his departure over and over again. It would be wise to focus your energies on improving yourself in reality. Gaining new skills and qualifications would sure put you in a better mood and might lead to some interesting opportunities you would have never had before.

Girlfriend cheating

Dreaming that your girlfriend is cheating on you reveals abandonment issues. You may be prone to insecurity when it comes to relationships because of traumatic events from the past when a trusted person had left you. Your fear of being rejected and abandoned may manifest in your romantic relationship and projected on your significant other. In addition, you may feel like you are not good enough for your partner and so the possibility that she would cheat is very real to you.

My boyfriend cheating on me

Dreaming that your boyfriend is cheating on you with a stranger or someone you do not recognize suggests you would have to work with someone or a group of people who do not like you. Not only would this cause you significant stress leading up to the actual project, but you would likely have to deal with major confrontations or losses during this time. Until it is over, you would be stressed, tense and generally in a bad mood.

Hiding a letter from your other half

Hiding a letter from someone you care about, particularly a lover or a crush, has a neutral connotation in the realm of dreams. It suggests this person is not truly or honestly interested in you. In the case of a crush, they may already have a significant other or their own love interest, so your feelings may not be understood, recognized or possibly even wanted. Similarly, for those who are in a relationship, this symbol can mean your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you or at the very least has some reservations about your partnership. While this may seem bad, the good part is that it would save you a lot of stress and sadness later on.

A couple exchanging letters

Exchanging letters in the dream world is tantamount to the opposite as you might expect. While individuals usually exchange cards and notes on happy occasions, this vision suggests you would soon have a major falling out with the man or woman on the other side of the exchange. If the individual who gave you a letter was your friend, you may soon have a major disagreement with them and you may not talk to each other for some time after. Similarly, exchanging a written message with your significant other portends a break up or divorce, often with accusations of wrongdoing on both sides.

A letter from your spouse

Receiving a letter from your spouse in the dream world, whether they handed it to your directly or sent it through the national post service, may reveal a lack of understanding or compassion in your marriage or partnership. You may need to be more tolerant and open-minded to what your significant other thinks or is interested in. If you continue to be stubborn and ignore your lover's point of view, it may end up in separation or divorce, causing much sadness, frustration and disappointment on both sides.

A letter to your lover who is far away

Writing a letter to a faraway lover or romantic companion is often interpreted as a sign of upcoming mistakes your would make in the future. It represents both the grievous error and the long term repercussions of your actions in that situation. The far reaching effects of your behavior would be difficult to rectify and get past, meaning you would be cleaning up this mess for many weeks or months. During this time you would be very frustrated and troubled, possibly even developing depression.

Divorce in general

Divorce, as a general symbol in the dream world, tends to reveal dissatisfaction and unhappiness with your current circumstances, particularly in regards to romantic relations. You may have recently become discontented with your partner or found that the two of you are stuck in a rut, unable to reclaim the spice and excitement of the early days of your relationship. In some situations, this vision is seen relatively soon after observing others go through or talk about divorce in reality. Your subconscious may have picked up on this, leading to its presence in your dreams.

In some situations, dreaming of divorce can be seen in response to becoming angered, annoyed or otherwise dissatisfied with someone other than a romantic partner, such as a family member, friend or co-worker. You may wish to distance yourself from this individual or completely remove them from your life, but you do not have the strength or courage to reveal your true feelings yet. You would continue to feel a sense of frustration and illease until you are able to get away from this individual and find peace.

Divorce with your current partner

Divorcing your current partner in the dream realm does not predict such an event in reality. Instead, this symbol has a positive connotation that suggests your connection to your significant other is stronger than ever. You probably have no reason to be concerned about adultery or any other bad behavior. Instead, you can focus on the good qualities of your relationship and rest assured that you have each other's backs in all things. This knowledge and trust is sure to bring you much happiness and contentment.

Being divorced

Finding that you are divorced in the dream world when you are currently married in reality is commonly interpreted as a neutral symbol. It is often thought to be connected to feelings of discontent and disappointment with those who are near to you in reality, although not necessarily your spouse or partner. For example, you could be annoyed by the behavior of another family member or feel upset about something your co-worker did at work. Alternatively, dreaming of divorce could be a reaction to minor turmoil and trouble in reality. In this sense, your subconscious is revealing its desire to separate itself from the emotional disturbance and find a more peaceful state of being for both you and your family.

Husband dreaming about wife cheating

Dreams about your wife cheating on you, by finding her in bed with another man or coming across some incriminating clues about her indiscretion, point to lack of developments in your goals and projects. In some cases, this means you are going to fail in your current undertaking because of your tendency to focus on tedious details instead of getting a good grasp of the big picture. You will stress yourself out over tiny tasks which you can easily outsource or delegate to other people. This over-analysis will eventually lead to unsatisfactory results.

Ex boyfriend, husband and I

Envisioning an ex-boyfriend in the same dream as you and your husband is a sign that you tend to make unfair comparisons in wake life, perhaps to the point of fantasizing about a life different than the one you currently lead. You probably wonder what it would be like if your husband acted differently, if you were richer and better off than you are now or if you had made some other choice that would allow you to look better in the eyes of friends or family. Unless you can appreciate what you currently have, you would forever be cursed by the beast of jealousy.

Ex and current boyfriend

Seeing your ex-boyfriend and your current boyfriend within the same dream vision can reflect a subconscious comparison between the two. While you may be truly devoted to your current significant other, your ex probably still holds a place in your heart either due to some special bond you shared or the amount of time you spent together. You may wonder what it would be like to still be going out with your ex-boyfriend or if your current boyfriend was more like your past love. However, if your past relationship ended badly, it is possible the lack of similarity is a good thing. Being too similar may lead to the same results again.

Ex lover

Dreaming about your ex-lover usually means you are thinking about the past very often and you have unresolved issues. This symbol can be unsettling, however its more precise interpretation depends on other symbols that came up in your vision. Seeing your ex partner in your dream can imply that you are not quite over your former lover. If you are presently in a relationship, this symbol can reveal your fear of repeating a past event, like the possibility of losing your current companion. If your vision arises frequently, it can show that your ex is still thinking about you.

Ex-boyfriend confessing he had sex with another girl

Having a dream vision about your ex-boyfriend usually suggests that you are concerned about an unresolved issue that took place in your past. Dreaming about your ex and another girl can be a subconscious expression of your fear of losing your current lover due to you being jealous. Your vision can also show your suspicions about your lover’s faithfulness. If you are not in a relationship, you may feel compelled to confess a past error to someone who is important to you, but a more exact interpretation depends on other symbols present in your dream.

Ex husband and new girlfriend

Having the imagery of your ex-spouse in your dream suggests that you are constantly thinking about the past due to some unsettled matter. You probably experienced a traumatic or upsetting event which can be related to a loss that you have not processed yet at a conscious level. The image of your ex-husband together with his new girlfriend in the same vision illustrates that a certain painful episode came up independently of you. You should focus on your present life and build your confidence up because in this way you could deal with troublesome experiences from your past with less difficulty.

My boyfriend was cheating on me

This dream is a typical cheating dream and very common in dream interpretation. Being cheated on can point to your fear of losing your boyfriend maybe because of some past event that your subconscious is elaborating on now. Sometimes it can also show some uncertainty existing in your relationship, but can be an alerting sign of people around you in waking life who want to cause you and your boyfriend complications and trouble.

Being left and cheated on

The vision of being left by your partner can be very concerning, but its meaning is not necessarily negative. It can be a metaphorical breakup you saw in your dream which indicates an end of a habit, a behavior pattern or an episode in your relationship. Your partner may be giving you more affection lately, so you may sense some change in him or her. Every change is similar to a breakup because something, good or bad, is being left in the past. The act of cheating in this dream can imply that there is some misunderstanding between you and your lover which you can solve by communicating with him or her more often.

Cheating on my girlfriend

Dreams centered around cheating might bewilder you, however, these are one of the most common dreams among dreamers who are in a relationship. This symbol indicates that you are afraid of being accused of something you did not do in a timely manner by someone very close to you, not necessarily your girlfriend. It can also show that you are experiencing some disagreement with your significant other, and more details of the dream can reveal whether you can get back on track or make it worse.

My fiance leaves me for his ex

Dreaming that your fiance has left you for their ex-lover represents your lack of trust in them. In a sense, seeing them with someone else reveals a deep-seated fear that they really would leave you. This does not mean they actually would, however. Perhaps you are seeing this because of your own issues or lack of faith. This could get in the way of having a deep, meaningful relationship with this individual.

Partner is cheating

Envisioning your significant other in the arms of another individual is actually a reflection of your own doubts and lack of confidence. In a sense, seeing your partner cheat is the manifestation of your fears that such a thing really could happen in wake life. Your paranoia and desire to perhaps control who they interact with may blow up in your face, causing them to really seek solace in someone else or just break up with you.

Inappropriate intimacy

The symbol of inappropriate intimacy can have different interpretations depending on who was behaving inappropriately. If you were acting in poor taste, such as making rude comments or dressing in a risque manner, it means you could become the butt of jokes in wake life. Some gossip may circulate around you, possibly due to your own lack of discretion. Alternatively, watching the other person act in a way that is inappropriate during intimacy suggests you could become involved in fraudulent activities if you are not careful. Someone may manage to trick you with a credit card scam or fake email, causing you much distress and frustration.

Having an affair

Having an affair during the course of a dream vision does not have a negative reflection on your loyalty or love for your partner. Rather, it is symbolic of having an unfulfilled desire or unaccomplished goal. You could have been reminded of your lack of progress recently, or this vision itself may be a message from your subconscious to get back to work and make your dreams a reality.

Unfaithful partner

Dreaming that your romantic partner has been unfaithful to you is often considered a sign that you have a trusting or gullible nature. You probably tend to believe the best in people, even when they have done little to prove it. You could be putting yourself at risk by letting less than scrupulous individuals get close to you, as they may find some weakness and exploit you for it.

Getting girlfriend pregnant

Dreaming that you have gotten your girlfriend pregnant in a dream may be your subconscious mind picking up on something she is hiding from you, usually negative in nature. In some cases, it may be innocuous, like a less than appealing birthday present or a surprise trip when you are very stressed or busy. However, the results of this secret may have more damaging effects, especially if you have made no effort to improve your relationship with her in recent months.

A friend break up

Leaving a friend during a dream vision, whether it was a mutual agreement or a huge fight, does not necessarily mean you want to end your friendship. Instead, it suggests you subconsciously yearn for new emotions and experiences. While there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to try new things, depending on your interests, you may wind up annoying or alienating some of your current comrades.

Ex waiting for you

Envisioning that your ex-lover is waiting for you during a dream may reflect your tendency to dwell on the what-ifs in life. Perhaps you saw a picture they posted on Instagram or a comment they made on Facebook that brought up old memories of your time together. Bringing your old flame to the forefront of your mind once more also allows the mind to wonder about how things may have gone differently under alternative circumstances while you should probably focus more on taking care of issues and concerns relating to the present.

Ignoring your ex

Ignoring a past lover in the dream world often reflects moving on in reality. You may be ready to start a new relationship, be it serious or just a fling. For example, if you are single, it may now be a good time to download a dating app or visit a local bar on singles night. If you are in a relationship, you may find a new level of deepness with your partner that you did not share before.


Dreaming of your ex-wife means you have a tendency to fall back to your old patterns and committing the same mistakes. Your interaction with the ex-wife will add more interpretations to the symbol. For example, having sex with your ex-wife refers to your hedonistic hobbies. You are bound to fall back into gambling, taking illegal substances or indulging in unhealthy food due to a recent failure or disappointment. Your immediate coping mechanism is to go back to your self-destructive ways.

Ex-boyfriend's mother

The best way to interpret this vision depends on your context in reality. If you are not familiar with your ex's mother or parents in wake life, this vision could be pointing toward some valuable, useful lesson you learned following your separation. Perhaps you discovered a newfound independence or became more confident in yourself. Alternatively, if you had met or interacted with his parents, it reveals that you see a close friend making some of the same mistakes you did in the past in regard to their own romantic relationships or if they just started dating. By sharing your personal story with them, you may help them through this troubling time.

Ex killing current lover

Dreaming that your ex-lover has killed your current romantic interest or partner is not an indicator of such an incident occurring in wake life. Rather, this symbol represents some subconscious thoughts that may be floating around in the back of your mind. First, you may on some level still compare the two on occasion, perhaps in regards to their appearance, personality or interests. This comparison may or may not turn out in your current love's favor. Second, you could be very happy in your current relationship but miss some aspect from the first. For instance, you may have had a more exciting sex life before, or perhaps you had more similar tastes in music and movies.

Husband's mother

The image of your own mother-in-law, as a general dream symbol, represents your desire to be appealing and likable in the eyes of others. Just as you may want to impress or please your mother-in-law in real life, so does this symbol suggest you are a people-pleaser to the utmost extent. In some cases this may be a good thing, as others likely find you easy to get along with in wake life. However, focusing on making others happy should not come at the expense of your own mental health and happiness. This vision should also be a warning or reminder to practice self-care and stand up for yourself when the time is right.

Husband's sister

Seeing your husband's sister during the course of a dream vision, whether or not you would consider yourself close to her in wake life, is generally considered a positive symbol to behold. It suggests your family life is untroubled, and the members of your family are supportive towards each other even in the most difficult situations. For instance, if you were suddenly pressed for cash or experienced a medical emergency, you could rely on your relatives to provide support mentally, physically and possibly monetarily.

Beaten by boyfriend

Being physically attacked and abused by your boyfriend or male partner in the dream world is actually a fairly good symbol to experience. It means you have a good system of conflict resolution with this individual. For instance, perhaps you give each other an hour or so to cool down before returning to discuss things calmly. This also suggests your partner has good emotional maturity as well as yourself.

Marrying your boyfriend

Marrying your boyfriend means you are becoming more in sync with each other. After spending so much time together, you are probably able to finish each other's sentences. In addition, this reveals your immense love for your boyfriend and your desire to become a better person for him. This growing bond between you may soon end in moving in together or marriage.

Deceased husband trying to kill

Seeing your deceased husband out for blood and trying to kill someone alludes to your inability to let go of past issues. Your unresolved issues, from your childhood or past relationships, are interfering with your current life. Maybe you have trust issues and think the worst of people due to a past betrayal. Or you have turned into a grouch because you think your best life is behind you. Once you recognize your flaws and change your perspective, it is possible to meet new friends and make room for personal growth.

Going into the boyfriend's phone

Looking at your boyfriend's phone while you are dreaming may reveal some deep, subconscious mistrust in the relationship between the two of you. However, this vision also suggests your concerns may have some basis. For instance, if you suspect your boyfriend has not been faithful, it may be because he has cheated in the past or has been elusive about his whereabouts on the weekend. Alternatively, if you think he has lied to you about something, it could be because you have received conflicting information from him and others. This vision might be a warning from your subconscious to be more cautious and discerning when it comes to your heart.

Partner becoming sick

Watching your romantic partner fall victim to an illness could have different interpretations depending on their gender identity. If your partner is male or has a lot of traditionally male personality traits, such as being extroverted, competitive or aggressive, it could mean that they are hiding something important from you. In a sense, their guilt is weighing down their soul, and your unconscious mind is picking up on that illness of spirit. Alternatively, if your partner is female or has many traditionally female personality traits, such as being domestically inclined, compassionate or nurturing, this vision means you and your partner on your way to having successful, happy lives that would be the envy of those around you.

Partner dying

Envisioning the death of your life partner in the dream world can have different interpretations depending on their gender. If your partner is male or tends to favor more masculine traits, like strength and competitiveness, seeing their death implies being disappointed by someone close to you in reality, although not necessarily by your partner. If your partner is female or displays more feminine qualities, this vision suggests they would be happy and healthy for many years to come.

Infidelity from your lover

A dream where you find out that your lover is unfaithful refers to an awakening or a moment of enlightenment. For so long, you may have been sleepwalking through life and just going with the flow instead of pursuing your passions. This symbol appeared in your REM sleep because you are about to learn an important life lesson through an encounter with someone from your past. You will realize that life is short and you might as well stop working for others and find happiness for yourself.

Finding a partner

Dreaming of finding a partner reveals your fear of mortality. In the traditional sense, a partner in the dream world symbolizes comfort and security which means these are things you are lacking in reality. On the other hand, the deeper dream analysis for this symbol has to do with the increasing isolation and loneliness of people around the world. Instead of finding common ground, everyone seems to be focusing on differences. In the end, this is the battle you must fight starting with yourself if you want to maintain meaningful connections with others.

Ex boyfriend trying to kill me

Freudian sources suggest that envisioning your ex-boyfriend attempting to kill you may be your mind's attempt to do some self-psychotherapy. Rather than having anything to do with your ex, this vision is suggesting that your current partner or potential love interest is of the controlling narcissistic type. Pursuing a relationship with this individual is destined to end up only in heartbreak should you fail to heed this warning.

Me and ex boyfriend getting back together

Dreaming that you are getting back together with your ex-boyfriend is not a prophecy of such an event occurring in reality. Rather, it is a reflection of either your lingering feelings for this individual or some aspect of that relationship that you miss. For instance, your ex may have provided you with a form of self-validation or confidence. You may need to learn how to separate your image of yourself from your relationships with others.

Boyfriend cheating with best friend

Envisioning your boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend is likely a metaphor for your own insecurities and low self-esteem in wake life. This vision alludes to your own issues with confidence by preying on your fears that there are other people who are more beautiful, smarter or funnier than yourself. In essence, your best friend is a stand in for any individual in your life whom you may be jealous of or whose lifestyle you covet.

