Dreams Related To Telephone

A telephone for a young woman

Having a dream vision of a telephone, for a woman, contains the prediction that female rivals may be making plans against you. When a phone, or the image thereof, appears in a woman's dream, it usually symbolizes that her romantic endeavors are in danger of being sabotaged by other parties. This may include direct interference, like preventing a meeting or giving incorrect information, or it may be more discreet, like gossip and rumors. Using the phone but having difficulty hearing the other end also points toward unflattering talk which may, in some cases, lead to the dissolving of a romantic relationship if not dealt with quickly.

An old-looking telephone

Dreaming about an old telephone, such as an antique or an out-dated model, is often associated with lies and betrayal. Using or seeing an old, possibly decrepit phone represents a break in communication which leads to a breach in your relationship with someone close to you, possibly a dear friend or family member. This person may be openly hostile or act nice to your face but actually having something to hide or being insincere.

A telephone ringing

Having a dream about a telephone that is ringing, whether it is a short series of beeps or a persistent noise, is a warning to be more attentive to news or information you receive. It is possible you can make a significant progress or greatly benefit from paying attention and trying to learn as much as you can about this topic, particularly when it could be related to career goals or other dreams you are trying to achieve.

Someone calling you using a telephone

Having a dream about someone contacting you using a telephone, as opposed to other means of communication, indicates a predisposition to being in the center of a social circle and involved with the creation or propagation of rumors. Your participation in these activities is likely due to liking the interaction and chatting with others, or you may simply find the matters concerning others to be more interesting or entertaining. However, dreaming about receiving a phone call may be a warning to more carefully consider the thoughts and feelings of the people you are talking about. Perhaps they may discover the origins of the gossip in your contributions.

A telephone in general

Dreaming about a telephone in general, such as a newer digital phone or an antique with a rotary dial, represents forming connections or forging deeper bonds with the people whom you saw in the same vision. Phones connect people in real life, and seeing a telephone within a dream can be interpreted as efforts in creating links between yourself and others. The people you connect with may not be physically near you, but nonetheless they will be major players throughout the dream. This also harks back to your experiences in everyday life, as you know whom you are going to call and connect with whenever you pick up the phone.

To fully understand the meaning of this particular dream vision, you need to remember or think carefully about the type of phone you used, whom you were trying to get ahold of, and the purpose of your call. Telephone and cells phones are often considered a less favorable form of communication that dealing with people face to face, as you lose the facial expressions and body language that allow you to connect more deeply with the person you are speaking to. As a result, envisioning a telephone within a dream may be interpreted as a sign that the person you are contacting is very important to you or is someone you usually look up to and admire. However, because you cannot speak to them directly, your relationship is not as strong as you would like it to be, or you may be somewhat dissatisfied with some aspect of it.

Buying a telephone

Dreaming about buying a telephone, either a landline or a cellphone, is often interpreted as a sign that you will meet someone who will benefit you in some way. This person you come into contact with likely has the experience or expertise you require for a task or project you are working on. With their advice, you should be able to complete your objective faster, more efficiently and with better final outcomes.

Using a telephone to call someone

Seeing yourself using a telephone to call and contact someone within a dream represents being given secret or some other confidential information or material. However, just as it is easy to speak too long or say too much when chatting on the phone, this dream portends your betrayal of trust and, either purposefully or accidentally, spreading this information around. The result of this action would likely depend on the type of information distributed and how sensitive it was initially.

Finding yourself on the phone with someone else in a dream may also reflect a current situation in which you are relatively successful and happy, but other people around you are jealous or upset with your good fortune. If you continue to ignore their negative energy and focus on improving yourself, you will likely face no problems for awhile.

Not using a telephone

Finding yourself near a ringing telephone, but not answering it or interacting with it, is a positive sign predicting the avoidance of issues or setbacks caused by people who are jealous of you. Ringing telephones are a major distraction in real life and in dreams represent people getting in the way of the plans you want to complete or goals you wish to accomplish. However, not giving in to the noise created by the ringing phone indicates successfully outmaneuvering those who would seek your downfall or failure.

Trying to reach someone by a telephone

Dreaming about trying to contact someone via a telephone and being successful in this matter is a positive sign indicating reconnecting with someone you have fallen out of touch with. This may be an old schoolmate you haven't spoken to in some time or a distant family member you used to be close to. Being unsuccessful in contacting someone on the phone, however, does not have the exact opposite meaning. Rather, it points to self-deprecating feelings or behavior. You may think you are unlucky when in reality there is nothing wrong or few problems in your life.

Answering a telephone

Envisioning yourself answering a telephone in a dream means having lingering thoughts about some unimportant and relatively uninteresting news you may have recently received or heard. You possibly obtained this information through an actual phone conversation, such as with a friend or family member, or saw it on a news program or website. Dreaming of answering your phone is therefore usually interpreted as a hint to rethink and learn more about this topic to figure out why your subconscious mind is focused on it. It may be that it is more important than you originally thought.

Looking at a telephone

Envisioning yourself looking at or observing a telephone is a sign that can be interpreted to mean that you may soon be deceived or tricked by someone you trust. Just as telephones may help disguise a person or their true intentions when information is not shared face-to-face, so does this dream portend being swept up in or becoming unintentionally involved with some disreputable activities you normally would never participate in. This dream may be a warning to carefully consider the information and advice you receive and to listen to your heart and conscience if something does not seem quite right.

A broken telephone

Envisioning yourself trying to use a broken telephone, particularly in dangerous or dire circumstances, predicts experiencing a precarious, possibly volatile situation involving someone you were once close to. It may be that there has been a rift caused by misunderstanding or a more serious division of morals or principles. This dream can therefore be interpreted as a warning that you should make plans or take steps to salvage the relationship before the damage is irreparable.

A cut-off telephone

Having a dream where you are trying to use a telephone that has had its cord cut symbolizes having a disconnect with reality. Perhaps you experienced some loss you are not quite ready to cope with, or maybe your life in general seems a little out of control. Attempting to use a phone that is out of service also could represent contemplating the idea of death, perhaps due to the passing of someone you know recently or exposure to some gruesome, fatal accident.

Using a telephone as a fax

Envisioning yourself trying to receive documents via a telephone fax machine in a dream represents the hard work as well as time and effort you have recently put into projects you have been assigned or goals you are working on. This might point toward those efforts being recognized or rewarded. Additionally, dreaming of trying to send documents using what looked like a telephone fax machine portends experiencing some difficulties or roadblocks, but successfully overcoming them by quickly adapting to the new situation or mobilizing some quick-thinking to solve the problem.