My boyfriend leaving me

Jungian sources do not consider this symbol to be prophetic in any way, at least not directly. Rather, the vivid image of your boyfriend leaving you during a dream suggests that you are holding onto some baggage or old habit that could cause issues in the future. Perhaps a past relationship damaged your trust or led you down a bad path. Now you have the presence of mind, and hopefully the support circle, to move past those things and grow.

An ex years later

Dreaming of your ex girlfriend or boyfriend years later means you are about to commit the same mistake. This does not necessarily have to be about relationships. It is possible that this symbol in your dreamscape is warning you about trusting a stranger or letting your emotions cloud your judgment. This threat of falling back into self-destructive patterns means your subconscious is telling you to be more self-aware so you can break a bad habit.

Your ex sleeping with someone else

Envisioning your ex, especially your ex boyfriend, sleeping with someone else in the dream realm, whether you caught them in the act or heard about it from a third party, is often thought to allude to some negative energy affecting your interactions with others in reality. You may have a disagreement with someone you generally get along well with or even have a pretty major confrontation with someone who tends to give you all the reasons to be in your enemy camp. These conflicts would make it sure to drain you physically and mentally, perhaps very much so like any mention of your ex does in reality.

Ex getting married to someone else

Traditional dream interpretation sources in multiple cultures point toward the marriage of an ex-lover or partner as the manifestation of your kind and forgiving nature. This may be directly related to this individual you had a relationship with in the past, but more likely this is referring to a more general part of your personality. Perhaps you have recently demonstrated this willingness to forgive and move on, leading it to appear in this way in your vision.

Spouse leaving you for someone else

Edgar Cayce's notes on dream interpretation suggest that your spouse leaving you in the dream world is not a literal prophecy of something of that nature coming to pass in reality. Rather, this symbol suggests you have a naturally gentle and trusting personality that could be taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals. Although it is possible, it is rarely your spouse who is to be feared here. You should be aware of online phishing scams attempting to steal your login information or calls from individuals pretending to work for the government.

Dead husband kissing me

The image of your dearly departed life partner can be very vivid and memorable in the dream realm. In this case, kissing him can have two possible and related meanings. First, it could point toward lingering feelings for your once friend and lover. Death is not always the end to love, so to speak. Similarly, this image also sometimes carries a slightly negative connotation, suggesting that you need to rethink how you are acting in some social situations. Perhaps his loss has led you to act in a way that you would not have before. Alternatively, current love interests may be getting a different version than they should. An examination of conscious may be necessary, and it would be recommended to seek professional help if you cannot solve things on your own.

Cheating on my boyfriend

Cheating on your boyfriend during REM sleep is not necessarily a prophesy that you would commit such an act nor is it an indicator that you have been unfaithful in the past. Rather, this dream symbol suggests you may be accused of something illegal or immoral in reality. While the accusation may or may not be true, it would cause you a lot of trouble by making some of your friends to doubt you or putting you under intense scrutiny by those with power over you, like your parents, a teacher or a boss.

Having a boyfriend when you're single

Dreaming about having a boyfriend or a lover when you are currently single can often be considered a prophecy of soon finding a special someone in reality. This individual may be a fling that leaves you with a happy memory or someone who plays a significant role in your romantic life for a long time to come. This would bring you great happiness and satisfaction.

Cheating on spouse

Married people who dream about adultery should expect major conflict in their marriage. The increasing lack of communication between the two of you could lead to divorce. This could also mean that one of you is being dishonest which is causing more and more strain in the relationship. If you are single or not married in real life, then this symbol is an allusion to shady deals and suspicious transactions which could lead to legal troubles. Remember to read the fine print to protect yourself from litigious entities.

Spouse leaving

Envisioning that your significant other has packed up their bags and left in the dream world is a sign with negative connotations, although it does suggest there would be a happy outcome. Whether something happened in the dream prompted the separation or not, this symbol means that you would experience a brief rift or separation with your spouse in wake life. This is likely due to some shocking news or a misunderstanding. However, in many cases, this issue can be patched up through mutual hard work and a desire to improve the quality of the relationship.

Getting caught cheating

Getting caught while in the act of cheating on your spouse or current partner is an ill omen in dream visions. Modern dream interpreters, such as Miller, suggest your past may soon come back to haunt you in a very public and humiliating way. You should be very concerned about who knows things related to your past, especially if they have a reason for making that information public knowledge.

Partner leaving me

To dream that your partner abandons you is indicative of an upcoming separation. The reasons for this separation may or may not be serious. Maybe your significant other merely needs to travel for work or visit his parents for a while. While away from each other, you will regain a level of enlightenment and realizations about the status of your relationship. Fortunately, this prediction suggests the separation is only temporary, so enjoy this much-needed time for yourself.

Ex boyfriend and his family

Socializing with your ex-boyfriend's family means you are still not over him or you may have crossed paths recently and it triggered memories of spending time together. If your overall perception of the dream is positive and you were enjoying yourself, then perhaps you are considering reconnecting with him and rekindling the romance. On the other hand, if the atmosphere was a bit tense, then it is a projection of your reservations about revisiting this chapter in your life. You are probably hesitant to reach out lest you fall back into old patterns and make the same mistakes.

Marrying your ex

To marry an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is an ill omen about unfavorable events. Plans will fall through and your relationships could take a hit because you will project your frustrations on them. This is also an allusion to old-fashioned beliefs that could hamper the way you relate to others. A lack of understanding about the zeitgeist will lead to confrontations and misunderstandings which could have been avoided if you keep an open mind.

Someone else while in a relationship

If you are in a relationship and you dream of seeing someone else, it means you are experiencing some dissatisfaction with your partner. The gravity of this dissatisfaction will depend on your interaction with this person in the dreamscape. On the positive side, this does speak to your self-awareness. There is something lacking in your relationship, whether as partners or individually, which you think you need to address before going to the next level. This can also be a projection of your restlessness and fear of being tied down.

Past lovers

Interacting with previous lovers in dream scenarios is a nocturnal manifestation of your unresolved issues. The other symbols present in the dream will provide context and details regarding the specific issues from the past that are haunting your present. It could also mean that you are still pining for an ex and you wish you can rekindle your relationship. Spiritually, this also points to the need for introspection so you do not have to carry unnecessary burden as you move forward in life.

Husband leaving me for another woman

The image of your husband leaving you for another woman actually is more of a reflection of your mental or emotional state rather than a prediction of his infidelity. Your subconscious is involuntarily pulling up images that shed light on your worst fears and weaknesses. In this case, you may have abandonment issues or trouble with commitment. If you see this image at night, you may want to consider talking to someone about your concerns so that you can work through whatever is bothering you.

Boyfriend going to jail

The image of your boyfriend or friend with benefits in the custody of police is an ominous image to perceive while dreaming. It is an involuntary reflection of your subconscious lack of faith in the longevity of the relationship. In many cases, this symbol is seen preceding a rough patch in a relationship, usually when multiple minor tensions are brought to a head in the form of a loud, ugly argument.

Your ex calling you

Envisioning that your ex-partner is calling you, whether it is on the phone or from across a crowded shopping center, is actually a reflection of your own good character and positive personality traits. Even though you are no longer with this individual, they recognize that you have strengths and good points that make you unique and special. Your own unconscious mind knows this as well, so seeing this symbol is also thought by modern dream interpreters to mean you should focus on developing those positive traits rather than potentially dwelling on things you lack. For instance, maybe you had to break up with your partner because you had different ideas about the future. That does not mean your future dream was wrong, it just means you need to work toward that future and find someone whose goals more closely align with your own.

Your spouse's ex

Your partner's ex symbolizes a past issue that could resurface. Finding the answer to what does it mean when you dream about your spouse's ex is dependent on your interaction with this person. If it is antagonistic, then perhaps something about your spouse's past is driving a wedge in your relationship. On the other hand, if you are civil or even friendly, it is an auspicious omen about your readiness to embrace his past life for all its ups and downs.

Your boyfriend still loves his ex

Exes in the dreamscape are typically metaphors of the general past. In this context, dreaming your boyfriend still loves his ex indicates your partner's fondness for his family, childhood, or even the community he grew up in. It can also indicate immaturity that could cause tension and conflict in your relationship. On the other hand, this dream symbol could also be a projection of trust issues and your hesitation to embrace his past. Perhaps knowing whether you have the same goals in life will help you find the security or assurance you need.

Your ex boyfriend kissing you

Dreaming of intimate interactions with an ex may attract blessings your way. According to dream workers, the answer to what does it mean when you dream about your ex boyfriend kissing you has to do with a pleasant surprise. Since exes are metaphors for the general past, this unexpected event or encounter may be connected to previous project or involves someone you know from the past.

Ex texting me

Texting with your ex-partner over the course of a dream may reveal a subconscious reflection on your past in general. Depending on the content of the conversation, more accurate interpretations can be deduced. For instance, a fight or disagreement may point toward current or future contentment in your relationships. Alternatively, a loving or happy conversation may allude to feelings of nostalgia or a desire to be intimate with someone.

Seeing your ex crying

Seeing your ex crying in a dream is a unique symbol often seen by those feeling a little bit of regret or unease about their recent behavior. This dream portent usually appears soon after you learn that you have made someone upset, uncomfortable or embarrassed. While this may not be directly related to your ex, your connection to this individual is likely around the same level of closeness. As such, your feelings would likely be in proportion to how friendly you are with your ex. If you are still good friends, you might feel quite upset by your own behavior. On the other hand, if you barely talk to your ex now, you may not lose much sleep over what has transpired.

Fighting your boyfriend ex girlfriend

A hostile encounter with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in the dream world alludes to an unhealthy relationship with your past or your partner's background. You could be suspicious of your boyfriend's past activities because he is very secretive, so you want him to be more open to you. Alternatively, dream workers associate what does it mean when you dream about fighting your boyfriend ex girlfriend with feelings of anger or resentment about things that happened in the past. Your own inability to confront past issues or resolve ongoing conflict is only fueling your self-sabotaging ways.

Boyfriend leaving to go shopping

I seem to be bothered with my boyfriend leaving me at his house as he goes shopping with his friends! I wanted leave his house and go to mine! Then I clean up a handbag! Ants crawled up my arms and legs! Was fighting them in despair as his friends watched.... Should I be worried?

The scenes of being left behind while your boyfriend goes shopping with his friends could be an indication of your concerns and worries related to the lack of attention or affection coming from him. Cleaning a handbag is a reflection of the current state of your mind when you try to analyze and reassess the relationship with your boyfriend, possibly the impact his friends could have on it. Ants in a dream usually signify possible relocation to a larger (more industrialized) city in search of a better job or for some other reasons, especially this is true if you happened to see these ants in large numbers in your dream. Fighting with the ants is a subconscious reflection of your unwillingness or aversion to such a move or relocation.

Boyfriend cheating with another man

My dream was that I caught my boyfriend having sex with another man, he was calling the man sexy and wanted him to have breakfast. I ended up screaming and attacking my boyfriend, I didn't know the other guy.

Dreaming about catching your boyfriend with another man could mean that your boyfriend is hiding something from you. Arguing or fighting with your boyfriend about this man, whom you perceive to be interfering with your relationship, could reflect your possible suspicions that your boyfriend is actually trying to keep secrets or hide important issues from you. It can also mean he is preoccupied by something you are unaware about. His concern or secret, once revealed, may cause future disagreements in your relationship or hinder your relationship development. You might also be feeling that you are unable to develop an intimate and deep bond with your boyfriend or that your boyfriend is not paying enough attention to you and your relationship. You could be concerned about the future of your relationship. In this case, your subconsciousness is projecting these feelings through the images of a male who is lavished with your boyfriend's attention and desire. In the long run, these circumstances could culminate in a breakup. The reasons for such separation could originate from mutual misunderstandings or disrespect. You could benefit from discussing your worries with your boyfriend before it is too late.

Girlfriend's husband

I dreamt that my girlfriend's husband discovered our relationship. I thought he was going to hit me, but he raised his hand up as if to slap or punch me, but he high gives me and said "I understand".

This dream vision of your girlfriend's husband finding out about your relationship with her and if such an affair already exists in reality could be a sign that you are subconsciously realizing that something is going to go wrong between you and your girlfriend or something is about to happen to make the relationship worse than it is now. Even though you did not experience any confrontation or hostility expressed by the girlfriend's husband in this dream, you are most likely to experience episodes of jealousy or find yourself in some competitive game or conflict with your girlfriend. You could also be harboring fears related to your girlfriend discovering soon that you did something which she thinks could undermine or threaten the stability of this affair. This could be related to you being unfaithful to her or having secrets which you think could damage this relationship if revealed to her.

Being friends with boyfriend's ex-girlfriend

Hey, I am a girl and I am currently crushing on a guy who is also crushing on me. I had a dream about his ex girlfriend, who I know and dislike because she is what you would call a "psychotic person", really obsessed with him and in my dream I was at a friend's party and me and his ex actually became friends! And then after a while she went back to ignoring me but in my mind we were still friends. What does this dream mean?

Your dream about having conversation with and befriending the ex-girlfriend of someone you are presently romantically involved with is an indication that there is rivalry and bad blood between you and someone in real life who is not necessarily the girl you were talking to in your dream. This person may be jealous or mad at you for showing interest in or having an affair with her romantic partner or friend in the past or presently. It is also possible that you are the one who is jealous, obsessed or upset with the person you are interested in dating. You may think that this person is making inappropriate advances towards other girls, whether this is true or just a suspicion. Overall, the dream speaks of existing feelings of rivalry, hostility and misunderstandings. These are poisonous to any relationship and to you personally for they are capable of undermining your confidence and self-esteem. It would be advisable to examine and make an effort to overcome these feelings.

Ex-boyfriend rekindling relationship on the phone

I dreamed that I was talking with my ex-boyfriend and he said to me on the phone that he's missing me and loves me so much.

Dreaming about receiving signs of affection from your ex-boyfriend over the phone could be symbolic of some serious developments in your romantic affairs. If you are presently seeing or dating someone, this vision could indicate a possibility of encountering a female rival or competitor who might interfere with the way the relationship is going right now. The consequences of such interference could have some significant impacts on this relationship. If you are not a part of a dating scene at the moment, this vision could be a sign of a new encounter, but the outcomes are most likely to disappoint you because you might have doubts or uncertainties toward this individual.

Holding hands with ex-boyfriend

I dreamt that me, my current 2 years and a half bf, my ex and some of our friends went on a road trip. When we arrived to the desired place my boyfriend went to do something and me and my ex and our friends were left alone. So as we were chatting about how each one of us has a different hand shape my ex which did not speak to me the whole trip told me "Show me your hands" and he brought his hand closer to mine and held it and started smiling to me as if he's happy.. Then I woke up.

This dream contains two distinct visions, specifically - going on a road trip with people who are important to you in your waking life and examining your hands. The first vision could be interpreted as your tendency to get involved in or try to accomplish plans or tasks which are more than you can handle. You could currently be going through a period in life when a lot of things need to be accomplish at the same time, but in order to succeed you need to set your priorities first or ask other people for help. The second vision of your ex-boyfriend examining your hand is indicating that you are about to experience a revelation or receive some new information which would affect your ex-boyfriend's as well as your own life. Most likely, it is a new person (not your current boyfriend) who might ignite new feelings and emotions in you. The notion of your ex-boyfriend feeling happy and telling you about it seems to be telling that your relationship with him has not found a proper closure yet, at least in your mind. You might be wanting him to be a part of your life, even though you are seeing someone else.

Ex-boyfriend not happy about current boyfriend

I was in a class with my ex. He was in Florida but he moved back to Bartlett. We know we looked at each other a few times. We talked to our friends while we did. He talked about a girl he met in Florida in a obvious way. I talked about my boyfriend. He looked at me as I talked about my boyfriend. I could feel him looking mad for some reason.

This dream vision of your ex-boyfriend engaging in a conversation with you and discussing your current romantic life reflects the fact that you want him back in your life or it could be an indication of your dissatisfaction with the way things are developing between you and your new boyfriend. You are also comparing his new relationship with your own and perhaps even think that he is doing much better dating this new person as opposed to dating you. There are certain undertones of jealousy and envy which you express through your subconscious mind and you need to find a way to remain just friends with him because now you have other people involved on both sides and they could be hurt if you continue to focus excessively on your past relationship with this person.

Meeting with the family of a secret lover

It was about the man I cheat on my husband with. The dream was that I met his family and it was happy and there was a guy we both knew from our families who made everything acceptable. In real life I haven't talked to him in a few days.

This dream vision of connecting with your secret lover's family and learning that your behavior is justified and accepted could actually be a subconscious reflection of your fear of being caught at some point while committing adultery. You are displacing feelings of guilt or pity towards your husband with positive emotional confirmations which could only be possible when you dream. In reality, you could be walking a fine line between confessing about your behavior to either your husband or someone else close to you, and continuing to live this double life because it seems dangerous, yet convenient for everyone involved, for some time that is.

Ex-boyfriend communicating secretly with family

I dreamt of my ex ex-boyfriend getting in touch with my family secretly and I was so angry when I found out. I forced my brother to show me all their conversation and my ex ex bf was checking on me through my brother. I was just so angry, I don't know why. In reality, no one have met him but in the dream, they talked and chatted like friends. In reality, my ex ex bf often stays in touch with me. In the dream, he didn't talk to me at all.

Having this dream vision about your ex-boyfriend appearing to be having conversations and communicating with other members of your family behind your back could only reveal your tendency to keep secrets or hide important information from someone you become involved romantically. Perhaps you also have a habit of depriving your boyfriends or partners to speak their mind openly or share how they feel about the relationship you have with them. Even if you stay in touch with them in your waking life, your subconsciousness is telling you that this is mostly a one-sided communication and something that is based on what you have to say or do rather than letting them to be an equal part in everyday communication. Therefore, the dream advises you to be more accepting of their opinions and concerns they would like to express and share with you.

Husband naked and drunk

Dreaming about my husband being naked and drunk.

The interpretation of this dream would depend on whether you have faced similar behavior exhibited by your husband in reality. If you have been exposed to similar kind of behavior by him in real life, this vision could mean that you are worried and concerned about that the fact that his escapades might be starting to cast a shadow on your own personal character and reputation. Therefore, this uncomfortable feeling is projected into your subconscious state as dream visions. If your husband is a complete opposite of what you have witnessed in this dream, this could mean that you are sensing the presence of some non-typical trends in his recent behavior and conduct (most likely when you are together) which are starting to bother or embarrass you, even though they could be benign and non-threatening to your relationship with him or with other people around.

Deceased wife holding keys

I see my deceased wife holding some keys.

Dreaming about your now deceased wife holding a bunch of keys is a sign that the personal choices you have been making recently are not what is beneficial for you. You could be struggling with making the right decision at the moment because you have several options and do not know which one to choose. The dream therefore advises to carefully consider your next moves and perhaps seek advice from others in order to avoid being placed in a questionable or unfortunate situation or circumstance.

Boyfriend having a different family in the future

I met my boyfriend in the future when we were 43 years old, he had 3 kids and a wife he had been married to for 12 years. He also wanted to get a divorce and get back together with me. I'm a female.

This dream about meeting your current boyfriend some time in the future is a reflection of his outgoing personality and other people whom he has been surrounded by as you perceive it. You might feel that you do not get enough attention or affection because he tends to spend a lot of time with the members of his family, his buddies or coworkers. As a result, you could sometimes feel ignored or forgotten. This dream vision is most likely not related to romantic or love affairs with other women.

Wife leaving

I keep dreaming my wife leaves me, and that I can't open my eyes. The first one, multiple dreams different places and she is gone suddenly. The second one, think I am awake, but can't open my eyes.

Having a dream about your wife leaving you may indicate that you are about to be surprised or shocked by someone's discreditable lack of thankfulness, particularly regarding something that you did as a favor for them. You may have provided financial assistance in the form of a loan, helped in some physical way such as with a move or a tricky tire change, or provided emotional support and a shoulder to lean on for a friend who needed to talk things out. Being unable to open your eyes in a dream vision represents being deeply in love with someone, most likely your wife who is the main subject of your dream. You may be concerned with or jealous of a new acquaintance in her life, or you might be showing your subconscious desire to spend more time with her.

Husband having an affair

Husband having an affair with someone I know in front of me.

Dreams about your significant other having an extra-marital affair or falling in love with another person indicate not being satisfied with your current way of life, and therefore often serve as a push to look at your life from different perspectives and consider changing some aspects of it. As affairs are generally used as an escape for the monotony of daily life, it likely means you currently have a daily routine that needs sprucing up or you desire more meaningful experiences and interactions throughout your day. This is further illustrated by the other woman being someone you know, possibly because you envy her lifestyle or how she is able to spend her time.

Ex-boyfriend's wife dying

In the morning today I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend's wife had died and he was in a pain, but was not showing this. But he was crying a little bit.... What does it mean, because I never thought like that about him...I wanna see him happy always...

Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend's wife, and particularly envisioning her passing, may indicate feelings of jealousy or envy toward her or your ex's current life. Perhaps you desire to have that lifestyle with him or maybe you just wish for equal happiness and commitment in your own relationships. Seeing him try to hide his pain from you possibly represents a subconscious realization that he is better off now, even if this idea is just in your own mind. Seeing tears may symbolize some feelings of regret either over your prior relationship or over the fact that you cannot make new memories together with him.

Back with an ex in a new city

I have been dreaming that me and an ex of mine are back together living together and are in a different city than either of us have ever lived in and we are both wearing wedding rings.

Having dream visions about relocating to a city where you or your ex-boyfriend have never lived portends that either you or him would soon have to completely change your lifestyle, place of work and, possibly, your current place of residence because of some unfortunate, but unavoidable developments or events. For a woman, same dream could mean receiving a proposition or offer which could completely turn her life upside down. The vision of the wedding rings in this dream speaks of either the long time before these issues are settled, or the fact that both of you would be equally involved in and impacted by them.

Spending time with boyfriend

In my dream he came and picked me up I went back to his place we spent the night together. And the next morning he dropped me off and was going to pick me up again after work but the conversation we had in my dream was messed up. And when he left for work both of us were really sad. I woke up sad in the morning.

Seeing yourself having fun with your boyfriend in your dreams is a warning that you are too preoccupied with your romantic relationship right now, possibly with the same person you had this dream about. Such excessive focus on your relationship might cause some misunderstandings or troubles within your own family. This means you will soon have to make a sound choice between your family circle and this relationship. Having arguments with your boyfriend in the same dream could also mean that someone will be entering your life who may negatively affect your life, causing issues and problems to arise.

Running away with boyfriend and fighting later

I asked my dad if my boyfriend could come over and he said no, that he's not good for me and I don't know what I'm doing. So I got mad and ran away with my boyfriend. We took my baby brother with us. My parents followed us and we gave my brother back and my parents started to talk to the people we were going to live with and he got mad and told me I don't even want to see you again, you better stay gone you don't know what your doing with him and then I woke up.

Dreaming about your parents scolding you or talking to you in a preaching tone means that you are too sensitive to the opinions expressed toward you by others and fall prey to people criticizing you, without any grounds for them to do so. Having your parents expressing their concerns about your actions or behavior in your dream signifies getting on the right track or being invited to be a part of some great event or celebration. At the same time, this dream could be warning you to change your ways from recklessness and indifference, if you want to see some major positive changes in your life and become a better person.

Husband visiting but not staying

Had a dream my husband came back home, but it was like he wasn't there to stay but just to seem like he may move back soon. Felt more like a visit than and come back.

These images you have experienced in this dream about being uncertain whether your husband was going to stay with you or just visit on a regular basis could serve as an indication that your relationship with your husband suffers minor setbacks caused by the influences of other people around you two. It could also mean that he is currently preoccupied with other things he deems important in his life, or he could be traveling for work a lot or is away from you most of the time. Making an effort to work out the details and arrangements of your relationship with him could greatly improve the quality of your relationship.

Learning about previous relationship from a stranger

I had a dream that a man at a bar was being protective over me when I wanted to leave and go to a bar by myself. Later, this same man told me that my ex boyfriend was my true love. Then I was walking with him crying and we went into a kind old ladies house where my married friends and my ex boyfriend were sitting. I sat next to my friend's husband and he had me lay in his lap, on his penis specifically. And I watched a video of me professing my love for my ex boyfriend while he sat, confused, and watched, and continued asking why I was upset. The man who was protective seemed very angelic.

Dreaming about being in a bar portends to needing help in the near future. Normally this might indicate needing financial assistance or having to deal with government agencies, but, in this case, it seems to point more to emotional support from friends and family, which is also indicated by the other images in this dream. The protective, "angelic" man may symbolize feelings of guilt or remorse. Crying together with this person predicts beginning to overcome your past feelings and possibly to the opening of a new path for you. These past feelings are probably related to the ex you saw in your dream, as seeing yourself profess your love to an ex-boyfriend in a dream may represent some time recently when you, either by accident or on purpose, captured his attention. His confused expression, however, indicates that this is likely a lost cause and that you should continue to focus on your own growth and personal life.

Feeling like being a mother again

I saw my ex as he was walking with a dog and I was with my girls. He saw me and came to say hi. He talked to everyone but I saw that he wanted to come to me and his dog (Jack Russell Terrier) just wanted always to come to me and was dancing and touched me. Dog was on the leash to my ex and he came to me. When i started playing with the dog, the baby carriage appeared with a baby in it. I thought it was his baby from other woman and it was cool, but baby cried and asked for mom. I took him and it felt like it was my baby. Baby calmed down and I said mom is here and woke up feeling like a mother or this mother feeling was so real.

Talking with your ex-boyfriend in a dream is usually a negative sign associated with communication issues in your current romantic relationship or with other people you are close to. Flirtatious behavior between the two of you also suggests not having the complete picture about an issue that is important to you, possibly related to some minor trouble with your friends or family. These two negative signs are balanced, however, with the image of the baby. Taking care of an infant or small child within a dream vision represents finding solutions to your problems and coming to a resolution which greatly pleases and satisfies you in multiple ways. The strength of this positive ending is reflected in the powerful maternal instincts you felt at the end of the dream.

Holding hands with husband and other people

I was waking down a road, holding hands with a man that I have feel in love with. I was also holding hands with my husband and he was also holding hands with his wife! Later I dream I was at his mother's home. Keeping his grandchildren, while everyone was at a funeral. When everyone returned, his mother very rudely said to me it was time for me to leave and thanked me for babysitting.

This is a rather complicated vision with multiple symbols, but a few major points stand out. You do not mention if your feelings for this other man persist in real life, but feeling love for someone other than your husband and who is already married suggests you are not as passionate about something in your life as you used to be. This might be a relationship, such as with your husband, but it could also be a hobby or a charitable cause. In addition, envisioning someone you love in a dream, whether it was your husband or the other man, indicates some concerns related to your family. This is also supported by the mother who acted rudely towards you, representing some internal fears about how your recent actions (or lack thereof) are perceived by other people you are close to. This dream does not end on a bad note, however. Both the children you take care of and the funeral imagery predict that luck and fate are on your side in the long run. You may experience some difficulty in regaining your interests or finding other appropriate ways to spend your time, but the eventual results are likely to satisfy you greatly.

Talking with ex-boyfriend's wife

I dreamt about my ex boyfriend. The setting was in a badminton or basketball court and I was having some personal business there when I saw him. Looking at him his face was very sad. Then I approached him. Then he told me the story. It was about his wife who is getting cold with him and he thinks that his wife wants them to part ways. Then I waited for his wife, in my dream we were good friends and she could tell me anything. Then she told me she's with another guy. And she asked me not to tell her husband that she's pregnant. Then I found myself embracing my ex boyfriend and crying with him.

This dream has a number of complicated symbols that conflict with each other. Seeing yourself with a boyfriend or lover who you have had a separation with indicates that he is often on your mind. These thoughts, however, may garner some negative reactions from those around you, which is symbolized by the badminton court. Your conversation with your ex-boyfriend, specifically his indication of the difficulties he is having with his wife, suggests you want to open a line of communication with him, even though he may be in a relationship with someone else. Both the hugging and intimacy at the end of the vision portend some problems with lifestyle or not seeing eye to eye on certain issues with this person, possibly due to having communication problems in the past.

Ex and childhood friend fooling around

I dreamed that my ex and my childhood friend had started messing around. This disturbs me? What does this mean? It seemed so real?

Dreaming about specific people, in this case your ex and your friend, suggests you have had a recent interaction with one of them or that they have been on your mind a lot recently. You may have ran into your ex at a social gathering or had a serious conversation with your friend. In either case, seeing them together predicts having to deal with people you do not like and who don't like you either. This experience is likely to leave you feeling frustrated and stressed and could lead to a major confrontation in the near future.

Comments about ex-lover

My ex-lover's friend spoke to someone else in front of me that my ex-lover told that she is a very good girl, so lets just leave her. And then that man while seeing my eyes said "Wow, what an eye".

This dream about envisioning yourself being a subject of talks which involved other people could represent subconscious fears. You may be afraid of starting, pursuing, or committing yourself to a more serious relationship with someone who has recently offered you such an opportunity. This could refer to the establishment of a new friendship or a romantic affair. Also, having to deal with people discussing your appearance or behavior could represent a warning to be cautious, maintain focus and be prepared to face some unpleasant developments with someone you could be involved with romantically at the moment, most likely triggered by external sources.

A visit from ex-boyfriend's wife

I dreamt that there was a large chicken about the size of a ostrich that was laying eggs, and about 7 ostriches inside my house. Then my ex-boyfriend from high school was hiding from his wife inside my house and as I said to him "Be careful..." Then she comes and finds him inside my house and as I said it, she came in with a child on her arm and he looked scared. She and I aren't friends.

This is an interesting dream with several aspects available for interpretation. First, both seeing a giant chicken laying eggs and the symbol of ostriches predict that you may meet a man who exceeds your physical expectations, both in looks and in the size of his endowment. This may seem like a positive sign, but it is coupled with the imagery of your ex-boyfriend hiding in your house. In this case, your ex-boyfriend seems to be a stand-in for this mystery man you are to meet. However, watching him hide from his wife suggests that you might be tempted to let this new man too close to you too fast because of his attractiveness and superficial kindness. While this vision does indicate avoiding any major problems, you should be cautious in giving your affection too easily.

Sabotaging ex-boyfriend's new relationship

I keep having a recurring dream where I go visit my ex-boyfriend (lives in England and we are best friends). I show up on his doorstep without telling him in advance. We hang out and spend time together, no romantic activities, he meets someone and they develop a relationship. I get overprotective and jealous and scare this person away. I have no idea what this means.

Your relation with your ex-boyfriend, which changed from an intimate relationship to a friendship is likely a reflection of your desire to find and establish new connections. You could now be going in circles instead of following a new path. You seem to be extremely sensitive about the presence of new people entering your life, even when your interaction with them is superficial and unimportant. Your relations with current friends could be improved if you are able to invest more time and energy for that purpose. It looks like you need a fresh start instead of routines which could be preventing you from reaching your true potentials.

A new partner offering a pig

My daughter dreamt about my new man in my life whom she does not like. She said he was giving me a shiny pig and when he gave it to me I kissed him?

Both the pig itself and its apparent shininess are positive symbols to behold in a dream vision. As pigs tend to represent happiness and prosperity, seeing your current lover present you with one suggests he is making you happy or providing for you. This is also supported by your reciprocation of the gift with a kiss. While your daughter may not like or get along with him, this vision indicates that at least on some level she sees and accepts the fact that he makes you happy.

Starting dating ex-boyfriend again

Last night I dreamt about my ex-boyfriend. We dated for just shy of 2 years. We were each other's first true love. In my dream we were at his parents' house watching TV. We talked about how and why we broke up, we talked about life and being with our new spouses. I have 2 girls with mine. He has no kids with his. We talked about anything and everything like we are still great friends. Then we are in a high school gym. I'm playing soccer and he is watching me. I gained some weight from the last time he saw me and he stayed slim... The weight was a key part of my dream. We kissed and started dating.

Communicating with an ex-boyfriend in a dream has negative connotations. If you are currently with another man, it could mean that you tend to analyze the past and make unfair comparisons between your ex and current spouse. The fact that you dreamed about playing sports while your ex was watching you, coupled with the focal point of the dream about gaining weight, could be a symbol of you excessively focusing your efforts, attention, expectations or desires upon a particular person (possibly your ex-boyfriend), project or circumstance. To your disadvantage, you tend to disregard everything, but this aspect of your life.

Husband in a gay relationship with a coworker

My dream happened last night, I had the same one 3 times in one night of husband doing gay stuff with his male coworker.

Although this vision may seem strange or even shocking, it could represent your worries and concerns about your husband spending more time either at work or with his co-workers. Dream visions about spouses turning gay rarely mean the same situation in real life. Your dreams could also be fueled by his frequent absences from home or not performing like he used to when it comes to the intimate aspect of your relationship.

Being with someone pretentious

I was hanging out with the guy I like and then I found out that he was just pretending to like me.

Dreaming of the object of your affection in an unrequited situation is your subconscious telling you to let go. Alternatively, you could be feeling lonely and dissatisfied with your life, hence the lack of reciprocation in your dream.

In love with a strange hairy woman

I had a dream I was in bed with this big muscular furry and that we are a boyfriend and girlfriend. And we were just cuddling in bed and sometimes she would kiss me on my head and cheek.

While somewhat unusual, the strange furry who you were being so taken by in your dream, represents a certain feeling of dissatisfaction that could start nagging at you in the near future. Something in your life could trigger this feeling of discontent, which may lead to conflicts with people who are close to you. Keep a straight head, remember who your true friends are and this should be over soon.

Starting a relationship at school with a kiss

I've been having a recurring dream about going to a school very much like my own and meeting, and eventually dating, a girl. Before it was always my girlfriend at the time, but now it's a girl I don't know. Also, in the previous dreams the relationship began with a conversation in the halls of my school, this time it took place in a small wooded area and the relationship began after I kissed this young woman as a means to stop her from being upset.

Being in school during a dream vision usually represents growing stress in your life, especially stress related to daily activities that take place outside of the home (particularly work or academic studies). This is most likely due to the social group you are a part of in these places. Seeing an unknown or unfamiliar female as your love interest in this vision suggests that malicious rumors may be the cause of these troubles and are focused on your relationship with those around you. Giving up your friends to stop the rumors is probably not a good course of action, but it may become burdensome to sit by and do nothing while others ruin your good name.

Being with boyfriend and ex-husband at the same time

I am home doing laundry, my boyfriend is keeping me company and we chat while I work. My ex-husband, who I have a great relationship with, and he played for my bf's pharmacy-sponsored soccer team (i.e. we all get along) is in the living room with my 3 kids. My bf starts acting silly, dancing, etc. won't stop. I try to leave and I can't because bf's grabbing my ankles, I'm getting frustrated, my ex says "It's ok, he's just being silly, but I'm here and I'll pull you away if you need me to..."???

Dreaming about the ex-husband while currently being in a relationship can often bring up feelings of guilt or uncertainty, especially when the ex is painted in a good light in your vision. However, this does not automatically mean that you want to get back together with him or that you are harboring residual romantic feelings for him. In your case, doing the laundry symbolizes the process of cleansing or purification. There could be aspects of your life or relationships that need to be sorted out or cleaned up in one way or another. Perhaps your ex-husband manifested in your dream to remind you of a period of time when you were still together and the lessons that relationship has taught you. Your past experiences may be called upon to help you with a current predicament. Also, while you may or may not have feelings for your ex, it is possible that you are fixating on certain desirable characteristics your ex possesses that are lacking in your current boyfriend. The hold on your ankle implies your desire to pursue something important to you and perhaps you are not getting enough support that you need and you are looking elsewhere for some assurance. This could likely be one of the sources of internal conflicts that is driving this dream.

Rotten potatoes and missing husband

I was cutting potatoes that were rotten with worms though, they looked good outside. They all fell to the ground. My infant son stepped on some worms, I rushed to pick him up and washed him off. My husband was in the background, but silent throughout. I put my son to sleep and then felt like I could partially see things, but was blind to people. I tried to call my husband by the front door, but he was gone and another man tried to pretend to be him and I was frightened.

Both the potato and the worms are associated with being grounded and simple. You and your family could be well on your way to getting settled and growing roots wherever you are residing, or perhaps this would be happening some time soon. Worms also represent negativity and weakness. The worms you envisioned may be symbolic of your doubts and fears, and these negative feelings are holding you back from making that big step of settling down and the investment that comes along with that. Thankfully, your son is providing more than enough motivation to help you see it through, hence he is the one stepping on the worms. Finally, the obscured vision blocking out individuals refer to errors in judgment. It is a warning not to trust cunning individuals who may be out to take advantage of you transitioning to the next level of your family's journey.

Unable to communicate with an ex

I was lying on my couch watching TV. But my ex was there too, on the other side of the couch watching TV. And I tried to crawl over to him to cuddle, but I couldn't. It's like there was a wall between us or something. I tried to get his attention, but I couldn't. I tried to call out to him yelling for him, but he couldn't hear me.

The couch is a place for rest and relaxation. It is also associated with sex and intimacy. The scenario in your dream may point to the more romantic interpretation of this symbol. Perhaps you want to bridge the gap between you and your ex. Maybe the thought of getting back together crossed your mind. However, the invisible wall you could not breach between him and yourself in the vision points to irreparable damage in your bond, such as the reasons the two of you broke up. Becoming friends at this point may only be wishful thinking. More time and healing are needed to reconnect, let alone act civil towards each other.

Dad's girlfriend from Mexico

I had a dream that my dad brought his girlfriend from Mexico.

This dream could have many possible meanings depending on your personal situation, but if you felt in this dream that the girl he brought belonged to your own racial background and heritage, it could mean that your father has not been paying a lot of attention to you lately, for example because of a busy work schedule or while being away from home for long periods of time. If, however, you felt antagonistic to the fact or considered her a complete outsider, it could mean your relationship with your father has some secrets or aspects which are not shared readily, either on your or his part.

Current and ex lovers in the same house

I came home with my girlfriend and the house was decorated for Christmas by someone else. Then my ex popped into the dream and was moving her stuff back into the apartment.

Seeing your former lover in the same dream as your current partner is highly ominous and should be taken as a warning. Exes are often associated with the idea that your current relationship is about to hit a rough patch. Depending on how awkward or difficult the situation was in your dream, it could predict the level of discomfort you are about to experience in waking life. To avoid the worst of the troubles, it may be wise to be careful around your girlfriend until the storm passes.

A female friend being kept on a train

I am female. In my dream me and my girlfriend when on a train fairground ride and at the end of it, the conductor refused to let her off after letting me off, no matter what I did he wouldn't let her out. She was trapped in the carriage away from me.

Trains and other vehicles are often thought to represent our journeys through life. In this way, being on a train with your girlfriend at a fair could be the manifestation of the happy times you have shared together. However, being asked to get off the train (and her inability to exit) could predict someone or something coming between the two of you. The distance between you represents the growing sadness or depression which could arise following this event, leaving you feeling isolated and lonely.

Fiance mistaken for a dead lover

Walking through a street I saw my dead lover in front of me. He smiled and asked me "Why were you so late? I was waiting for you too long". We hugged each other and sat on the edge of the mountain and suddenly I realized that I am sitting with my fiance.

A dream in which you envision talking with your deceased lover only for him to suddenly become your fiance points to certain feelings of depression caused by aspects of your everyday life. It is possible that things like work, studies, or, perhaps, your current relationship may be affecting you more than you realize or are willing to admit. If this were to be the case, it would be wise to seek the help of your closest friends and relatives or look into the possibility of getting professional counsel.

Performing in front of a lover at a casino

I went to casino to perform. I was part of a dance group like in college. Then a person I love worked at the casino. I saw him and said "Wow, the world just got a whole lot smaller". He looked at me surprised. I said "Anyway, how have you been"? I started walking away before he responded. He said "Good, don't wait on me". Shaking his finger at me. I performed, he watched, but didn't want me see he was. Then I was a cashier ringing him out he was buying baseball stuff, batting gloves. Then he left without buying them.

Dancing in front of the guy you love in waking life could represent the uncomfortable feelings you may have in regards to your relationship with him while around other people. Perhaps your parents do not like him or you are often worried that another lover he meets could try to steal him from you. No matter the case, seeing him watching you secretly could reflect your desire to brush off those negative feelings and jump right into loving him through passionate sexual acts or even fetishes. However, the notion of him leaving the shop you worked at without buying anything could predict major conflicts coming between you despite your best efforts.

Cheating and feces everywhere

My girlfriend has been dreaming funny dreams lately. I quote dream 1: "Remember I told you my dream about you catching me red-handed in bed with someone?" Dream 2, I quote: "Recently I had a dream of human waste everywhere and I remember dreaming about someone who is dead. It was my mom shitting in a teapot and l saw human waste everywhere and was asking myself how can I clean this?" This girl has just lost a job of her dreams in a first day of her employment, she was fired from work.

Your girlfriend's first dream in which she was caught cheating is a warning about being confronted with an accusation that she may have been involved in some inappropriate activities. This may be connected to her job in which she did something unethical and her guilty conscience conjured up the cheating scenario. The second dream likewise mirrors her current anxieties. Feces or human waste has been associated with financial matters and poor emotional state. Her mom defecating in a teapot could reveal her dependency on loved ones during this unstable period in her life.

Ex-boyfriend wearing strange glasses

My ex from a while back had stayed the night at my house for some reason and the next day he alluded to wanting to fool around. My mom was there for some reason and got mad at him. He then dumped food all over the living room and stormed out. I chased after him onto the front porch. Out of nowhere he's wearing steam punk like goggles. I cup his face and tell him I love him and that I always have. Then I walk him to the driveway and he magically doesn't have the goggles on anymore.

This dream vision of your ex-boyfriend staying at your house and your mother's presence could be indicative of the absence of any meaningful connections between him and your mother, especially given her sudden anger with him. You tend to consider their relations and communication to be insignificant, if not the reason for your breakup. Cupping his face and telling him that you love him is a sign that unexpected events or circumstances may soon come your way, completely taking you by surprise. Glasses tend to represent protection, so seeing your ex wearing these glasses at first could suggest you are being willfully ignorant of the past pain he has caused you. However, their magical disappearance could represent coming to terms with what has happened, accepting it, and moving on.

Husband and ex lover wearing same shirt

My husband and ex lover wearing the same shirt. I was trying to hide my face.

Envisioning your husband and former lover wearing the same clothes symbolically represents subconsciously suspecting your husband of cheating. This means your subconscious mind thinks he may be up to something, whether he actually is or not. Perhaps you are not as open with your thoughts and feelings as you should be, or maybe he has a past that makes you doubt him. In either case, you may want to do better for the sake of your relationship with him.

Ex-husband being possessive

My dream was my ex husband grabbing my face and telling I could never leave him.

This dream vision of your ex-husband acting possessively towards you could reflect the fact that you want him back in your life, or it could be an indication of your dissatisfaction with the way things are developing between you and another lover. You may also be comparing your current interest to him. There are certain undertones of jealousy or dissatisfaction which you seem to be expressing through your subconscious mind. You should avoid contacting or being overly friendly with your ex because, if you continue to focus excessively on your past, you may hurt your current or future relationships.

Someone sleeping with girlfriend

Somebody sleeps with my woman in a dream using my face and in the morning I tell her I went to sleep with her. What is the meaning of this dream?

This dream of someone being intimate with your partner reflects your current insecurities or doubts about your relationship with her. There could be some outside influences or factors that make you doubt the strength and commitment between you and your lover. The notion of someone using your face while being with your woman could also point to some secrets or shameful moments you try to keep to yourself, without her being aware of those, whether she deserves it or not.

Husband revealing love for ex-wife

I don't remember the surroundings of the dream, but at some point, my soon-to-be husband said, "I love you." Of course, I believed he was talking to me until I looked up and realized that he was instead telling his ex-wife that he loved her. It was as if I was present in the dream and then just became an observer.

Dreaming of any type of indiscretion from a romantic partner reveals your trust issues. You may be questioning your fiance's loyalty and love for you. Furthermore, this could represent a subconscious desire not to fully commit to the partnership for one reason or another. Since you are getting married soon, you may just be experiencing cold feet as the date of the wedding is approaching. It is possible that you do not want to settle down yet or are worried about opportunities you could miss out on. In either case, your vision has more to do with your state of mind than his actions.

Ex-boyfriend in a colorful setting

Kindly interpret my dream. I saw my ex-boyfriend (now married) telling my family that his father was in Norway for a long time, while I was hanging a yellow square design table clothes on a rope. After that, I was buying ice cream and I wore silver color sandals with a white platform.

The yellow color in this dream signifies jealousy. You may be harboring a lingering fondness for your ex and his marriage is pushing those emotions on the surface. Perhaps you have not fully moved on and are holding onto hopes that you would get back together. This jealous side of you is probably being highlighted due to your lack of romantic prospects at the moment. If you are in a relationship, then perhaps the ice cream points to your desire for more romance and sweetness that the current bond that you have does not provide. You may also be yearning to settle down and get married yourself.

Camping with ex-husband

I dreamed of my ex-husband who I have two children with and am going through a court case. My sixteen-year-old son was driving a ATV through a bunch of water and it was very cold weather. My ex-husband was in a red and black checkered jacket and we were having words of conversation. His former wife that he has now was in a camper trailer and I did not want her to hear us talking, however for some strange reason I ended up on my mattress and he sat on the end of the bed and in a camper trailer. He also was rubbing my feet. What does it mean when ex-husband is rubbing your feet while you are crying?

Seeing your son driving an off-road vehicle is a sign of experiencing emotional turmoil and uncertainty. It can also mean you are about to experience a loss of material possessions or significant financial shortages. This is likely related to your son, suggesting that he may need extra money for activities you are not sure would yield any tangible benefits. This is supported by the image of your ex-husband rubbing your feet at the end of the vision, as this points toward the idea that you would soon be astounded by unexpected or surprising events of a negative nature. You may want to be cautious with what money you spend on your son, making sure that his associations and activities are adding value to his life.

Strong dislike toward people from the past

My fiance was with his ex, she convinced him to cut off his beard. I was pissed because I like his beard. When I tried to resolve it, I couldn't find him and realized he was with her and I was paranoid he might be cheating on me, but he wasn't. It hurt my feelings. In another dream, I was with my ex. He was trying to get me to perform music with him. He is now married, but in this dream, he was flirting with me and he disgusted me, but I played for him anyway. Both men have cheated on me.

Your first vision, which centers on your fear of your fiance cheating, suggests you are concerned about being around a certain individual or a group of people in the future. This is likely related to your wedding plans, so it seems you could be hesitant to invite some family members or a past "frenemy" who has rubbed you the wrong way. The second dream about playing music with your ex-boyfriend may represent an upcoming event that perplexes or surprises you. It is neither a positive nor a negative symbol. It only warns that you should anticipate the unexpected to happen.

On the shore of a holly river with boyfriend

I am 26, I dreamed that I was at a shore of a holly river as I was upset as my boyfriend is with me and a little time before he said me to go out of my life and soon after he came up to me holding me from my back placing his arms around me like a very lovely couple and came to me to that shore of the river. I was crying and told him I want to go to that holly river and wash my face. He walked down with me to the shore, when I used to wash my face, the current becomes so fast, it took me.

Dreaming that your boyfriend wants you out of his life alludes to the changing dynamics between the two of you. Perhaps there is a need to give each other space in the waking world so you can sort out personal issues without projecting negative emotions onto the other party. It may not necessarily mean that the two of you are separating, only that challenges are part of your journey to help strengthen your bond. It is possible that you tend to get emotional during confrontations, as symbolized by the strong current of the river, such that you end up making irrational decisions. As such, the holy river represents your desire to manage your emotions and gain clarity when you and your boyfriend are faced with trials in order to arrive at an optimal resolution.

Boyfriend cheating with own sister

I caught my boyfriend and sister having an affair in two consecutive dreams. But in real life, they don't even know each other. However, twice in my dreams, I caught them having an affair.

Dreaming about your sister and your boyfriend caught in a compromising position actually portends a great deal of negativity. Despite the fact that they may not know each other at the moment, such a thing could become a possibility. Seeing your sister as a rival for your love in a dream means that it could happen in your waking life as well. Make sure you stay aware and reassess your relationship with both your boyfriend and your sister.

Walking away from wife with another woman

I dreamed that I am walking away from my wife with another woman, very much in love and happy.

There are two distinct components in this dream vision. When you dream about seeing yourself walking away from your wife with another woman, it signifies you are about to meet and interact with someone who would help you deal with life's issues and become a trusted friend. Being in love and happy with a woman other than your wife could also denote your loneliness and dissatisfaction with how things are progressing in your relationship with your spouse. Generally, outside affairs are used as an escape from the boredom of daily life, so it likely means your current daily routine needs excitement and you strive for more meaningful experiences and interactions with others.

An ex-girlfriend and a teenager

I saw a teenager kneeling down beside a grey cross, then I started walking up a hill and an ex-girlfriend appeared. She said, "You left me for her and now this is what you must face getting your life back".

The appearance of your ex-girlfriend in your dream suggests unresolved issues between the two of you. The breakup may have caused emotional distress and suffering on your part as indicated by the cross. The teenager, on the other hand, could be an allusion to immaturity, so perhaps you feel like you are not yet mature enough to settle down or handle a long-term commitment. Your ex could also be associated with your past, such that prior mistakes may be causing problems in your current existence.

Fiance scared of the storm

Me and my now fiancé were on this road and it was a long narrow road and it was storming and the sky was grey and white and dark and we were heading up the stream. My fiancé said we have to turn around, it's getting worse and I wanted to keep going and we ended up turning around towards the non-raging river? And ended up at a country restaurant? I really hope this man isn't leading me away from God??? He got scared of the storm and we turned around to a calm storm? I'm a little nervous.

There are conflicting symbols in your dream. Driving on a long and narrow road means you are about to undertake a journey that is designed to satisfy a desire for stability and a respectable social status. However, the dark and stormy sky in a distance refers to problems or even repressed anger on your part. As such, turning around to avoid the storm likely means that your fiancé is the type who avoids conflict. It could also be a reflection of your own misgivings and apprehensions about the upcoming nuptials. Maybe it is you who is unsure. In that regard, the restaurant becomes a place of safety, possibly involving family and close friends, where you can discuss and mull over your decisions before you fully commit to your significant other you want to spend your life with.

Receiving letters from an ex who leaves

It was about my ex who still lives with me, he had to leave because he was in trouble. He wrote two letters, one for our son and one for me. He was upset, he didn't want to leave, but he had to. I read the letter to my son, but before I could read mine I woke up.

Dreaming of your ex leaving likely portends an unanticipated ending. While it may not necessarily mean an actual physical separation, it does point to a closing of a chapter in order to enter a new phase. Maybe it is also a wish fulfillment of some kind. Your mind could be conjuring up the scenario you have been hoping would happen in reality. The letters he wrote signal a possibility that you would fall victim to lies and deceit. Your ex or someone close to you may soon try to deceive you for his or her own personal gain, so be mindful of whom you choose to trust.

Befriending cheating boyfriend's girl

I keep dreaming of being friends with the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with. I'm always taking care of her. When in real life, she disgusts me and thinking of her upsets me.

In a dream, seeing yourself being friends with the girl your boyfriend cheated on you with signifies a series of events or a special situation which could bring about friendly relations between you and this girl. This may be due to your forgiving her past transgressions against you, or it could be because she is about to find herself in a similar situation which would make you two bond. In either case, taking care of her reflects and further strengthens the first symbol because it means you are about to enter a period in your life where you can be free of anger and have peace of mind. Like most things, this newfound tranquility depends upon how much effort you put into it. Try to be the bigger person here and put in the time and effort to create this friendly atmosphere.

Shooting involving ex- and current husbands

I was on "Bachelor in Paradise" type of show with a bunch of strangers, my ex-husband was there as well and my husband now. One night a shooter came toward the front of the house and started shooting into the house. My kids were suddenly in the house when the shooting started. No one I knew was shot.

Dreaming about your ex-husband, alongside other people, could reveal the presence of some unresolved issues or problems he is presently experiencing or between the two of you. Having your current and ex-husband within the same setting may be conveying a message of comparison and contrast. Perhaps there are traits your ex-husband possessed which your current husband lacks or does not display to you. Furthermore, there could be some insights and lessons you gleaned from your previous marriage which could be applicable to your current relationship. Meanwhile, the shooter targeting your house either means you have enemies lurking in the background or possibly a representation of your own feelings of guilt or shame. The doubts eating you from inside could potentially have a detrimental effect on your husband and kids.

Women's undergarments in husband's backpack

I had a dream that I found a white pair of women's thong undergarments in a backpack that belong to my spouse.

The backpack belonging to your spouse represents responsibilities, burdens and problems. These are issues your romantic partner has been carrying around, probably from even before your were married. Meanwhile, the white thong is a symbol of intimacy and sexuality. Perhaps you feel there are still things you do not know about your spouse, or there could be situations or specific topics they do not like talking about. This vision could be the manifestation of your desire to get to know your partner more intimately and to allow them to show their vulnerabilities to you.

Talking with foster mother

My foster mother who wronged me as a child and she was trying to explain why, but half way through I was so angry I blocked out half of what she was saying. But the beginning part where she talked about my father was puzzling because some of what she said wasn't true.

Learning new information about relatives in the dream world usually serves to open the dreamer's mind to new possibilities. In your case, the unfamiliar story or false information being recounted about your father may be your subconscious trying to get your attention. The intent may be for you to open your mind and heart to your foster mother in order to understand where she is coming from. Perhaps the burden of holding a grudge towards her is weighing heavily on your psyche. Hence, to alleviate the stress, the process of forgiveness needs to start.

Lover moving to another country

A lover tells me he is moving to another country, New Zealand.

Dreaming about your lover moving to another country is a direct manifestation of your feelings in waking life. Perhaps your lover has been acting distant from you and you are feeling abandoned and lonely. Though it is normal to have those feelings if there have been certain situations where you felt ignored, it is better to give some thought to what is actually transpiring in your relationship. A detailed talk with your partner could actually help eliminate any negativity which you may be feeling.

An affair between husband and best friend

I had a dream that I was in the shower and I looked at the wall in the shower and there was a message on the shower wall that said "Hi Sunshine!" Sunshine is what my best friend and I call each other. I have suspected for a while that my husband and best friend are having an affair, however, I can't prove it. But in my dream I asked my husband if she had been over, and he avoids answering me.

Dreaming that your spouse or partner is cheating on you is generally an allusion to your trusting nature and vulnerable personality. Oddly enough, the shower is actually a symbol of emotional intimacy. Since you were not taking a shower in the dream, it could mean that you are dwelling on negative emotions and unfounded assumptions instead of ridding yourself of those emotional burdens. This means your insecurities could be revealing themselves to you. Perhaps you feel you no longer know enough about your husband since he is being distant and unresponsive in reality, hence the message on the wall likely illustrates the need for a more open and straightforward communication to clear the air.

Starting a family with an ex lady friend

I dreamed about an ex lady friend and I got married and had children together. Then I dreamed we were in church together sitting next to each other. She was on the right side of me.

You may be facing a predicament at the moment or sometime in the near future because the symbol of the church means you are searching for guidance and enlightenment. In this context, the ex from your vision could represent your past mistakes that you want to correct in order to move forward with your life. Your regrets and failures may be holding you back from embracing new possibilities and exploring new opportunities.

Breaking up with a long-time partner

My life partner of 20 years and I broke up and are living apart, that's how the dream starts. When I wake I'm so so sad. I've had this dream several times in the last couple of years. About a month ago she had a similar dream about us.

Breaking up in the dream world often has little to do with such an event in waking life. Rather, it is the reflection of insecurities or worries from reality manifesting themselves in your subconscious state. In a sense, you fear your shortcomings would lead to a split or separation, leading to this vision. Because your partner had a similar dream, it is possible that you have both grown and changed over the last twenty years, but your communication style may not have kept up with the times. You may need to reevaluate how and what you share, possibly giving more of yourself than you have in the past.

Tearing apart marriage certificate

I ripped my matrimony certificate and I was sad, but my friends were like "So what?".

Tearing apart your certificate of marriage indicates that something in reality is troubling you greatly. This could be a relationship you are having trouble dealing with or a predicament that seems to have no end. Your effort used to rip the certificate suggests you are the one at fault in this situation, so you may need to consider an apology or finding a way to make amends for what was done. The apathy of your friends may be your subconscious unsuccessfully trying to find a way to justify your behavior.

Flying over the ocean with an ex

My ex and I recently broke up, we were together for 4 years. It ended on good terms, the spark just wasn't there anymore, we argued and made up many times, but he got tired, so he ended it. But we still love each other a lot and remain somewhat close. I had a vivid dream that my ex and I were flying over the ocean in the sky smiling, holding hands. We were peaceful and happy being together and just staring at each other.

For those in love, the imagery of the ocean is usually a positive sign of harmonious relations. Despite the separation, your fondness and affection for each other remains untarnished. Likewise, flying denotes freedom and independence. It is likely that you are at peace with your decision to break up with each other. Perhaps you even feel a little relieved and thankful for the independence and freedom that you have now. At the same time, holding hands could also be interpreted as dependency and a longing to reconnect, revealing your subconscious thoughts about getting back together and giving it another try.

Kidnapped but feeling safe

I am a female and my ex-husband and I were both kidnapped by a psycho and I can't remember what happened to us. But the one thing I felt was being safe. I was never afraid in the dream.

Dreams of being kidnapped usually suggest feelings of frustration and stagnation. Perhaps you have become complacent in reality and this has led to little or no development both in your personal as well as professional life. The presence of your ex in the dream likely means that you share the same predicament. It is possible that a part of you feels like that the best years of your life are behind you. Although the lack of fear could be indicative of your contentment with your present existence. Perhaps you do not have any regrets despite having been derailed from your desired path.

Being married to an older man

I am female. 24 years old. In my dream I was recently married to a person who had already two wives. I was the favorite. That person was a middle age. He had a son who was a little younger than me. The person I was married to was really good. He took care of me in every way and he was hot and good looking. Please interpret this.

Getting married to someone who is older than you could be a positive symbol that alludes to positive changes taking place in your life. This could be related to either your personal affairs or your work situation. The fact that you perceived him as handsome and good-looking may further point toward interesting and exciting developments in your love life. The two other women may be the manifestation of different parts of your personality, for example, one could represent a strong, confident persona while the other reveals a more sensitive, thoughtful side. Your perception that you were the favorite could show a tendency for favoring some aspects of your personality while ignoring the rest. In order to be successful and utilize the upcoming changes to their fullest, you would need to embrace yourself as a whole.

A marriage proposal from neighbors

I am a 16 year-old girl, we were on this boat with my mom, and my neighbors, who have two sons that are both 6 and 7. My neighbor says that I should marry one of them, and my parents love the idea. I decide to play along with it. When we are at home the next day, both my family and the neighbors are making food for the upcoming wedding. I then have a second thought, and I tell my mother I don't want to marry one of the neighbor's sons. My mother gives me a look of disapproval, then she leaves.

Dreaming about being in a boat with someone signifies upcoming positive changes in your life. You may soon go through certain circumstances which would have a deep impact on your life. The notion of you getting a marriage proposal from your neighbors also symbolizes positive outcomes in any endeavor which you are about to undertake. However, the idea of rejecting the proposal and your mother's disapproval could portend a few wrongdoings on your part which could have a negative bearing on your life. Make sure you tread carefully and handle any opportunity with wisdom and consideration so that you do not jeopardize your future.

Ex-husband sick and needing help

I have dreamed about my former husband becoming sick and needing my help.

Seeing your ex-husband ill and in need of assistance may reveal some issues that had caused the marriage to fall apart. Specifically, this symbol normally suggests he was cheating or engaging in a secret affair. However, it does not always have to be the case. For example, he may also have been keeping things secret from you or going against your wishes when he thought you were not aware.

Having sex and a baby with biological father

I am female. I had a very detailed dream of having very passionate sex with my biological father whom I currently live with and get along with very well. In my dream we had sex many times and it was extremely passionate and resulted in a child. This to me the following morning seemed messed up as it was my biological father who was featured in my dream.

A dream that centers around the idea of having sexual intercourse with your father is not necessarily related to your relationship with him. Rather, this vision reflects your tendency to make generalizations or assumptions that do not really reflect the reality of the situation. By over-simplifying the situation, you do not allow yourself to grow as a person or be exposed to varying points of view. Alternatively, you may soon find yourself at the mercy of serious illness or the effects of black magic.

Ex-husband with his mistress

I dreamt a week ago, it's about my ex and his mistress. My ex-husband gave me a surprise gift, my future dream house, then suddenly, I was shocked because when I looked back some visitors came, the family of his mistress. And there was a ceremony, I thought it was a wedding because there was a priest who last came while preparing the venue, there was a woman who came wearing a simple dress. When I looked carefully, she was my husband's mistress. I was dumbfounded with tears in my eyes.

Your dream could mean you are experiencing some anxiety at the moment because some traumatic moments in your past keep coming back to haunt you. Your ex-husband giving you such a generous gift could symbolize all the hope that you once had for your relationship and future together, while the sudden appearance of his mistress and a makeshift wedding is a violent blow to all of your former aspirations. This dream could mean you are getting yourself too caught up in the past and it serves as a reminder that your former lover is now gone and constantly thinking about him could only lead you to experience great pain, as if you were reliving his departure over and over again.

A complicated triangle with best friend and her crush

To make this easier I will use names. My best friend is Sally. My best friend's crush is Steve. Steve and I got along really well. You could say we had a bond. Then Sally came along. Sally and Steve had an even stronger bond. Steve started to push me aside and after a while Sally did too. She didn't seem like my best friend anymore. I wasn't mad because Sally pushed me away, but actually because Steve pushed me away. The meaning could be simple, but I would like to hear from someone else.

Having a dream wherein your friends suddenly begin to shun you may reveal some subconscious fears you have about the future of your relations with others. Whether the friends or situation you experienced in your vision are from real life or not, the meaning of this vision is that you are concerned that others do not find you interesting or no longer wish to associate for some reason. Your partial reaction to the abandonment shows that you are generally not a jealous person. However, you could be worried that your friends would rather hang out with each other than you. It would be wise to share your concerns with your friends and make an effort to hang out with them both as a group and individually.

Leaving husband and running away with a girl

I was marrying some other man while still being married to my husband, but I don't know who the other guy is. Then I see an ex-lover from 10 years ago and start having feelings for him, an then I'm telling my current husband while crying saying that I'm sorry and didn't ever want to hurt him. But I'm leaving him and all the other guys for a beautiful woman an he says he understands because she's very beautiful. At that moment I'm running with the girl on a ship and then a tidal wave hits the boat and then I awake.

Based on your dream vision, it seems as if your emotional life is in turmoil and you do not seem capable of making an important decision. Whether you really have issues going on inside your marriage or not, or whether you are thinking of leaving your husband, the kind of hesitation displayed in the dream seems to mirror your lack of commitment to your decisions. Leaving all those different men for a woman could be seen as some sort of escape, as if you were trying to cheat your way out of actually making a choice. However, the way the dream ends, with both of you eloping on a ship suddenly hit by a tidal wave, could mean that you are unable to really get away from all your weaknesses and things that bother you. In a way, this dream serves to remind you that there are no easy fixes or magical solutions and you must be able to face your problems head on, with no excuses.

Being told about a relationship ending

What does it mean to dream of a woman telling you that your relationship with your boyfriend will end at a certain month?

Dreaming that your current relationship is in trouble or is ending soon reveals your reservations about your romantic partner. The woman is a representation of your insecurities and lack of trust in your boyfriend. Perhaps there are days when you question his loyalty or you yourself are unsure about your feelings for him. Either way, this vision can either be a premonition of the demise of your relationship due to a weak foundation or it could be the eye opener you need to address any issues coming in between the two of you.

Husband having a mistress and a child

I dreamt of my husband going out with his mistress, they even have a child in which the mistress brought to my husband, and she even locked up the house to keep my husband there. Will you please interpret that dream? In real life, me and my husband are far from each other, me in Dubai and he is in Singapore and our baby girl is in the Philippines.

Dreaming about seeing your husband with someone else and having an extramarital affair suggests that you have to reexamine the way your relationship is progressing. It could be the case that your own needs have become more important, which is preventing you from making this relationship to follow its normal course. Your subconscious visions could be trying to warn you about some unfortunate circumstances coming into play, because dreaming about your husband being locked up in the house means that he could be facing some personal issues or inability to express his true feelings to you, so your own transformation and understanding is needed to resolve any existing problems in a positive way.

A car accident and love confession

A reoccurring dream of me (female) being in a car accident, being severely injured and being in a coma with the guy I was in a relationship at the time (in the dream) who never cared to show up to visit me and the guy I like in real life confessed his love for me but I had been waiting for him to actually communicate it to me as in real life he loves me but won't talk to me. The dream then cuts to the guy that confessed his love and me being together for 4 years and married with 2 children (twins).

Surviving a car accident in a dream may refer to a problematic relationship from your past that you have overcome. Because this vision is recurring, it means there may have been numerous arguments and misunderstandings with your previous boyfriend that eventually led to your break up. The severe injury is the manifestation of the lingering emotional damage caused by that bad break up. As such, the scenario of getting together with the guy you like in reality reveals your hope of finding love again. Perhaps your mind is telling you that you are ready to take a chance at finding happiness and that in order for you to move forward to a better future, you may have to make the first move. Initiating more opportunities to connect socially may allow you to form a deeper bond.

An ex trying to throw out of a moving van

I was riding in a van with my ex and he tried to throw me out.

Riding in a vehicle is often thought to represent the dreamer's path in life. As such, riding in the car with your ex could reveal their ongoing influence in your life, either as a friend or a memory. Your ex's efforts to throw you out of the car has two potential interpretations, depending on their current role. If you ex is still present in your life, it is possible they are trying to use their past influence over you to their advantage. If your ex is simply a memory, it is likely this vision is the manifestation of your heart's desire to share a connection with this individual again.

Wanting to walk with an ex-lover

I dreamt I was with my ex-lover (14 years together) in the middle of an intersection. This intersection exists in reality and is right in the middle of the road between his apartment and mine (10 min away by foot). From what I remember there were no people or cars around us. We were holding hands and I looked into his eyes (he was next to me, my right side) and told him "Let me walk you home" (after I looked in the direction of where his house is). What I felt was very pleasant and I was smiling.

Dreaming of an ex lover usually points to leftover fond feelings you have for the person or a lack of proper closure in your relationship. The unanswered questions you may have about why you had to part ways and the many "what if" scenarios you have built up in your head may have been triggered by an event or moment in reality, hence this was projected into your subconscious. The intersection in your vision refers to a crossroad in you life. Should you close this chapter and move on to a new path or would you choose to dwell on the past and try to heal your broken relationship? Saying "let me walk you home" seems to illustrate your strong reluctance to let him go. Perhaps you feel like he is lost without you. Ultimately, you would have to make a choice about what is the best option to take not only for you, but also for the sake of your ex.

Looking for a partner for partnered

Looking for a partner when I've already got one.

Looking for a partner or lover when you already have one in reality could indicate that, while you care for them, they are not meeting all of your needs simultaneously. Perhaps they are kind or a good listener, but they lack experience in bed or a lucrative career path. It is possible you mind is considering the pros and cons of continuing to be with this individual, whether or not your have actively thought about the possibility in reality.

At lover's house with a baby and a dog

I am 35 year old female. I have been seeing another man for a few years. Last night I dreamt that we were together at his house. The front door opened and it was his wife returning. At first I hid but there was a baby in a car seat in the room. I think the baby was mine. I heard raised voices and decided to leave. I lifted the baby seat and also, strangely, my dog was with me, so I took him also. When I left the house I was not worried about my own situation, I was only concerned about not seeing him.

Being at the house of your lover in a dream vision could represent your desire to find safety or solace in the union you have established with him. Perhaps something unexpected happened recently that threw off your inner balance, or maybe your relationship with this man is not on the solid ground as you once believed. Envisioning the sudden appearance of his wife and subsequently hiding from them could mean you subconsciously recognize this current situation poses some major barriers to your future happiness. The baby and the dog, in this case, may symbolize your desire for a stable family life or at least stability within this relationship. While you may not particularly want to have children or pets with the man, the images of a traditional family or an animal companion are subconscious representations closely associated with personal stability and peace of mind. You may want to consider some alternative ways to find balance between physical intimacy needs and emotional well-being.

Ex boyfriend threatening with a knife

I was in a new empty house. Neighborhood feels familiar but I don't currently live there. I feel the presence and she doesn't like me. Two cars pull up in the driveway at night. I'm looking out of the window in my room staring at a street light. Next day I'm in the kitchen, my parents are there but they can't see me. My ex BF yells my name outside and comes to the door to try and get in. He has a knife trying to cut me while I'm trying to shut the door. My brother comes behind me and slams it shut.

The idea that you were in a new house at the beginning of this vision suggests there are multiple paths open to you that could lead to wealth, prosperity and happiness. However, the unfriendly presence in and around the house may reveal your hesitation to take the opportunities available to you, perhaps because you fear they would upset others or cause rifts in some relationships. Your presence in the kitchen the next day further supports this interpretation, as kitchens tend to be associated with stress. Your perceived invisibility, at least to your parents, suggests you cannot appeal to them for advice or support. It may very well mean there are only few people you can turn to in this situation. The last part, being chased by your ex with a knife, predicts major changes taking place in your future. Though whether you will be able to make positive changes based on the chances you have been given or would be stuck without the support you need is unclear.

Boyfriend pointing at his doppelganger

I woke up to see my boyfriend standing by the sofa we had fallen asleep on, he appeared upset and was holding his hand out to something next to me, I looked over and it was him asleep next to me.

The sofa or couch in your dream vision could serve as an indication that you need to relax and take a break from whatever may be giving you stress in reality. Maybe you are worn out from your work or some personal matters. It is also possible that you are bored or losing your enthusiasm and motivation for things you were normally excited about. It can also have intimacy-related connotations which may be associated with your current relationship. In that context, your boyfriend's doppelganger or having two of them in this dream scenario means you see two sides to your boyfriend, so the notion that he was angry at his likeness could be an allusion to a growing misunderstanding between the two of you. Maybe you think he has changed and his recent personal transformation does not excite you as much as it had been before.

Cheating on husband and getting pregnant

I am a female who cheated on my husband with my good friend's brother and got pregnant.

Cheating on your husband can be bad omen for your marriage. It usually means that you may soon lose your husband's trust or love, probably due to other issues you are facing in reality. It could involve a long and unresolved problem or a lack of open communication between the two of you. On the other hand, getting pregnant from this adulterous relationship means it may be you who is experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage. Perhaps you are looking for something that would fulfill you outside of your own relationship. This could either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you think can make you feel happier. Maybe it is just a matter of finding new hobbies and projects to make you feel productive. Alternatively, you may be seeking attention and affection elsewhere.

Ex-husband tapping on the shoulder

My ex husband tapped me on the shoulder and called out my name.

Dreaming of your ex husband usually means that you have unfinished business between the two of you. The tap on your shoulder suggests your husband is holding you responsible for the disintegration of your marriage, so calling out your name points to a need for you and your ex to hash out existing issues in order to achieve closure. This would benefit both of you and you can move forward without any personal baggage.

Helping ex-boyfriend to iron out new relationship

My ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend almost broke up and I helped them talk out the situation and get back together.

Seeing yourself with a boyfriend or lover whom you have had a separation with indicates that he has recently been on your mind. Perhaps you have seen him recently or were reminded of him after hearing a song or visiting a location you once frequented together. Your interaction with your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend, specifically your actions to help repair their relationship, suggests you want to open a line of communication with him, even though he may be in a relationship with someone else. Perhaps you miss or enjoy his company as a person, even if you no longer want a romantic connection.

Being accepted as gay by boyfriend's family

I am a guy. My boyfriend and I have been dating for close to two months now, but he has never told his parents about me for fear of their rejection of his sexuality (as they have in the past). In the dream I was at his house when his dad, brother, and mother came home. He told me to hide from them but I go curious and looked up. His dad called my name and said he is okay if you want to come out. We know who you are. I then proceeded to hug him (the dad) while crying. Both parents seemed happy.

Dreaming about your boyfriend's family reveals your yearning to get to know your partner on a much deeper level. This also signifies your frustrations about your current relationship status. Being told to hide represents his reluctance to reveal your relationship to his family for fear of being rejected. So his dad's acceptance in the dream actually represents your optimism. While you cannot predict the family's reaction if your boyfriend does introduce you to them, this dream vision is a reassurance that you remain hopeful about a positive outcome. You also believe that his parents may have softened over the years and so they are more open-minded as well as accepting of their son's sexuality so long as he is happy.

Unable to feed ex boyfriend

I am a female. I dreamt that I and my husband were celebrating a special event (cannot recall which) and his friends came visiting too to celebrate with us. My ex came too but not as his friend but a cleaner, he cleaned and dusted everywhere. While cleaning, he recovered some missing items for us including my gold chain. I served everyone food except him since he was busy. By the time he was less busy, I wasn't around to serve him food. When I came back home, he was about leaving. I pleaded for him to come in and eat some food, he refused at first and when he was about to agree, another friend of his who was urinating by, told him not to answer me. I had a serious quarrel with the guy and that was when I woke up.

This vision seems to be related to your interpersonal connections, but it also could contain some predictions about your future. The large gathering at your house points toward change and upheaval. Perhaps you are about to enter a new stage of your life or start a new, important project. The idea that your ex was cleaning your house during this event means you are likely to meet some new individuals who would greatly impact your life for the better. Just as your ex was cleaning and helping out, so would these men or women give of themselves to help you grow. Your attempts to give back, however, may be met with confusion or disdain. Your attempts in this vision to feed your ex can be interpreted as a sign that in helping others you tend to stick your nose a little too far into their business. If you hope to remain on friendly terms with everyone, it might be wise to maintain a friendly, polite distance until they are comfortable with you.

A deceased relative with a little girl

Dreamt of a deceased sister in law with an unfamiliar little girl.

Dreaming about your deceased sister-in-law suggests you are currently in a negative mindset in reality. This symbol is seen as the manifestation of negative emotions, such as loss, confusion and displeasure. In fact, the image of the little girl with your sister-in-law may point toward feelings of loss for a relative. This could be your sister-in-law herself or another family member you were once close to who has already passed beyond. You miss this individual's presence and the love, comfort and security your relationship with them provided you. Now would be a good time to share your memories of this man or woman with those who understand your feelings. Mutual sympathy would be sure to alleviate some of the pain you are feeling.

Meeting an ex lover accidentally

I had a dream that I was going to some video game competition, but on the way I stop by this house. My ex lover comes out the front door. I started to apologize, and then she says she misses me. I tell her I miss her too and then leave. I don't remember whether I won the competition or not.

Participating in any competition in the dream world, such as a video game competition, means there is an urgent need for you to develop your skills and expand your horizons. You are standing still personally and professionally, so this is a wake up call for you to become driven and motivated again. The presence of your ex lover suggests this symbol has more to do with your personal relationships rather than your career. You and a romantic prospect or your current partner are going to experience a rough patch and this will trigger memories of your conflicts with your former flame. So, you need to be able to learn from your past mistakes in order to stop going back into old and self-destructive patterns.

Ex joining the marines

Ex joining the marines.

Dreaming that your ex has joined the marines is a reflection of your personal transformation. You are done dwelling on past mistakes and bad experiences, instead you are set on fully committing yourself into developing your career and making a difference in your chosen field. This means becoming more disciplined, letting go of bad habits and focusing on things you can control. If you are able to set your sights on the future, then you can expect great rewards ahead.

Hugging with an ex boyfriend

It was about my ex and we met up, he hugged me and we went together.

Dreaming of reuniting with your ex boyfriend can be interpreted in various ways, depending on other dream symbols present as well as the context. Usually, this symbol means you have been thinking about your ex or some incident triggered memories of your time together. On a deeper level, this also points to your desire to find a romantic partner again. Specifically, the hug you shared represents your longing to feel loved and cared for again, but in order to do so you need to move past the pain of your previous breakup. As such, this is also your subconscious asking you to find closure and to finally close this chapter of your life.

Mother showing time on the clock

I am female, my mother in spirit came in my dream and showed me a small blue cover clock showing the time of 3 o'clock. What is the meaning of this please?

The spirit of your mother reveals your need for guidance. You are feeling out of control and having a hard time managing a demanding project as illustrated by the image of a clock. As such, 3 o'clock can have a personal meaning to you and this would reveal the hidden meaning behind it. But in general, 3 o'clock usually carries religious connotations. If this is relevant to you, then your subconscious could be telling you to have faith and believe that challenges are not given to you if you cannot handle them.

Looking for a man for married women

I am female and married. I dream I am anxiously looking for a man for a relationship. My husband doesn't factor into this. As if he doesn't exist. I ask people if they know someone they can fix me up with. I keep mentioning that I'm turning 60 next year and am afraid I will be alone for the rest of my life. My marriage is fine btw.

Dreaming that you are looking for a man, when you are in a healthy relationship in reality, suggests unacknowledged discontent. This does not have to be related to your marriage, but merely your own frustrations and unrealized dreams. More specifically, for a married woman, the search for a man as a romantic prospect represents your need to assert your freedom and follow your guts. For years, you have placed your husband and your family's needs over your own, but now you want to pursue something for your own happiness and sense of fulfillment.

Reconciling with an ex

I had a dream about a lover I had a falling out with. I dreamt I finally had the nerve to talk to her, and I messaged her on Facebook. Next thing I know we're talking to one another face to face. She tells me that she broke up with her bf over a podcast he listened to. I remember asking her if she was still mad at me, she looked at me and said no. It felt good, almost like we were finally coming back together.

Dreaming of a former lover signifies regret. Your desire to get back together or repair the relationship triggered this dream scenario as a wish fulfillment on your part. Your subconscious wants this to happen, but your real-world self is crippled by fear and apprehension. So, to resolve the conflict, your subconscious conjured this dream vision. Alternatively, being forgiven can also symbolize closure. This is what you need to move forward and pursue other romantic interests, hence your mind gave you this dream as an incentive for you to finally close this chapter of your life. A similar dream symbol, talking to an ex, alludes to mediocrity and a lack of drive. This usually means that while you have the potential to improve your situation, something is holding you back. Instead of rekindling the relationship, your subconscious mind is also urging you not to repeat the same mistakes.

Not helping an ex boyfriend who is sick

My ex is psychologically abusive. He has made contact with my 2 sisters, both much older and estranged from me for many years, one has been issued a harassment warning. So in the dream I stood outside his house (not his current house) and my 2 sisters were inside hosting a party. I could see them through a big window. Some of my friends were going and I tried to warn them but they didn't understand. My daughter was with me. We walked away and I saw my ex in a chair. He is morbidly obese but in the dream he was sickly and very very thin. He had hospital tubes coming out of his nose and was suffering from a serious illness. He seemed to reach out to me for help. I turned around and could see my sisters still in his house laughing and partying and him alone and I turned with my daughter and walked away from both my sisters and my ex. I felt guilty but I was done. I wanted to protect my daughter and we both walked away, me holding her hand.

This dream illustrates the various aspects of your current dilemma in reality. Watching your sisters and your ex from the outside of a house reveals your sense of isolation. You feel like you are not getting the support you need from your loved ones. The party represents your view of their lives, especially your sisters. While they are relaxed and enjoying themselves, you are left abandoned and bearing the burden of adult responsibilities on your own. Meanwhile, the ailing state of your ex in the dream is actually a bad omen for you because it indicates vengeance. His serious sickness means your ex is capable of doing whatever it takes to make you suffer. His silent plea to reach out means he is tricking you into making a bad decision by playing with your emotions. He is planning to attack, so the wise move is to avoid instigating a fight because this will end in his victory. As such, walking away with your daughter in tow means you will choose to take the high road. Despite the pain of being left to fend on your own, it will be better for you and your child's future. Holding your daughter's hand also means you are choosing your future instead of dwelling on your past and allowing your past mistakes to hold you back.

Trying to follow ex's car

In my dream my ex was driving in front of me but I don't know if I was following him because we were going somewhere together or if he was trying to get away from me. So I would speed up to catch up to him and right when I thought I was getting closer, another car would get in the way and and I'd keep going to find him and it was the same thing, over and over.

Following your ex as he is driving in your dream reveals your inability to accept the fact that you have parted ways. As it is, you are living your life holding on to the hope of you and him getting back together. You could still be trying to please him or behave in ways which would make him notice you favorably. Unfortunately, all those other cars preventing you from catching up are all the reasons your subconscious is telling you to let him go. Let him live his life and follow your own path, instead of building your happiness on whether or not he wants you back.

Ex-boyfriend in a boat

I saw my ex-boyfriend sitting in a boat and keep talking to me?

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in the dream world may reflect a desire to see or communicate with him in reality. Perhaps there is still unfinished business between the two of you, or maybe you still have questions for him despite the amount of time that has passed. The boat he sat in could reflect getting the answers you desire to hear or successfully establishing communication between you and him. However, just because you learn what you desire does not mean it will make you happy or bring you peace.

Meeting an ex at the mall

I had a dream where my friends asked to hangout and then we went to the mall and at one store there was a party with everyone from school and I run into my boyfriend and say hi. Then when we were going to leave I see my ex who is working there tell me he still loves me and then I leave to find my friends and go somewhere to eat.

Being at a mall during a night vision suggests a need to make a good impression on someone. In your case, it seems you are still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship with your current boyfriend, hence the need to keep up appearances. You are also perhaps keen to make your ex a little jealous of your happiness. Your ex's confession about still loving you means you would soon be surprised or astounded by one of these men in reality. Perhaps your ex-flame would indeed confess his lingering attachment or make some grand gesture to win you back. Despite how nice this might sound, whatever this surprise is would turn out to be more trouble than it's worth. It could make your life very difficult or cause some friction between you and your current boyfriend.

Meeting an ex at the library

I had a weird dream where I was skating and stopped at this library. I saw that some people where doing class. Then I saw an ex lover in the class. She had a bald spot, and I remember asking her had she forgiven me. She said no, but still wanted to talk. I told her that she missed out on that along time ago. She asked for my number and told me to give it to her before class, I did. And she stated that she would unblock me.

The setting of the library in your dream vision reflects your personal journey through life and the lessons you have learned thus far. The library is a representation of your mind's storehouse for all the knowledge and experience you have gained over the years. Dreaming that your ex-lover was in the library and balding could shed light on both the prominent position she once held in your life and the trouble and hurt she caused at that time. Her willingness to unblock your number and contact you in the dream realm, rather than suggesting she is still interested, predicts that you would soon be surprised or confused by some event or action that occurs in reality. You could soon be shocked by something your ex does or suddenly and unexpectedly meet someone who replaces her in your mind and heart completely.

Being asked to sign divorce papers

I am a 26 year old married woman with kids. I had a dream that I kissed my ex boyfriend. Then, I went home, there were lots of people showing up at my house. Suddenly, a man in a suit with lots of papers came in, sat down at the coffee table. I asked him who he was, what he was doing here. He said he was here for me to sign divorce papers. My husband wanted a divorce. I signed them without reading them. It was also a trick to frame me for a crime of murder I didn't commit.

Despite the ominous message of the dream, this is actually the opposite of what will happen in reality. Specifically, dreaming of yourself kissing your ex-boyfriend means there will be unexpected events or circumstances which will take you by surprise. Fortunately, the second part of your dream suggests this surprise will be a positive one. The reason you can expect positive developments in your life is because a divorce in dreams actually means your marriage is stronger than ever. Instead of worrying about problems with your partnership, you will be happy to know that you have a loving, supportive and loyal husband. In combination with the first dream symbol, this means a new factor will add more blessings and optimism to your household. Perhaps there will be an addition to your family or you can expect current issues to be resolved leading to peace and harmony once again.

Fiance cheating with men and women

My fiance cheating on me with men and women.

Dreaming that your future marriage partner is cheating on you actually has little to nothing to do with your relationship. Instead, it suggests that you are having trouble meeting deadlines or following through on promises. This is because you tend to over-analyze small, unimportant details rather than paying attention to and acting on the big picture. This could cause you some troubles both in your career and in your future married life if you are not careful.

Ex walking slowly

My ex walking to me very slowly.

Dreaming about your ex and yourself in the same vision could have multiple meanings depending on your situation and the other symbols in the vision. In this case, the slow walking style he exhibited may reveal that he is about to enter into a new relationship or has already made some progress with another woman. Subconsciously, then, you are probably wondering how you measure up and compare to the new woman in his life. Perhaps you need to find a hobby or new friend to focus your mind on more productive matters than what-ifs and what could have been.

Hanging out with an ex and current boyfriend

My ex has been appearing in my dreams regularly even though I have moved on and am engaged. In the most recent dream, I wasn't dating either of them but I was just living my life and they were both there. They were hanging out without me and I was just kinda there.

Consistently seeing the image of your ex-lover could be a sign that you are preoccupied with the thoughts about him or your previous relationship, although it could also be an effect of something that constantly reminds you of him. The combined presence of your ex-boyfriend and your new partner also suggests you are hesitating about your choices. It does not mean you do not love your current boyfriend, but it can imply that you may still have some concerns about him which you still have not justified for yourself. As an alternative interpretation, you may make comparisons between your current lover and your ex-boyfriend in terms of attitude and character. If your past relationship ended poorly, it might also show that you are feeling proud of yourself because of your right decision.

Boyfriend's mistress in a garden

I was dreaming about a woman that at one point was with my boyfriend as his mistress. I have seen her in a beautiful garden picking flowers in a white dress with her hair pushed back. It felt peaceful and the garden was beautiful.

One of the most prominent symbols of your vision is dreaming about your partner having a mistress. It is a warning sign about your boyfriend who is probably not as honest with you as you think. It is also possible, especially if you have been quarreling lately, that he has been holding his real emotions inside so that he would not cause more conflicts between the two of you. However, the other symbol of your dream speaks of a very positive turn of events. Seeing this woman walking in a beautiful garden and picking flowers predicts peace and happiness, followed by tranquil time after a period of fights or disagreements with your partner.

Being a mistress to the boyfriend

I am in a solid and loving relationship. I dreamt I was his mistress and was asking for him to leave his relationship?

Having a dream about your boyfriend with a mistress means that your boyfriend could be hiding something important from you. This vision can also tell you that his mind is preoccupied with something that you do not know about. There could have been some difficulty or misunderstanding in your past which he is not quite content with still. At the same time, to see yourself as his mistress could symbolize the fact that you think you do not deserve your boyfriend for some reason. However, the opposite is true.

Fiance with his ex during a power outage

My fiance and I were in the house and his ex wife who does live with us was there too. The power plant next to our house began to shoot sparks and fire and all the power lines were coming down one by one. While this was happening and I walked into the room to tell everyone about the power plant I saw him and her lying together hugging. And all of the sudden I froze and couldn't move. So instead of focusing on getting everyone to safety I was frozen and couldn't move and heartbroken.

The sparks that began to shoot from the power plant represent dire consequences in reality. It suggests that your current actions or trajectory are leading to a terrible end. Furthermore, seeing your fiance hugging his ex-wife often means you have a trusting and gullible nature. Perhaps your trust in someone is misplaced and would eventually cause you trouble. This does not necessarily point toward your fiance cheating. It is possible that he is deceiving you for a different reason. Alternatively, it may not be your fiance at all who is taking advantage of you. This vision, then, is a warning to not be so trusting, otherwise you could find yourself in a difficult situation.

Daughter's father entering a dark room

I am a female and I dreamt my baby daughter's father was wearing black all over and he enters a dark room and immediately the door locked.

The all-black ensemble of the father of your baby represents health problems. He is likely out of shape and in poor health because of his lifestyle, especially if his friends are enabling his bad habits. Unfortunately, his health will continue to deteriorate as the dream showed him locking himself inside a dark room. This means he does not want to listen to your concerns or heed your advice. Pushing this issue could further damage your relationship. Perhaps you can enlist someone's help, someone he trusts, so that you can get through to him.

Son attacking ex boyfriend

I was dreaming I made out with my ex-boyfriend then my son started attacking him and we went and hid and my friend walked in with some other girl that I didn't know and they were crying?

Getting intimate your ex-boyfriend once again in the dream realm often reveals some upcoming circumstances that would take you completely by surprise. Perhaps your son's violent reaction to your ex in the dream means that he would be a part of the startling revelation. For example, he may act in a way you have never seen before or express a desire to do something that you do not necessarily agree with. Your crying friend and their equally sad companion could have two possible interpretations in this case. On one hand, it may mean that this surprise would bring you great happiness and satisfaction. Alternatively, it could point toward a strengthening bond with your son.

Ex-boyfriend as a janitor at school

I am a girl and I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend. He worked as a janitor at an unknown school and he walks in and looks at me and I look back at him. He frowns but walks pass me and doesn't speak. I talk to a female principal and she tells me he doesn't like her because she's nice to students. She and I are afraid he will blow up the school.

Envisioning your ex boyfriend as a janitor reveals your apprehension about your past. You think your previous mistakes will catch up to you and ruin your present as well as your future prospects. So, your ex boyfriend actually represents your general past and not simply a specific person. Hence, fearing that he will blow up the school means you are afraid of sabotaging your own future. You are fearful of falling back into your old habits and patterns of behavior. Perhaps a history of substance abuse, getting involved with the wrong people or making bad decisions are the things you want to purge from your system.

Ex-boyfriend with a lit candle

I had a vision of my ex-boyfriend giving me a white lit candle and he was smiling and happy.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in the dream realm can reflect your continued feelings for him in reality or simply denote a recent interaction that has brought his memory to the surface of your mind. In the first case, him giving you a lit candle could represent a rekindling of the flame of love between you. Whatever caused your separation would be resolved, and you could find solace and love in his arms once more. In the second situation, however, his presence may only be representing someone else from your past in the general sense. If you have no strong feelings for him now, it is likely this reunion would be with someone you knew or interacted with around the same time as your relationship with him.

Boyfriend agreeing to fix the relationship

I dreamt of my boyfriend telling me he wants to fix our relationship, in that dream I responded by telling him he is the driver of our relationship, I'm just waiting for him and then he wrapped me with his arms.

Talking to your boyfriend in the dream signifies a deepening relationship. Your partnership is becoming more meaningful and will likely progress into something more serious. In addition, the topic of your conversation means he will become more proactive and caring when it comes to your relationship. He could even surprise you with a romantic proposal. Whatever happens, you and your boyfriend are going on a path for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Ex boyfriend stealing a belt

I want to know the meaning of a dream in which I got a pair of belts (waist), color black as a gift from a male friend, and as a friend of mine was opening it in order to check it, my ex boyfriend came from nowhere and snatched it and left. I told him to return it, that it's mine but for my friend, yet he refused and left with it. I started crying profusely while I trekked a long path to go and meet him in his house (so that I can collect the belts). I met many obstacles on the way. The crying was just too much.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in this dream is actually a positive allusion to achieving closure. The black belt signifies a feeling of restriction or limited opportunities. You probably feel torn between following your head or your heart. Fortunately, the appearance of your ex is a prediction of an upcoming confrontation which will free you of your personal baggage. It seems like the answer to your problem is rooted in your past trauma. The trek to his home with the many obstacles means this journey to personal transformation will not be an easy task. You may have to confront your personal demons and be at peace with your past mistakes before you can face the future without fear and with a lot of hope.

Having a child with a blonde stranger

I am a single male, 41 years old with no children. I dreamt that a blonde faceless woman was pregnant with my child. A daughter to be exact. She was very kind and sweet to me. She didn't tell me about being pregnant because she didn't want to burden me. We ran into each other while out. I was so happy to find out the news and and asked to be in the child's life as much as she will allow me. I held the pregnant woman, we had affection and love but were not together. I felt such love and was happy.

In dream analysis, getting someone pregnant represents an inconvenience. Something will happen which will disrupt your current routine. Fortunately, the other symbols in the dream suggest this disruption will be a welcome change of pace. The unborn daughter, which you do not have in reality, symbolizes a developing idea or an emerging plan. This could be a new investment opportunity, a business venture, or even a blossoming romance. The process of implementing your plans will be full of challenges and require a lot of your time and energy. The joy you felt at the end of the dream reveals your enthusiasm about this upcoming project. If you are feeling rudderless and dejected lately, then expect things to improve because you will find a sense of fulfillment soon enough.

Asking an ex to go on vacation

Being in a living room and talking quietly on mobile with a Colombian ex date (haven't seen him for 12 years). Asking him to go for vacation in Latin America in a country starting from "D". Couldn't remember the name or at least go for vacation to Italy or Spain.

Envisioning yourself talking to a person you dated reveals your attempts at making a connection. Specifically, this person may exhibit certain characteristics which you wish to emulate or perhaps you wish to go back to this moment in your life because of certain happy memories which you want to relive. You can use the letter D which manifested in the dream as a mnemonic for a place, not necessarily a country, which represents reprieve or comfort for you. It could also be a person who represents rest and relaxation. This vacation planning means you crave a much-needed break from the stressful day to day. Some self-care is due, so your subconscious is reminding you to focus on satisfying your needs. This can be relaxation or some stimulation through socialization, albeit while maintaining safety measures for your health.

An ex who changed completely

I ran into a recent ex (within 3 months) while working a job that I no longer work for. He had walked in behind some of his friends that I thought were bad influences. His personality was completely changed, he was really cold and had no faith in love. It was like he adopted the personalities of his friends. I didn't like this new person he had became in the dream.

Running into your ex at a former job means you are still not over this relationship. Perhaps your growing concern about his well-being has spilled into the dream world, hence your subconscious manifested him into this scenario. This incarnation of your ex is a projection of your fears and current mindset, not just in relation to him but the bigger world in general. It is also possible that you feel you are not in control. Your pessimism could be clouding your judgment and his presence is merely a symbol of the uncertain future.

Stepfather asking to build a room

I had a dream about my ex step dad that had sexually approached me. In the dream he wanted to build a room in our big kitchen in our big house and my mom was ok with it. He had to ask me. What does my dream mean?

Living in a large house in a dream vision suggests you have an ambitious nature. Despite what setbacks or trauma you may have experienced in the past, you cannot be kept down. The large kitchen in this house predicts some troubles on your path to success, however. Your former step-father asking permission to build a room in the kitchen could suggest that this is an issue from your past getting in the way of your current progress. Perhaps you need to take care of old issues before you move on to the next step in your plans.

An ex at the front door

My ex returned home and opened the front door. She called my name and appeared to be lifting packages, maybe groceries and the dream ended.

Seeing your ex returning to your home with groceries represents being rewarded for your hard work and dedication in some way. While you ex may just be a stand in for someone else you love or care about in reality, the admiration or financial benefits you get from those who value you could not be more real. Perhaps this is an unexpected situation, or maybe you have been expecting this for some time. In either case, finally getting what you deserve is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Ex wanting to talk

My ex was yelling to someone that he wanted to talk to me.

Hearing your ex talking to someone else could mean that you are subconsciously missing the connection you once shared with him. This does not necessarily mean that you want him back. Instead, it could mean that you desire some aspect of your past relationship in your current or future ones. The idea that he wanted to talk to you also reveals that your unconscious mind is trying to make peace with your separation. Again, this may not be because you want to rekindle things, but rather because it would allow you to unburden yourself of unnecessary emotional baggage.

Being ignored by people

My uncle avoiding me, an old lover avoiding me, me saying "I love you" to an old lover and him telling me "Well, I don't love you".

Rather than suggesting that any one particular person would ignore or scorn you, this vision suggests you may have some underlying issues with depression or negative thinking. You may tend to see the glass as half empty, especially in today's political and economic climate. It would be wise to reflect on your feelings and perhaps either share your feelings with a trusted companion or seek professional help.

Revealing truth to ex-girlfriend

I dreamt that I invited a girlfriend of mine I've not seen in a long time to my current residence and I revealed why I've neglected her.

While it was your girlfriend's face you saw in this vision, she is actually standing in for someone else in reality because your unconscious mind feels more comfortable addressing her than the actual person involved. With that understanding in mind, it seems you have neglected your relationship with someone important to you in wake life. This vision is the manifestation of your guilt and your subconscious desire to repair the connection.

A missing boyfriend holding a key

My other half is missing. My friend dreamt of him last night, holding out his hand to her and it had a key. She looked away and then looked back and he was gone.

Your friend's vision seems to be a message from your other half. The key he extends to her represents the help and support he is asking her to give you. Even in your darkest hours, you have good friends whom you can rely on for comfort and a shoulder to cry on.

Being with an ex's child

I'm female and my dream is I'm in a hotel alone and suddenly someone knocked at my door, when I opened it it's my ex's kid, he immediately clings to my left leg. Then I go outside to return him to his dad, as soon as I turn my back and go back to my room, the kid will go to me and cling.

The setting of your dream, the hotel room, reveals that you currently have a lot on your mind. At present, there are probably multiple responsibilities and individuals who are eager for your attention, hence your subconscious desire to escape and get away from it all. Your ex's child in this vision represents one of the problems you are dealing with in reality. The kid clings and holds tight to you, acting as the manifestation of your fear that you would not be able to unburden yourself. This vision does not suggest that this is the case, but it may be nudging you to tackle this main problem first. Solving it would likely give you the confidence and peace of mind to tackle other important tasks on your to-do list.

An ex standing on a balcony

I am a girl. I had a dream that my ex was going to a gym but he was texting and ignoring me or didn't look up to see me. I was looking up at him standing on a semi-balcony while I was in a truck with strangers driving to an unknown place. My brother also embraced me in the dream before I saw my ex.

The gym symbolizes body image, so seeing your boyfriend about to go to a gym indicates possible narcissism or placing too much value on appearances. This fixation on outward appearances may have caused a rift in your relationship, plus the fact that he was ignoring you or not paying attention to you suggests depression or a sign of neglect. You are likely doing some Carl Jung shadow work in which you look inwards to understand the darker aspects of your personality and what are the triggers that can set off this negative energy. This journey to self-awareness and healing is further illustrated by the truck pointing to an enormous opportunity or responsibility. You are preparing yourself emotionally and mentally before embarking on this new chapter in your life. On the other hand, it could also mean substantial personal baggage that is weighing you down and feeding your depression.

Meeting an ex in a hotel

I went to a nice hotel to move in with an ex and had a friend, asked if I could take a shower, the ex said no. I saw another room next to ours. I went inside and told everyone that the luggage looked familiar, then my ex husband came in with my kids. Turns out that ex hubby was with an underage girl. I took the kids and left everyone.

This vision contains a number of symbols that suggest you need to reevaluate some aspects of your life, particularly your own behavior and who you spend time with. For instance, moving into a hotel is the first symbol, and it is a prominent, vivid portent associated with dissatisfaction with parts of your reality. Your unconscious mind is already fed up, and is using this vision to bring these feelings to the forefront of your mind. Next, your ex's insistence that you do not shower alludes to not keeping company with men or women who can improve your life. This is supported by the image of the familiar looking luggage, a sign that reveals emotional baggage is rearing its ugly head again in your life. Finally, the source of your troubles is seen in the image of your ex-husband with the underaged girl. This disturbing image actually represents your own naïve, gullible nature. Rather than having anything to do with him, this symbol means your blindness to the true nature of some people in your life is preventing you from making the best choices for yourself.

Running from fiance in the dark

My fiancé said he had a dream about me running towards something in the darkness, so dark he said you can't see. He was trying to catch me and I kept running fast away from him. Not answering him when he called after me.

Your fiancé's vision may allude to some future time when you would be apart. This does not necessarily mean you would break up or end the relationship, rather, it suggests having to spend some time away from each other. For example, you may have to socially distance due to the current virus or maintain a long distance relationship because of work. While this situation may place some strain on the relationship, it does not mean you cannot overcome it.

Buying father's house

I was buying my dad's house and my new boyfriend was there. Ex and his girlfriend came too and we hugged and it seemed melancholic. Dad and stepmom were there too.

Buying a house in the dream world is often linked with the idea of the "American Dream" or getting what you want out of life. In this case, it seems to be related to your relationship with your current boyfriend. Seeing your current boyfriend and ex in the same vision reveals that you may be subconsciously comparing the two, perhaps because the two of you just started going out. But it seems your unconscious mind is already happier in your new situation. The melancholy hug you shared with your ex and his girlfriend may be a sign of letting go of that past so you can focus on your new love interest.

Meeting boyfriend's wife

I am a female. I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were sleeping in his bed and then his wife walked in. They argued and she told him things that only we should know. I left the house and he later appeared at my house and told me that he was single and we were free to be together.

Dreaming about being caught in the act of adultery is often synonymous with guilt in wake life. While your boyfriend may say that he is single and free to be with you in the vision, this is actually your unconscious mind trying to protect you from your feelings of remorse. It is possible that this dream is directly related to your personal relationships, but it could be about something else as well. The only way to truly alleviate your darker emotions is to make amends for the pain you have caused and avoid making the same mistake again.

Losing boyfriend in a raid

My boyfriend and I were at a fancy hotel on a date. We had a good time and started making love sort of in public, a lady kept staring at me so I went to hug her like I knew her, but I didn't. She said my boyfriend was her boyfriend too when I introduced them. I got mad and left. Policemen raided the hotel as I left to arrest everyone in it. I panicked and tried to help my boyfriend but couldn't reach him and my phone got broken by someone standing close by. I woke up wondering if he was okay.

The fancy hotel you were at with your boyfriend predicts an upcoming period filled with prosperity and opportunity. You would have many options available to you, as sex in public and public displays of affection often represent the dreamer's willingness or readiness to try new things. The policemen who enter later in the vision, however, suggest you may have some lingering doubts. The broken phone may allude to communication issues. You might feel better about setting off on a new course if you clearly state your expectations or thoroughly research the path you are considering. Being able to ask questions and get answers should alleviate any worries you have and bring you a lot of peace when the time comes to make your way forward.

Hugging ex's new girlfriend

I am a girl. I had a dream my ex boyfriend was with his new girlfriend in a hotel and I ran into them without my boyfriend and his new girlfriend hugged me. Then I woke up suddenly and peed a little and I don't do that. What does this mean?

The general setting of a hotel in this dream seems to have negative connotations, suggesting bad luck or a general unlucky aura surrounding you in wake life. This is supported by seeing your ex with his new girlfriend, a symbol associated with a matter from your recent past that is unresolved. You might be behind on some bills or have put off an important task due to unforeseen circumstances caused by all this negative energy. Waking up suddenly to having peed yourself in this context is considered a warning. It means that if you act out badly or get upset at your misfortune, it could only make the situation worse. It would be better if you simply grin and bear it until the cloud has passed.

A relationship with someone you don't talk to

I am a teenage girl. I had a dream where I was in a relationship with a person who I don't really talk to. Ever. And occasionally I would walk over to my best friend's (he is a boy) and he was quite nice. The person who I was in a relationship would always sit next to me, be near me, and at least try to kiss me on the lips. The boy bestfriend would always be there on the side watching over us.

Being in a relationship with someone you do not really know or like is often considered by modern dream interpreters to represent your internal feelings about this individual. For instance, you may not like them in general, but a small part of you may be jealous of them because they are popular, stylish or talented at something you would like to be good at too. The presence of your best male friend, in this instance, may also suggest that you would like to gain some of the qualities this individual has so that your friends would like you more. Whether this is because you have feelings for this particular friend deep down or just want to improve your relationships with everyone in general is unclear.

Being welcomed by best friend's family and sister dying

I'm a female. I had two dreams, in the first one I was with my best friend's family whom I love very much. I also have feelings for her brother in real life, and in the dream their dad asked me when we were finally going to get together. He told me the whole family was asking and wanted us to be together. In my second dream, my older sister tragically died. I kept denying it and asking people if they "were sure" she was dead. I woke up crying because I thought she was actually gone.

Your best friend's family encouraging you to form a connection with your crush in the dream realm represents your subconscious mind's desire for such a relationship to form in reality. In a sense, you feel like your friend's family is your family, and there is no better way to solidify the connection than by becoming an actual member of the family. While this vision does reflect your own strong feelings towards this family and your crush in particular, it does not reveal anything about his feelings on the matter. The second vision may or may not be related to the first. Envisioning your living sister has passed away in a dream often means she would do something to disappoint or upset you in the near future. Perhaps she would break your trust or dump some of her responsibilities on you. In either case, it seems that there would be no recourse. You would simply have to grin and bear it.

Finding out that love interest likes someone else

In the dream I walked in this girl's house whom I still have feelings for, I go sit beside her sister on a couch and I saw the girl. She comes from another room with another man, both their backs are towards me as they walk to the front door and put their shoes on and I ask her sister who is that guy? She says that is her husband. I get sad after hearing this, I go into the bathroom, wash my feet and switch my sandals. Then I open the door and some of her family standing outside bathroom door looking at me.

Walking inside the house of a girl you like suggests a yearning for a stronger connection with this person. Her sister or any family member represents her close friends or actual family in real life whom you probably want to impress. Unfortunately, the husband of the girl in your dream implies a level of inaccessibility. It is possible you see her as out of your league or hard to get to know. You likely also think that you do not stand a chance with her. The sandals or slippers also represent insecurity and self-doubt. Ultimately, this desire to get closer to her is impeded by your own flagging self-confidence. Washing your feet in the bathroom is a particularly negative dream symbol signifying rivals taking advantage of your moment of weakness. In addition, seeing her family looking at you implies a desire to please others. Your own consciousness could be encouraging you to believe in yourself instead of seeking approval from others.

Lending a hand to someone

Offering help to someone in the dream symbolizes the assistance that you are also getting in the real world. The support you are getting from people brings you satisfaction and contentment. Similarly, this is a sign that you are channeling this support to people who need your encouragement as well. You believe that doing so will help strengthen your relationship with the people around you.

Mentioning boyfriend's name

Having a vivid dream of mentioning or saying your boyfriend's name may have a different meaning depending on your situation in real life. For one, this signifies that you might experience some sort of conflict with your partner, which could be due to differences in beliefs or lifestyle. Conversely, this may carry a good connotation about your current relationship. You might have some doubts about the relationship, and this vision answers those, so you should learn to trust more.

Ex-boyfriend carrying a snake

The image of your ex-boyfriend or lover carrying a snake is a bad sign of things to come. It often portends that he is working against you and trying to persuade others to abandon you as well. This may have something to do with addiction, either to certain substances or attention. You may be pursued or chased by these poisonous individuals and their foul rumors for some time. If you have been holding onto thoughts of rekindling something with this man, you may want to reconsider. Surrounding yourself with toxic individuals will not help you grow as a person.

Ex-boyfriend getting married

Attending your ex-boyfriend's wedding in the dream world is a metaphor for not wanting him back in your life anymore. Although you might be getting a hint of confusion about whether you still miss him or love him, this vision is your psyche telling you to move forward and start a new chapter in life. Likewise, this also indicates forgiveness toward someone who broke your heart. Instead of holding on to bitterness, it might be time to start building a new relationship again for your own good.

Husband shot and dying

Dreaming of your husband getting killed in a shooting, for instance at a school or place of work, is an ill omen about problems ahead of you. There might be some conflict from a long time ago between you and another person in your close circle that was not settled well, and this will start to materialize again, which will affect you significantly. If your husband was shot in the heart in the dream, then this conflict might involve you and your partner. A brewing problem in your relationship might be happening, and despite you being positive you'll get through it without addressing it properly, it could potentially lead to a breakup.

Someone being apologetic

Dreaming of someone constantly apologizing in your dream state varies depending on who this person is. For one, an apologetic father in this dream signifies that you lack recognition of what is happening around you. You might feel that everything is going well without realizing that some things are happening beyond your knowledge that could taint your integrity. On the other hand, an ex-boyfriend asking for a pardon is your psyche's way of saying that you would soon experience overwhelming feelings about your romantic or personal relationship.

Boyfriend becoming gay

A dream where you perceive your husband or boyfriend in a relationship with a man varies in meaning. For one, this dream suggests that you feel as if your partner or spouse is keeping something secret from you. This intuition is slowly creeping on you, yet you are afraid to confront him. On the other hand, it could also mean that you are not sure anymore about your feelings for this person. This change may have been due to past mistakes or perhaps you have already fallen out of love. Alternately, it is likely that you crave your boyfriend or husband's attention. Therefore, looking at your current situation will reveal its exact interpretation.

Cheating on boyfriend with a girl

Envisioning yourself cheating on your partner is not directly linked to your love life. But rather, this dream reveals some adverse incidents looming around you. According to dream experts, having this vision is a warning for some illegal or immoral allegations you might receive. Someone you trust is likely to betray you, which can greatly damage how you make relationships. It's either because people have completely lost confidence in you, or you think that everyone will also deceive you.

Partner pregnant with someone else's baby

Discovering that your pregnant partner is carrying someone else's baby is a reflection of you and your partner's differing opinions. This could be a sign of health for your relationship if you are able to question each other's stance on issues without losing your respect for each other. The identity of the man who impregnated your partner would provide more clues about the nature of your disagreements. If your partner is giving birth to twins, then perhaps you are going to keep on birthing ideas inspired by other people which could become lucrative.

Abusive ex trying to kill me

Revisiting a traumatic period from a past relationship involving an abusive ex means there is likely a situation in the present which threatens your current relationship. Perhaps your ex boyfriend beat you before and the lingering psychological effects of this violence made you guarded. In order to keep a healthy mind, it might be in your best interest to seek out professional help or have an open communication with your partner.

Girlfriend leaving you

If you are in a happy relationship and you dream that your girlfriend or boyfriend is breaking up with you, it means you feel that something is off with your partner. Maybe they have been strangely distant or you have been fighting a lot more recently. Whatever the case may be, you are worried that you are drifting apart and this fear has seeped into your subconscious. It is also possible that someone with malicious intent is fueling your paranoia and making you doubt your partner's loyalty. This is a good time to reconnect with your significant other and open communication lines to avoid any misunderstanding.

Ex wanting me back

If you keep on dreaming of you and your ex-boyfriend or husband getting back together, then this is a sign that you might still have unresolved feelings toward your ex in your waking life. This relationship might be filled with passion, and the breakup has affected you tremendously. This dream could also suggest that you are still processing the separation and are still pondering the reasons why this relationship ended.

Phone call from ex

Receiving a phone call from a once beloved individual refers to a subconscious desire to resolve some other communication issue bothering you in reality. Your former lover is the manifestation of a problem currently weighing on your mind. Talking with someone more experienced or skilled than you in the matter would likely yield the best results in this case.

Meeting someone new

Meeting someone new in the dream realm has different implications depending on if they were male or female. A new guy or man, for instance, is often associated with fears of upcoming money problems or work-related drama. A new female, on the other hand, is usually indicative of anxieties related to love and relationships. This interpretation is possible no matter the sex or gender identity of the dreamer.

Relationships with strangers

Envisioning yourself fall for or have romantic relationships with strangers in a dream realm is a result of your intense desire to be with your girlfriend or boyfriend who is temporarily away from you. This dream will leave you wondering if this was actually a subconscious manifestation of your true feelings, or just a falling fantasy. But be rest assured, if you are willing to give true love then you shall have the same in return.

So my friend had a dream about me and her. My friend and her sister broke into my house, and I was fine with it and later her sister disappeared after meeting my father who is Bruce Wayne. Me and my guy friends were all related. It was a small house so me and her went upstairs to play video-games and watch movies in my room, later her mom shows up, gets married to my father and becomes related to me.

Your friend's dream has a number of symbols that on the surface do not seem to be related. However, given the timing of this vision, it seems to have an underlying theme of wanting to shake things up in the new year. First, breaking into your house suggests your friend has confidence. The presence of her own sister also reveals she has a good support system of friends and family, such as yourself. This is reinforced by your reaction to the break in within her vision. Furthermore, the idea that your father was a superhero means she has a strong desire to be the best version of herself possible. The later marriage between her mother and your father, then, suggests that subconsciously she is aware of how she would make though dreams a reality.

Ending a friendship

Envisioning ending a friendship in the dream realm indicates that the dreamer has outgrown or moved on from a friendship that was once considered one of their best. Your current feelings about the friendship, such as resentment, anger, disappointment, unresolved issues, or past conflicts can also be the reasons, Furthermore, the dream also indicates that you are stuck somewhere between your thoughts and everyday life which are stopping you from achieving your goals in the waking life. It is best for you to keep yourself busy and focus on what you're pursuing.

Text message from ex

Seeing yourself receiving a text message from your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in a dream can have multiple interpretations, however, it symbolizes your current thoughts, feelings, and emotional state, as well as your past experiences in relationships. It is also possible that you are processing your feelings about your past relationship. The magnetism between your past and present is holding you from achieving your desired goals. Overall, this dream is a message to talk to a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings and thoughts and to work through any lingering emotions.

Someone protecting me

The image of someone protecting you may have different interpretations depending on what is going on in wake life. For instance, those who are in love may see the image of protection as a sign to have confidence in their relationship and consider ways they can contribute to the continued growth of the connection. There is also a spiritual aspect to this symbol as well. For instance, seeing this sign after an experience with fate or a miracle may signify that a higher power is looking out for you. This could be God or the angels from the Bible, or it may be someone senior to you in life, like a family member, teacher or boss.

Being rejected by a man

A dream about rejection represents some sort of fear in real life. In particular, being rejected by someone, especially a guy, is a sign of having low confidence. You are cautious to take part in any activity for you feel you are incapable of success. On the other hand, for a girl, this dream also signifies her attitude toward her crush in reality and her difficulty to express her emotions. Whatever the case may be, this dream is encouraging the dreamer to take any moment to step up and find answers in doing so.

Someone lying to you

Dreaming of someone lying in the dream realm can be a vision that reveals a deeper sense of trust and integrity within the dreamer's life. While being lied to is often seen as a negative experience, it is actually a sign of growth and strength. Alternatively, catching the dishonest person in the act shows that the dreamer is able to recognize when something is not right and take action to rectify the situation. Moreover, this dream also highlights the importance of believing in our relationships with people. While the liar may have caused feelings of hurt and betrayal, it ultimately reinforces the value of honesty and sincerity in our lives.

Cheating and divorce

Dreaming of cheating and getting divorced, for instance after having sex with someone you know or a complete stranger, can stem from a fear or feeling of insecurity in your current relationship or partnership. Generally, these visions are signs of weakness that depict a desire for something different or a need for change in your life. It is a reminder to get rid of negative energies wrapping you and focus on your mental and physical health.

Someone getting divorced

Seeing someone getting a divorce in the dream realm indicates feelings of insecurity or uncertainty about your own relationship or marriage. According to modern dream workers, this nocturnal vision is quite common and can represent a natural transition. However, it may also hold a deeper meaning about the nature of partnerships and separations. Generally, it is a reminder to reflect on your own relationship and consider any changes or improvements that may be necessary to maintain a healthy and fulfilling connection with your partner.

Boyfriend being distant

Dreaming about boyfriend who is getting away from your sight or attention can reflect your experiences in the relationship. His attitude and behavior in real life could represent the true answers to your subconscious thoughts and feelings about the relationship. The dream is therefore urging you to reflect on the dynamics of your relationship and to consider if his behavior is a reflection of some outstanding important issues that need to be addressed.

My boyfriend coming home

Dreaming of your boyfriend coming home from a long-time absence or just after he has worked all day indicates a desire for stability and security in your relationship. Generally, the presence of close family members in dreams and and seeing them in the same house suggest that you want to build a future with your current partner. Ontologically, this dream reflects your desire to create a meaningful life both for yourself and your loved ones.

Ex coming back

Dreaming about your ex coming back is a reflection of your current thoughts and feelings about the past relationship. It's possible that you're processing unresolved issues and trying to find answers or reasons for why things ended. On the other hand, seeing your ex healthy and coming back exemplify your desire to keep a positive and healthy relationship with them, or that you're ready to move on and start anew. In any case, this dream validates that matters of love and relationships are still important to you and that it's possible to think about being loved again.

Boyfriend getting hurt

Seeing your boyfriend getting hurt can trigger anxiety and common fears about the well-being of your partner. These feelings may stem from a fear of losing love or encountering challenges in the relationship. It's important to address these concerns openly and honestly with your partner, as communication and support are vital for maintaining a healthy and resilient relationship.

Reconciling with a friend

Dreaming of reconciling with a friend signifies a desire for resolution and finding answers to past conflicts. It is a fortunate dream, as it suggests the opportunity for healing and making peace with someone you once loved or had a close relationship with, like an ex-partner. Contemplate reaching out to that person in real life, as the dream is urging you to initiate the process of reconciliation and move towards a positive outcome for both parties involved.

Ex apologizing

In a dream, seeing your ex asking for forgiveness indicates a subconscious desire for closure and answers regarding past breakups or relationship issues. You are probably seeking resolution and forgiveness within yourself, even if you're not consciously aware of it. However, in order to find healing and move forward, reflect on the influence of past experiences on your current associations, and explore ways to forget and let go, allowing yourself to create healthier connections with your current boyfriend or girlfriend.

Dancing with deceased father

The meaning of a dream where you are dancing with your deceased father is a symbol of emotions you hold in reality. You have a positive disposition in life, and this is something that most people like about you. You are special and adored by many, which boosts your self-confidence. In addition, this dream implies your playful and mischievous side behind your serious appearance.

Separating from spouse

Dreaming about separating from a spouse represents the dreamer's subconscious fear of repeating past mistakes and the potential dissolution of their marriage. The dream serves as a symbol of their anxiety surrounding divorce or separation, highlighting a deep concern about losing their family and love. The dreamer may be harboring unresolved concerns, worrying about unintentionally contributing to the breakdown of their relationship. It's essential for the dreamer to explore these emotions and address any underlying issues, fostering open communication and understanding to strengthen the bond and ensure a harmonious future with their spouse and family.

Niece asking you something

In a dream, seeing your niece asking you something represents a desire for guidance or advice in your waking life. It symbolizes a need for your wisdom or perspective in a particular situation. This dream also reflects your emotional affinity with your niece and your willingness to support her. Alternatively, it also signifies your own curiosity or a subconscious search for answers within yourself. Overall, this dream suggests a sense of responsibility, nurturing, and the importance of open communication with your friends and family.

Relationship with someone you met online

Dreaming of a relationship with someone you met online can carry a deeper significance. While it might not inherently imply romance, it often serves as a symbol of support and assistance, guiding you to help this person through something significant. This dream reflects the modern era of connections and signifies the possibility of a meaningful connection beyond physical encounters. Your angels may be sending signals to offer aid or guidance to this individual. There's potential for a soul connection or the role of a healer in this relationship. If the dream resonates strongly, consider reaching out to them, as it could bring healing and deeper understanding.

Lying on top of your boyfriend

Dreams about lying on top of your boyfriend do not necessarily reflect a literal situation, but rather your subconscious processing emotional and sensory experiences. Even though the figure in the dream represents your perception of your boyfriend, it is not a direct representation of him. Dreams often involve your feelings, perceptions, and experiences. If you were not physically connected in the dream, it could be a manifestation of curiosity, desire, or unexpressed emotions, including sexual ones. Dreams often serve as a platform for exploring suppressed feelings and desires, even those related to intimacy.

Ex-boyfriend during a photoshoot

I was at a photoshoot watching my ex boyfriend tell his new girl how pretty she is and he was saying kind words to her while she was posing for pictures. He was smiling and happy and she was being confident and I was just watching them. I was standing next to a mirror and I don’t remember seeing a photographer at the shoot but I saw the camera flashes. They didn’t pay me any attention and my ex acted like I wasn’t there he was so focused on her and her beauty and being there and supporting her.

Despite the imagery of rivalry or competition, the dream vision of your ex-boyfriend appearing happy with another girl is a positive omen. This dream vision suggests that you need to accept the breakup and move on for the better. The image of a mirror and you standing beside it implies that you may have difficulty accepting this incident at first as it’s not an easy process, but the presence of camera flashes indicates that you are starting to realize that it would be for your own benefit to go ahead in life without him. Instead, you need to choose to preserve the memories you had and learn from the lessons that the relationship and the breakup have brought you moving forward and start meeting new people.

Running away from husband

Running away from your husband in a dream, especially for women or those who identify as female, symbolizes a desire to escape aspects of your domestic life. The husband here may represent not just a spouse or partner but also various responsibilities tied to the home, family or household budget. This dream hints at a wish to avoid conflicts or worries related to these domestic matters. It suggests a longing for a safety net or refuge away from these concerns. However, it is crucial to address the underlying issues rather than escaping from them, as running away only offers temporary relief without genuine resolution.

A perfect partner

Dreams of encountering a perfect partner during the course of a dream vision can be emotionally stirring, evoking desires for love, companionship and emotional fulfillment. This dream often symbolizes a yearning for an idealized relationship or the desire for greater intimacy and connection in your life. It may reflect your subconscious hopes for a harmonious partnership, but it is essential to remember that dreams are a realm of symbolism, not prophecy. While such dreams can inspire you to seek more fulfilling relationships, they should also remind you that true perfection lies in embracing imperfections and nurturing genuine connections. In waking life, your pursuit of a perfect partner can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of your own desires, but refusing the acknowledge or accept less than perfection in yourself or others could be a recipe for disaster and conflict.